Chapter 4 Genius Doctor?


The doctors in the meeting room became restless, even though Chen Shuqing had stepped up to assume responsibility, they still felt that Tang Ye was too arrogant. Such a young man, actually wanting to take sole responsibility for Wang Ai Ren's stroke treatment—did he really think he was a Daluo Golden Immortal?

Feeling belittled and trifled with, many doctors were abuzz with discussion, all expressing dissatisfaction with Tang Ye and some even accusing him directly.

"Don't talk big, kid. Are you here to mess around on purpose?" Deputy Director Yang Changpeng scolded Tang Ye.

Some people are just like that, not wanting to take responsibility on the one hand, while not wanting to appear incompetent on the other, always assuming they are the only ones who can show off.

Tang Ye furrowed his brows, too lazy to bother with them, and looking at Chen Shuqing, he said, "Director Chen, what do you think we should do?"

Chen Shuqing hesitated, to tell the truth, he didn't believe that Tang Ye alone could resolve Wang Ai Ren's stroke. Otherwise, what would become of his face, as well as the face of the experts in his hospital?

However, he still prioritized saving lives and asked Tang Ye, "Do you... really have confidence?"

Tang Ye confidently replied, "I don't do things I'm not sure about. My master wouldn't allow me to treat someone who could be healed to death. I don't want to be kicked out."

Chen Shuqing thought about how formidable Nong Baicao was, and figured his disciple probably wouldn't be lacking either. Time was also running out, so he steeled his heart and let Tang Ye try, saying, "Alright, Tang Ye, you go and give it a try. Whatever help you need, just ask!"

"Director Chen, how could you..."

Yang Changpeng and a group of doctors had objections again, but Chen Shuqing was impatient and glared at them before they could speak, exclaiming, "Haven't I said it? If you're capable, then do it yourselves! If not, then shut up! I will take the responsibility!"

The crowd was cowed, and remembering that Chen Shuqing had said he would take full responsibility, they all fell silent but all had grim expressions, curious to see how the young Tang Ye would treat a stroke!

Then Chen Shuqing took Tang Ye to the emergency room with everyone following. Lin Yourong found an opportunity to rush over, and when she got in front of Tang Ye, bit her lip and hummed, "Tan-, Tang Ye, can you, can you really do it?"

Tang Ye knew Lin Yourong was there; he had followed her to the meeting room and then slipped in through the back door.

He glanced at Lin Yourong and was truly amazed. Because Lin Yourong in a nurse's uniform was even more charming, such a woman, enough to make a man dizzy.

"Tan-, Tang Ye..." When Lin Yourong saw Tang Ye, she felt a bit embarrassed to hold his gaze, but she was also very surprised and curious.

This guy is a doctor, and quite arrogant at that, but is he really that amazing?

Chen Shuqing saw them like this, and became curious, looking at them he said, "You... have met before?"

Lin Yourong, not knowing the relationship between her and Tang Ye, said, "I just met him. Mr. Tang is a very impressive traditional Chinese physician. But with the current situation..."

As she spoke, Lin Yourong cast a skeptical glance at Tang Ye. Clearly, she didn't quite believe that Tang Ye, a practitioner of Chinese medicine, could treat Wang Ai Ren's sudden stroke.

Tang Ye didn't mind, and smiling lightly at Lin Yourong, he said, "Don't worry. Human lives are at stake; I won't joke around."

"Mm..." Even though Tang Ye said this, Lin Yourong still felt uncertain, after all, Tang Ye's claim was too fantastical. Could he really be that incredible?

Chen Shuqing, upon seeing that the two were acquainted, was pleased and explained to Tang Ye, "You Rong has been studying nursing since she was young and is the most outstanding nurse in the hospital."

"That's very impressive. She could rely on her looks, but instead, she relies on her talent. That's ambitious," Tang Ye said in admiration.

Lin Yourong blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Right now, the important thing is treating the illness. I won't disturb you anymore!" Lin Yourong said, to avoid the ongoing embarrassment.

Upon reaching the emergency room, they saw an elderly man lying in the hospital bed groaning in pain, the sound heart-wrenching. The old man's hair was completely white, but his skin was not as wrinkled with age as one might expect, and one could barely glimpse the iron-blooded demeanor of his past.

He was the old military hero, Wang Ai Ren.

Tang Ye looked at Wang Ai Ren lying on the bed in agony and frowned, saying, "We can't delay any longer, we must start the treatment immediately."

"Okay!" Chen Shuqing replied with a grave expression, "What help do you need?"

Tang Ye, with a serious and earnest demeanor, glanced at Lin Yourong, pondered for a moment, then said to Chen Shuqing, "Are you sure You Rong's nursing skills are strong? Then I will need her help."

"Uh..." Lin Yourong was taken aback.

But seeing Tang Ye's serious expression, not joking, and possibly because the treatment was so critical, actual technical skill was needed.

Chen Shuqing was slightly surprised, then nodded and said, "Alright, You Rong has assisted with many doctors' surgeries, and I believe she can help you!"

Lin Yourong wasn't afraid and did not refuse. She believed in her abilities, also wished to save lives, and there was another reason—curiosity about whether Tang Ye could truly treat Wang Ai Ren. So she stayed in the emergency room to help Tang Ye.

The other doctors all left, and Tang Ye began the treatment.

He went to Wang Ai Ren's side, first taking his pulse, frowning a bit more, his expression turning more solemn, and then he took out a packet of silver needles, the very ones he'd used to treat Lin Yourong's calf before.

These silver needles were wrapped in an old-looking pouch, seemingly made of animal hide.

