Chapter 3 Only Crazier!

Tang Ye's appearance and speech broke the tense and solemn atmosphere of the meeting room. Chen Shuqing, Lin Yourong, and the other doctors all felt that he couldn't be of help in treating Wang Ai Ren. Besides, except for Lin Yourong, none of the others knew he was a doctor, and their attitude became openly hostile.

"Who are you?" a doctor asked with hostility in his tone.

Chen Shuqing patted his forehead, equally anxious and annoyed, and snorted, "How can you be fooling around at a time like this? Let security come in and throw this kid out!"

However, at that moment, Tang Ye stood up and walked towards Chen Shuqing, saying, "Put aside your arrogance and prejudice. Stroke is not a joking matter, and every minute's delay adds to the danger."

As he approached Chen Shuqing, Tang Ye took out another piece of paper and handed it to him, saying, "Director Chen, my master has a message for you."

"Hm?" Director Chen was taken aback, took the slip of paper, unfolded it, and saw two lines of elegant brush-written characters, "The foolish student has fully learned my techniques. Old Chen, how about giving him a chance to practice his hands?"

Looking at the signature, it read Nong Baicao.

Director Chen was immediately astonished, glanced at Tang Ye, then gave a peculiar look over to Lin Yourong, who was sitting in a corner craning her neck, looking in his direction.

This young man turned out to be the disciple of the medical eccentric, Nong Baicao!

Isn't he the one with the Flaming Syndrome, who needs to unite with You Rong to prolong his life?

Chen Shuqing was acquainted with Nong Baicao precisely because of Tang Ye and Lin Yourong's situation. Nong Baicao wanted to treat Tang Ye's strange disease, while Chen Shuqing wanted to treat Lin Yourong's strange disease. When Nong Baicao approached him, he explained the situation between Tang Ye and Lin Yourong in detail, which Chen completely believed. Subsequently, he witnessed Nong Baicao's exceptional medical skills and became good friends with him.

Previously, Lin Yourong's visit to see Tang Ye was arranged after a discussion between Nong Baicao and Chen Shuqing. However, Nong Baicao did not give away specific information about Tang Ye because of the complexity surrounding Tang Ye's background, which should not be exposed too much. So he let Tang Ye and Lin Yourong understand each other after meeting. Unfortunately, Wang Ai Ren's incident occurred suddenly, and Lin Yourong left first, preventing them from meeting.

But what Lin Yourong didn't know was that Tang Ye, whom she had bumped into when she rushed out of the café, was exactly the person she was supposed to meet.

Chen Shuqing never imagined that the person Nong Baicao mentioned, who could treat Lin Yourong's Frost Syndrome, would be his own direct disciple. Initially, Chen Shuqing was worried that the person with the Flaming Syndrome might have a problematic identity, like having a vicious character or being an unpleasant old man. Now, seeing the talented and resolute Tang Ye, he was very pleased.

Looking honest and well-presented, with an age similar to Lin Yourong's, and as Nong Baicao's disciple, it would be a blessing for You Rong to be with such a young man.

"Child, what is your name?" Chen Shuqing asked eagerly, looking at Tang Ye with keen interest.

Tang Ye replied politely with a slight smile, "Tang Ye."

"Good." Chen Shuqing clapped Tang Ye on the shoulder and said, "Tang Ye, our relationship is no shallow matter. But now, with the urgent situation at hand, those matters can wait. You just mentioned that anesthesia can be done without drugs, do you have a good method?"

The doctors were puzzled. What was the relationship between Director Chen and this young man?

Seeing Tang Ye's confident demeanor as Chen Shuqing asked the question seriously, the other doctors were also curious and wanted to hear what good methods Tang Ye might suggest to solve Wang Ai Ren's anesthesia problem.

Looking at everyone, Tang Ye pulled out an acupuncture needle and confidently said, "Acupuncture."


The whole room erupted into an uproar!

Subsequently, contentious discussions followed, but the remarks were not friendly.

"Acupuncture? Isn't that Traditional Chinese Medicine? Even in ancient times, anesthesia in Chinese medicine involved drinking herbal concoctions; how can acupuncture achieve this?"

"Hey, why waste words on the impossible? If a needle prick could anesthetize, what would we need anesthetic drugs for? This kid must be here to mock us; he has an insolent attitude. Kick him out quickly!"

"Isn't there a Chinese medicine expert here? Stand up and explain, huh? If acupuncture was so amazing, what have the practitioners of Chinese medicine been doing all this time?"

"This kid must be problematic; what could someone so young understand about medicine?"

The skepticism towards Tang Ye was driven by two main reasons. First, his young age. Second, the lack of substantial recognition for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Isn't that the truth? Even for a gifted doctor, sufficient experience is required, isn't it? What use is discussing strategy on paper without experience? Can you afford to be careless and just "give it a try, then try again" when it comes to treating illness? And so young, what experience could you possibly have?

Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine is indeed in decline today. Has anyone seen surgeries preceded by consultations with a Chinese medicine practitioner? Isn't traditional Chinese medicine more about chronic adjustments? Faced with an emergency like a stroke, almost all doctors consider Western medical solutions!

"Don't let this kid waste time here, dammit—hey, Director Chen, do you know this kid?" The deputy director, Yang Changpeng, had a gloomy expression and was resentful towards Chen Shuqing.

Not content with just one complaint, he added another, "It's not that nepotism is always unacceptable, but should it happen at this time? If Comrade Wang Ai Ren's treatment is delayed, the whole team will be penalized. Do we still want our jobs or not?"

This was a hard truth. Since it was an order from above, if the treatment failed, there would undoubtedly be criticism and punishment. No one wanted to lose the positions and honors they had worked decades for.

Many doctors agreed with Yang Changpeng's words.

Ah, such damn bad luck to encounter a seriously ill person of Wang Ai Ren's stature. Curing him would be cause for celebration—with honor and a bonus surely not far behind. But if the cure failed, not only would one's good standing be at stake, but losing one's job was a matter of life and death. And with a critical illness like a stroke, the chances of a cure were slim indeed!

Seeing the crowd agreeing with Yang Changpeng, Chen Shuqing couldn't help but become angry. Yang Changpeng was the deputy director, always complaining that Chen Shuqing didn't retire on time, always wanting to take over his position. Because of this, Yang Changpeng often targeted him.

He knew that the doctors currently just didn't want to take responsibility, to avoid implicating themselves.

"If you had a solution, would I still need to waste words and endure your criticism?" Angered, Chen Shuqing snorted coldly, giving no one any face.

He then looked at Tang Ye again. Influenced by the reputation of Nong Baicao, the "medical fanatic," he held expectations for Tang Ye and asked, "Tang Ye, do you really have a solution?"

Being opposed and criticized by so many, Tang Ye was somewhat angry. Even a clay Buddha harbors some anger, and he was just an ordinary man. But saving lives was the priority, and he insisted firmly, "Director Chen, I am confident, I'm just afraid you won't give me the opportunity."

Seeing Tang Ye so confident, and noting his resolute face, Chen Shuqing grew even more hopeful. However, that was still not enough, as Wang Ai Ren's critical condition allowed no room for hopeful recklessness. He proceeded to test Tang Ye further. Grabbing Tang Ye's hand, he felt it, then smiled satisfactorily.

Tang Ye's hands were rough, his thumb and index finger even deformed, a sign of long-term acupuncture practice. By his estimation, Tang Ye's hands had been practicing acupuncture for at least a dozen years. This suggested that Tang Ye had been diligently studying, and his medical skills should not be lacking.

Chen Shuqing made his decision, telling Tang Ye earnestly, "Alright, give it a try!"

"What? Give it a try? Director Chen, are you sure you're not joking? Ouch, you are pushing us all into a pit of fire! You—are you really handing this critical matter to a kid? I am telling you, if something goes wrong, I refuse to take the responsibility!" Yang Changpeng immediately voiced his objection.

Another group of doctors echoed this sentiment, all trying to shirk responsibility.

Director Chen's anger flared up; with a wave of his hand, he cursed, "What are you opposing? If you're capable, then step up! Haven't you heard of the new waves pushing the old ones in the Yangtze River? Since you are too scared, then follow my orders! You don't want to take the responsibility? Fine, I will!"

Wow... the crowd exhaled. It was cause for joy. With someone voluntarily taking on the responsibility, they were off the hook, weren't they? Let's give it a try, as they wouldn't be the ones to blame if things went awry.

However, there were doctors who weren't so heartless, voicing their concerns, "Director Chen, even if the anesthesia problem can be solved, what about the surgery? We don't have a definitive treatment plan. If this young man takes action, could it cause conflict? And we are running out of time..."

The room fell silent.

Chen Shuqing was at a loss for words. Indeed, this was the real problem. Simply solving the anesthesia issue wasn't enough; the main issue was the treatment.

Seeing Chen Shuqing's aged face grow troubled, Tang Ye felt a pang of compassion and raised his hand, "Let me do it. Anesthesia and treatment—I'll handle them both."


The entire place was in an uproar once again!

Had they heard wrong? Did this young man just say he could resolve Comrade Wang Ai Ren's stroke on his own?

Even Lin Yourong, who sat in a corner, couldn't help covering her mouth with both hands in shock. This guy was outrageously arrogant—to a whole new level!

A single person, a practitioner of Chinese medicine, was claiming he could cure an elderly man in his eighties of an acute stroke?