Chapter 8: Killing with One Move!

Yang Jiaxiong's rage was palpable; originally, he had thought that Tang Ye was merely Lin Yourong's boyfriend. So, in this world, as long as you have enough money and power, turning a woman's boyfriend into an ex-boyfriend and becoming her boyfriend yourself is a simple matter, isn't it?

This is called power digging!

However, Lin Yourong directly told Yang Jiaxiong that Tang Ye was her fiancé!

The significance of a fiancé was much greater. Moreover, given Lin Yourong's personality, being serious and devoted, not a flirtatious woman, if she acknowledged a man and reached the stage of engagement, it would certainly be very hard to sway her.

Yang Jiaxiong didn't understand, Lin Yourong was single yesterday, and today she has a fiancé, what the hell—this isn't a joke to be taken lightly!

Staring at Tang Ye, Yang Jiaxiong scanned him more than once, completely certain that Tang Ye was just an ordinary chap.

He was going to make Tang Ye suffer!

"What is your relationship with You Rong?" Not entangling himself with Lin Yourong anymore, he coldly stared at Tang Ye and asked, his tone unfriendly, showing great contempt for Tang Ye.

Tang Ye frowned, feeling no warmth towards Yang Jiaxiong. Not only had he not apologized for the car accident, but he also carried himself aggressively and haughtily. Most importantly, he could see the intentions Yang Jiaxiong had for Lin Yourong.

For Tang Ye, neither of these points was tolerable; after all, he was still a man!

If Yang Jiaxiong had been polite and courteous, it might have been another matter. After all, Lin Yourong was so beautiful and captivating, which man wouldn't like her. However, this guy acted as though Lin Yourong was destined to be his woman, which was unbearable.

With this kind of person around, Tang Ye felt uneasy. What if one day Yang Jiaxiong went mad and came to harm You Rong?

He was blunt with Yang Jiaxiong and didn't feel inferior in his plain clothes, snorting, "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear You Rong say I'm her fiancé?"

These words from Tang Ye made Lin Yourong blush with embarrassment. However, she still glared at Yang Jiaxiong in anger. Her mood had been great, and although her interactions with Tang Ye were still a bit awkward, she felt the future was something to look forward to, but Yang Jiaxiong had ruined it!

Seeing that Tang Ye, an ordinary kid, dared to speak to him like that, Yang Jiaxiong was enraged and shouted, "Kid, are you asking for trouble? Let me tell you, You Rong is my woman, and you will never have a chance! If you know what's good for you, leave You Rong immediately! Otherwise, huh, I'll kill you in a minute!"


Tang Ye was stunned.

What kind of world is this, where you can be so domineering over a woman you like. He was already You Rong's fiancé, and this guy was actually threatening him to leave? Is there no law?

"Yang Jiaxiong, who's your woman! Watch your mouth!" Lin Yourong was furious with Yang Jiaxiong, repeatedly shouting angrily, also worried that Tang Ye would misunderstand, looking at him with anxious expression.

Yang Jiaxiong, being spoken to like this by Lin Yourong, let out a disdainful and gloomy grunt, disregarding Lin Yourong completely, very overbearing.

Tang Ye sneered coldly at Yang Jiaxiong, saying, "You think You Rong is your woman? Then you're truly sleazy. Are you fantasizing about my You Rong in your dreams? Disgusting!"

"You..." Yang Jiaxiong, furious to the extreme, could not hold back any longer, looked at Tang Ye, and suddenly swung his fist out, intending to kill Tang Ye!

His punch was powerful, professional even, creating a whooshing sound as it moved through the air.

Tang Ye was quick to react, holding Lin Yourong and swiftly stepping back, perfectly avoiding the blow. Training for over twenty years with the Medical Sage Nong Baicao, he learned not only medical arts, but also martial arts that strengthened the body. Among them was a unique form of hard Taiji. Taiji is originally soft, but Nong Baicao, with his exceptional talent, conceived this hard Taiji. In combat, it's imposing and fierce!

Seeing Tang Ye dodge in an instant, Yang Jiaxiong's face showed shock and surprise. He hadn't expected Tang Ye to know a thing or two!

But he wasn't afraid; instead, he smiled arrogantly, snorting, "I was actually worried that killing you directly might be a bit unfair since I've professionally trained in Muay Thai, and one punch can easily kill a man. Now that I see you have some skills, I'm no longer bullying the helpless."

Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, emitting a cold sneer, and retorted, "Well, let's see how good your Muay Thai really is."

"You arrogant kid!" Yang Jiaxiong, enraged, clenched both his fists, leaped forward, charged down, and aimed a punch at Tang Ye's forehead.

Aiming directly at Tang Ye's head, if hit by such domineering force, he would either die or suffer brain death, becoming a vegetable. This showed the maliciousness of Yang Jiaxiong, who truly intended to kill Tang Ye.

