Chapter 5 You want to date me!

Under the influence of Tang Ye's displayed abilities just now, everyone was staring at him, wondering how he would treat Wang Ai Ren's severe brain stroke. Lin Yourong was also quietly observing, but she had another task—assisting Tang Ye in administering the treatment.

"Show me the CT scan." Tang Ye's expression was serious, and his gaze did not linger on Lin Yourong's exceptional figure, transforming into a very experienced doctor.

Lin Yourong was very obedient, immediately handing over the brain CT scan of Wang Ai Ren to Tang Ye, then watching him intently. It seemed that if Tang Ye had any needs, she would immediately fulfill them.

Watching Tang Ye this closely, she noticed that Tang Ye had a determined look with an inherent charm. Although his face was not as handsome as those top-tier stars, he was sunny and handsome, with a unique temperament that unknowingly attracted her.

After looking at Wang Ai Ren's brain CT scan, Tang Ye said, "This is a typical ischemic stroke caused by the blockage of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries. It seems that our old hero loves to drink, and the proof is nearly 70 degrees. It is precisely because of this strong alcohol that he suffered a sudden stroke."

"How do you know that?" Lin Yourong asked in surprise, looking at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye turned his eyes toward her, then suddenly narrowed them with a cunning smile, as if up to no good, and said, "You Rong, don't you believe me? How about we make a bet? When Grandpa Wang gets better, let him tell the truth. If it was after drinking strong alcohol, you'll go on a date with me. If not, I'll go on a date with you, how about that?"

"Ah..." Lin Yourong's heart wavered, and her face turned red.

A date?

It had made her shy heart beat wild.

She quickly became annoyed, gently biting her lip, looking at Tang Ye with a victimized expression.

This guy is being frivolous again, at such a critical moment, how can he act like this!

"Tang Ye, we can't joke at this time! Hurry and treat Grandpa Wang!" Mustered with courage, she huffed at Tang Ye.

"You first have to tell me if you'll take the bet," Tang Ye said with a smile. In fact, he was confident of healing Wang Ai Ren, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to joke around.

Lin Yourong felt livid, glanced at Wang Ai Ren, couldn't bear to see him like this, bit her lip and huffed, "Is my agreeing not enough for you?"

So wronged she looked.

"Good." Tang Ye was very pleased.

"You might not win!" Lin Yourong said indignantly, a bit spitefully.

But Tang Ye looked at her, his smile full of playful meaning.

Ah... She recalled Tang Ye's terms of the bet, if she lost, she would have a date with him. If he lost, he would have a date with her... Didn't this mean she would end up dating him either way?

She had been tricked!

"Tang Ye, you..." Lin Yourong was so angry she wanted to scold Tang Ye for being despicable and shameless.

The many doctors watching from the outside were also showing dark expressions. They were annoyed, although Tang Ye had performed well just now, what was he doing now?

At such a critical moment, he was actually flirting with Lin Yourong!

Chen Shuqing also didn't know where to put his face, bombarded by the questioning gazes of many doctors questioning his decision to employ a frivolous youngster like Tang Ye, he looked at the ceiling, pretending if he couldn't see it, it wasn't happening.

Tang Ye didn't continue to fool around and focused once more on treating Wang Ai Ren.

He didn't rush to apply needles; first, he took out a razor to shave off hair on several parts of Wang Ai Ren's head that were involved in the needle application, to facilitate the needling. Then he selected one of the longer silver needles from the twenty-four and aimed at the area in Wang Ai Ren's brain vasculature with a thrombus as shown in the CT scan and inserted the needle.

After gently inserting a needle, he left it there for a while and then removed it, immediately wiping the area with a sterile wet towel, leaving a faint blood stain on the towel.

Lin Yourong was shocked to see this.

Could it be that Tang Ye wanted to use the needling method to extract and dissolve the thrombus in Wang Ai Ren's cerebral vessels and thus achieve the effect of clearing the blockage?

She had never seen traditional Chinese medicine so powerful!

Not just Lin Yourong, the doctors watching from outside were also full of surprise.

If the thrombus could be resolved and the cerebral vessels reopened, everything else would be easy. The problem is that this step has stumped countless doctors. Because in Western medical practices, considering thrombolysis, antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulation, and neuroprotection are all part of the procedure. And the brain is fragile and sensitive, which makes intervention very difficult!

However, Tang Ye's treatment greatly avoided these risks!

Many doctors were even more impressed by Tang Ye!

At this moment, Tang Ye was focused and unaware of the astonishment of others. He manipulated the silver needles, occasionally switching to a different one, his eyes only lingering between the needles and Wang Ai Ren, unaffected by anything else.