Tang Ye unfolded the pouch, revealing two rows of neatly arranged silver needles inside. Twelve in one row, twenty-four in total.


Tang Ye's technique was extremely skilled, with a swift motion, it was impossible to see how he moved before he had already taken a silver needle and gently pricked an acupoint on Wang Ai Ren's neck to test.

At this time, outside the emergency room, a group of doctors watched through the glass wall. They wanted to see how the boastful Tang Ye would treat the patient, still overwhelmingly skeptical, doubting Tang Ye's capability.

A young man, even if he knew about acupuncture, could he really be more formidable than the seasoned practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine? The senior TCM doctors in the hospital hadn't said a word, yet this youngster was treating alone. Let him do it, then, and see how he manages when there's a problem!

Vice-Director Yang Changpeng even harbored some sinister thoughts, if Wang Ai Ren couldn't be cured, and something went wrong, Chen Shuqing would have to take responsibility, and the Director might not be able to hold his position, then wouldn't he, the Vice-Director, have a chance to rise?

The world never lacked for villains, after all.

But at this moment, Tang Ye held his breath, as if he had forgotten the existence of the outside world, focusing entirely on assessing Wang Ai Ren's physical condition.

Chen Shuqing was silent. Most of them had studied Western medicine and did not understand much about traditional Chinese medicine, so they deliberately let a senior TCM doctor come up front to observe Tang Ye's treatment and explain what he knew.

The senior TCM doctor Chang Guodong put on his presbyopic glasses and stared intently at Tang Ye. To be honest, he was quite irritated by this suddenly emerged arrogant youngster.

Now that traditional Chinese medicine was in decline and patients did not have much faith in it, why would anyone insist on taking the lead with TCM? Worried about not having enough bad reviews? If it became known that Wang Ai Ren died at the hands of a TCM doctor, traditional Chinese medicine would inevitably be criticized. Then, patients would trust it even less, affecting the reputation of TCM doctors across the country.

Why couldn't Tang Ye consider such consequences?

Chang Guodong sighed, deeply worried about the fate of traditional Chinese medicine. He feared malicious media might seize the opportunity for negative reporting.

Invisibly, everyone assumed Tang Ye could not cure Wang Ai Ren.

Inside the emergency room at that moment, Tang Ye pricked the Neiguan acupoint on Wang Ai Ren's arms and the Hegu acupoint at the base of his thumbs with silver needles, watching Wang Ai Ren's facial expressions and reactions with full concentration.

Wang Ai Ren had been unconscious, but after being needled, his body suddenly trembled and he began to come around.

Tang Ye looked at him and said softly, "Grandfather Wang, do you feel some swelling pain and numbness?"

Wang Ai Ren nodded.

Tang Ye immediately felt a deep respect for this anti-war hero.

In the case of a stroke, a person could be in extreme anguish, almost always falling into a state of mental confusion, due to cerebral hemorrhaging or ischemia. Hemorrhaging puts pressure on the brain with leaking blood, while ischemia leads to atrophy due to insufficient blood supply.

Even so, Wang Ai Ren was alert, which demonstrated his tremendous willpower!

Lin Yourong, standing by, was shocked to see Wang Ai Ren wake up, never expecting that just a few needles from Tang Ye would do the trick!

Maybe this guy really had a way to treat him!

"Connect the neural stimulator for me, set it to the direct current strength and needle tremor frequency," Tang Ye said without looking at Lin Yourong, his tone firm.

Tang Ye was very focused and serious, and Lin Yourong, influenced by his demeanor, obediently and swiftly connected the neural stimulator. Tang Ye used it to continuously stimulate Wang Ai Ren's acupuncture points, and after 20 minutes, he checked Wang Ai Ren's condition again to make sure he was completely anesthetized.

The doctors outside were taken aback.

The acupuncture anesthesia was completely effective, even impeccable!

Had it really worked?

This Tang Ye, he truly had some skills!

Acupuncture and mild electrical stimulation took a bit longer, but it completely avoided the risk of negative effects on the nerves of elderly people, which was incomparable to anesthetic drugs!

In fact, acupuncture anesthesia had always existed throughout history, but very few doctors truly mastered this technique. Tang Ye's operation might seem simple, but Lin Yourong, standing by his side, was the only one who knew the great pressure he was under. Just now, Tang Ye's eyes hardly blinked, indicating that not the slightest error could be made in such a procedure.

Lin Yourong's admiration for Tang Ye grew immensely, she gently picked up a towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Tang Ye looked towards her and smiled lightly in gratitude.

Lin Yourong lowered her head, blushing slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Now that Wang Ai Ren was anesthetized and his head pain greatly relieved, he closed his eyes, his expression peaceful, easing the tense hearts of all those present.

With Tang Ye achieving this, many doctors were impressed, and the opposing voices all but disappeared. Yang Changpeng, who had been the loudest critic, now fell silent, seemingly avoiding other people's gazes to escape embarrassment.

He had been the most opposed to Tang Ye, and now Tang Ye's remarkable performance was a slap to his face!

Chang Guodong's eyes, however, flickered with a hint of amazement. He had been worried that Tang Ye wouldn't be able to do anything. Yet now, perhaps this young man really could achieve something!

The doctors began to regard Tang Ye with a new respect. In the medical field, for someone so young to possess such skill indeed warranted the label of genius.

However, the more critical treatment was yet to come. It had been detected that Wang Ai Ren suffered from ischemic stroke, with small thromboses blocking his cerebral vessels. According to the original plan, a craniotomy was necessary, but Tang Ye was using silver needles, so how would he treat it?

Could a genius, truly be a genius?