"Tang Ye, be careful!" Lin Yourong saw this and shouted in shock, covering her mouth in worry.

However, Tang Ye didn't even try to dodge, his gaze ice-cold as he stared at Yang Jiaxiong. He saw the murderous intent in Yang Jiaxiong's eyes. Did he find it reasonable to resort to violence, wanting to kill over an affront in romantic affairs?

How recklessly bold and lawless could he be?

Undoubtedly, Yang Jiaxiong had powerful backing! Moreover, such backing was strong enough to cover up even a murder, without any consequence!

Tang Ye sighed inwardly. No wonder his master had cautioned him repeatedly before he came down the mountain, Yanjing was a place full of troubles, and one must always keep a low profile and be careful.

The problem was, with a girl like Lin Yourong by his side, how could he possibly keep a low profile anywhere?

But he wasn't afraid. Would he dare to wander the world without any real skills?

Tang Ye stared down the attacking Yang Jiaxiong, his cold sneer growing more intense.

Yang Jiaxiong's punch arrived as expected, its powerful force seeming to impact the surrounding air. Lin Yourong, standing nearby, felt an immense pressure and danger, her face turning several degrees paler, fearful that Tang Ye might be injured by Yang Jiaxiong.

Seeing Tang Ye not dodging, Yang Jiaxiong's scornful laughter continued. He thought Tang Ye was merely trying not to lose face in front of Lin Yourong and was just putting up a front. He had trained in professional Muay Thai, and those who knew him were aware of his prowess. Now, as he leapt up and came crashing down, his force doubled in its ferocity. This was an attack meant to be fatal, one to knock out Tang Ye with a single punch!

However, at that moment, Tang Ye simply extended his hand gently, coiling around Yang Jiaxiong's wrist like a water snake. This was the softness of Taiji. Then, his hand suddenly turned firm, and with a crack, his previously bent hand made a domineering sound. Next, he grabbed Yang Jiaxiong's wrist and swung it back and forth as if shaking a fan.

"What?" Yang Jiaxiong was shocked; he felt his force dissipate, neutralized by Tang Ye!

His entire body seemed to float up, posing no threat to Tang Ye!

What exactly had Tang Ye done?

Fear filled Yang Jiaxiong's heart.

"Bang!" Just then, caught off guard, Tang Ye viciously swung Yang Jiaxiong's body, smashing it right into his car.

Crash, the front of Yang Jiaxiong's car, when his body slammed down, shattered glass falling to the ground.

"Spurt!" Immediately after, Yang Jiaxiong coughed up a mouthful of blood, his body aching severely as if his bones were shattered. He lay on the hood of the car like a tortoise, unmoving, gasping for breath.

Lin Yourong, watching from nearby, had already covered her mouth in shock, looking at Tang Ye as if he were a monster.

She hadn't expected him to be so violent!

Yang Jiaxiong, still slightly conscious, struggled to lift his head to look at Tang Ye. Seeing Tang Ye's cold eyes, he revealed a look of immense fear, as if pleading for mercy—he was terrified of dying!

Naturally, Tang Ye wasn't going to kill him. Beating someone up was one thing, but actually killing someone would be a lot of trouble. He had just arrived in Yanjing and had no intention of causing such big trouble.

He dusted off his hands, appearing calm and composed. Defeating Yang Jiaxiong in one move hadn't taken much effort, but it had still left him somewhat dusty. Then he walked back to Lin Yourong's side; she looked at him, her face filled with shock and uncertainty, still not recovered from the violent shock Tang Ye had given.

Tang Ye gave a faint smile and said, "You Rong, it's all right now, let's go."

"This..." Lin Yourong was truly surprised, unable to react for a moment to how strong Tang Ye was! And after such a major incident, Tang Ye still wore a look of calm!

Regaining her composure, Lin Yourong wasn't foolish; she knew Yang Jiaxiong had influential people behind him, and that Tang Ye had now stirred up huge trouble, so she wanted to help handle it.

"I will explain the situation to Grandpa. We're in the right, so there's nothing to fear," Lin Yourong said rationally, solidly, and with a touch of courage.

Tang Ye was taken aback, not expecting Lin Yourong to be unexpectedly strong and sensible, and replied with a smile, "Good."

Soon after they left, the parking lot became noisy. This was because someone had discovered that the son of Vice President Yang Changpeng, Yang Jiaxiong, had been beaten to near-death and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

When Yang Changpeng saw his son's severe injuries, his face darkened ominously. It didn't take long for him to learn that Tang Ye was responsible. His rage was uncontrollable, but the thought of Tang Ye possibly being valued by the Wang family made him hesitant to act recklessly.

Eventually, he made a phone call, his voice woeful, "Cousin, you must seek justice for Jiaxiong!"