Lin Yourong was fascinated by Tang Ye's concentration. A man focused on his work is always particularly charismatic.

At this time, sweat began to bead on Tang Ye's forehead.

Others saw him as relaxed, but inserting needles was actually a very physically demanding task. It demanded not just physical strength but also a strong will and superior skills from the practitioner. When inserting needles, it was imperative to locate acupoints accurately, move quickly, and handle the needles adeptly, or else the treatment would not be very effective. Moreover, different acupoints required different depths of insertion, so the practitioner needed to be able to flexibly apply and release pressure.

Under such difficult maneuvers, Tang Ye's sweating increased, as if he was about to exhaust himself. Lin Yourong, seeing this, was alarmed and very concerned, quickly stepping forward to wipe his sweat. She wanted to urge Tang Ye to rest for a while, but he was so absorbed in his work that he skillfully inserted and withdrew the silver needles, switching between them several times according to the state of the blood clot.

Outside, the senior Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Chang Guodong explained to the many doctors what he had witnessed. The doctors were moved, casting surprised looks at Tang Ye, no longer harboring any biases!

"This young man is not simple... And those silver needles, they don't seem like normal ones. Let's see, one, two, three... twenty-four! Twenty-four silver needles—could it be the Xuan Que Twenty-Four Needles?" Chang Guodong was even more surprised.

"What are the Xuan Que Twenty-Four Needles?" a doctor asked in confusion.

Chang Guodong explained, "The Xuan Que Twenty-Four Needles originated from the Taoist profound heart method 'Tong Tian Genuine Scripture.' They were meticulously crafted by a folk divine physician after comprehending the scripture's heart method, consisting of twenty-four needles, each with its unique characteristic. They are said to be able to communicate the mysteries of heaven and earth and are very mystical. The needles were lost for a time but resurfaced decades ago with the medical fanatic Nong Baicao. If this young man possesses the Xuan Que Twenty-Four Needles, could it be... that he is a disciple of Nong Baicao?"

Chang Guodong looked towards Chen Shuqing for an answer.

Chen Shuqing nodded and said, "Now you understand why I dared to let Tang Ye give it a try, don't you?"

Everyone was astonished. There had been rumors in the medical community about the medical fanatic Nong Baicao, who was said to be a divine physician who had grasped secret techniques with the ability to bring the dead back to life.

Of course, that was somewhat exaggerated. Simply mentioning enlightenment, secret techniques, and raising the dead were too fantastical, too rooted in idealism, for this materialistic world to take seriously. As a result, the stories about the medical fanatic Nong Baicao were merely folk tales.

"Ah..." At this moment, a startled cry came from the intensive care unit.

"What happened?" Chen Shuqing immediately looked over.

Everyone else looked over as well.

"What... what is this?" The crowd was astonished once again.

They saw Tang Ye begin to insert needles near the acupoints adjacent to Wang Ai Ren's intracranial arteries and vertebral arteries. Observing Wang Ai Ren's expression at this moment, it was clear that her condition had greatly improved!

Her expression was peaceful, her breathing was smooth, and her face had regained color... These were signs of increasingly positive progress in her condition!

Wang Ai Ren was out of danger!

This was why Lin Yourong had exclaimed in surprise. She had never imagined that Wang Ai Ren, whom she thought had a slim chance of survival, would be healed by Tang Ye with his silver needles!

At this point, everyone knew that once Tang Ye dealt with the blockage of Wang Ai Ren's intracranial arteries and vertebral arteries, Wang Ai Ren would be out of harm's way.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, everyone looking at Tang Ye with continuous admiration. So young and yet possessing such superb medical skills, he was bound for a limitless future!

However, those doctors who had wanted to shirk their responsibilities, such as the vice-president Yang Changpeng, had somewhat complex expressions.

In times of crisis, to shirk one's responsibility says a lot about one's character, something everyone was aware of. Without being pointed out, the silent irony was the most embarrassing.

"Tang Ye, you... you're amazing!" In the intensive care unit, Lin Yourong looked at Tang Ye, her eyes sparkling with excitement, lavishing Tang Ye with high praise.

Although Tang Ye was often not serious, displaying such advanced medical skills, as well as such focus and determination, she was full of admiration and fascination for him.

Tang Ye smiled at her and said, "I'm waiting for you to date me."

"You... stop it, you're so annoying!" Lin Yourong's face turned crimson, a mix of exasperation and embarrassment.

Yet she couldn't help but peek at Tang Ye, liking the confident, sunny smile on his face. However, the thought of her strange illness, the thought of having to marry a specific man, immediately dimmed her eyes.

Liking anyone was simply not up to her.