Chapter 9 The Police are Here to Arrest Someone!

Chen Shuqing, upon learning that Tang Ye had injured Yang Jiaxiong, found it simultaneously amusing and exasperating, mentally cursing without end.

This kid really knows how to cause a stir, just steps out of the hospital and immediately creates such a mess, truly not giving anyone peace of mind!

However, after he received Lin Yourong's call and listened to her account of the events, his fondness for Tang Ye only grew.

He knew that because of Lin Yourong's frigid condition, she had been delicate since childhood, without many friends, leading to a reclusive and pessimistic personality. He was extremely indulgent towards Lin Yourong, unwilling to let her suffer the slightest harm. Now that Lin Yourong had grown up and he had gotten old, he always worried about who would look after her and whether she would be bullied by others in the future. But with Tang Ye now in the picture, he was relieved of this worry.

To protect Lin Yourong, Tang Ye, despite just arriving in Yanjing, wasn't afraid to offend anyone and gave Yang Jiaxiong, who wanted to take liberties with Lin Yourong, a harsh beating, which showed his true feelings for Lin Yourong. With such a man to look after her, she wouldn't suffer too much harm.

After hanging up with Lin Yourong, Chen Shuqing let out a soft chuckle. As for the trouble Tang Ye had stirred up, Yang Jiaxiong had his people, but did he not have his own?

This country values the law, but it is also a society of relationships where connections intertwine everywhere. Having served as the hospital director at the city's First Hospital for so many years, how could he not have any connections?

"Tang Ye, you don't have to worry, I've spoken to Grandpa about it, and he will surely find a solution." The car was driving smoothly, Lin Yourong had just hung up the phone and turned her gentle gaze towards Tang Ye to reassure him.

Tang Ye nodded with a smile, "Thank you."

"Tha-, thanks for what? You did all that for me..." Lin Yourong softly spoke, with a hint of guilt in her voice.

Tang Ye shook his head, saying, "It's what I should have done. You are my wife, and if other men pester you, not killing them is already showing a lot of restraint."

"Ah... you, you're awful, I'm not your wi-, wife yet..." Lin Yourong retorted with a blushing face, feigning annoyance.

Tang Ye paused, that's true, they hadn't registered their marriage or had a wedding ceremony, they weren't technically husband and wife yet. He smiled and said, "Indeed, we need to take our time with getting married. You have your life, and I have my friends. The shotgun wedding isn't bad, but I'm afraid it might cause a negative impact and trouble you. So, let's date first, and when it feels right, we'll have the wedding."

Lin Yourong watched Tang Ye, momentarily stunned, not expecting him to be so understanding and considerate of her feelings.

Indeed, although she had accepted her relationship with Tang Ye, she had not thought about having a wedding right away. Just like Tang Ye said, she had her own life, and announcing a marriage suddenly would be quite a shock. Understanding friends would be okay, but for those who didn't, it could cause a lot of trouble.

The recently enraged Yang Jiaxiong was a living example, wasn't he?

"Thank you." Lin Yourong looked at Tang Ye with sincere gratitude, as if she wished she could open up her heart for him to see. She was truly delighted and thankful to have met a man like Tang Ye.

She had been full of confusion and doubt about her fiancé, but Tang Ye's arrival turned out to be a thousand times better than she had anticipated.

Tang Ye's eyes narrowed into a smile, his gaze playful as he mischievously said, "Don't just say thank you, give me some substantial benefits. Like, a kiss?"

"Ah..." Lin Yourong hadn't expected Tang Ye to playfully tease her again, her face flushed with shy annoyance as she turned her head away, grumbling in a bet-like manner, "No, no way, you didn't give me any substantial benefits when you said thank you just now..."

"Huh?" Tang Ye paused, then burst into laughter, saying, "You want substantial benefits? You should have said so earlier. Come here, I'll give you a big kiss. If one isn't enough, then two, if two aren't enough, then three... however many you want, I'll give you..."

"You..." It was only then that Lin Yourong realized she had been "outwitted" by Tang Ye again; he always managed to catch her off guard and take advantage of her.

She put on a pouty face, feigned aggrievance, and bit her lip with a look of reproach, "You just know how to bully me!"

"Shall I go bully other women then?" Tang Ye chuckled teasingly.

"You dare?" Lin Yourong pouted, looking angrily at Tang Ye while her hands gripping the steering wheel turned into tiny fists, like a mini tiger ready to pounce.

Tang Ye, with a smile in his eyes, suddenly leaned over and kissed her pouted lips.

"Ah..." Lin Yourong trembled softly, quickly stepping on the brakes and pulling the car over to the side, without resisting Tang Ye.

In truth, she had contemplated being intimate with Tang Ye. Her frigid condition needed Tang Ye's warmth, and his fiery condition also needed her, inevitably drawing them together. She knew Tang Ye had desires for her, but she wasn't repulsed by it. Tang Ye was different from other men who had approached her. Those men surely also had desires for her body but pretended to be perfect gentlemen, which was very fake. Unlike Tang Ye, who straightforwardly expressed his desires, appearing very sincere.

She had observed that even when attractive nurses at the hospital caught Tang Ye's eye, he showed no such burning desire. Therefore, she knew her place in Tang Ye's heart.

She had thought it over; since she was living with Tang Ye, the day she would give herself to him was probably not far away. Thus, she agreed to Tang Ye's desire for her.

After their brief intimacy, Tang Ye looked at Lin Yourong and sighed, "I'm sorry, You Rong, for kissing you so suddenly. It wasn't intentional. I wanted to test how well I could control the strange fire affliction in my body when I'm with you, and how long I could last. From my current condition, I can still hold on for some time. So, if you're unwilling, I can refrain from touching you."

"After all..." Tang Ye looked out the window, his expression somewhat desolate, and continued, "I don't know your past, and you don't know mine. Perhaps something unforeseen might happen between us, and you might not want to stay with me... At that time, I will let you go."

Lin Yourong was stunned, watching such a Tang Ye, sadness welled up from her heart, and she couldn't help but reproach Tang Ye for the offense he had just committed. She grabbed Tang Ye's hand and said, "No, Tang Ye, I, I like you..."

Having spoken her heart's thoughts, Lin Yourong bowed her head deeply, feeling very ashamed.

Tang Ye looked at her and revealed a satisfied smile.

Just like that, Lin Yourong, this little lamb, was completely devoured by Tang Ye, the big bad wolf.

After an outpouring of genuine feelings, their relationship deepened even more. However, Lin Yourong's personality had not changed; she was still easily teased by Tang Ye into a state of shyness, unable to look at him, mature in appearance yet still like a coy sixteen-year-old girl, truly a rare find among women.

Driving again, Lin Yourong took Tang Ye to a neighborhood, Royal Garden.

This neighborhood was a villa district, not a common residential area, with each family owning a separate villa. Those who could live here were either wealthy or noble.

Tang Ye was not surprised. With Chen Shuqing's status and position, it was not strange for him to own a villa.

The villa came with a private garage where Lin Yourong parked the car, and then she and Tang Ye got out. They had just wanted to enter the house when the sound of police sirens, growing louder and closer, ended up with two police cars stopping in front of them.

Four police officers got out quickly, the one in the lead looking angry and glaring at Tang Ye with an unfriendly demeanor.

Lin Yourong immediately thought of Yang Jiaxiong's incident and guessed that the police were here for that. She was a bit nervous and went up to hold Tang Ye's hand, signifying that she would face whatever came together with Tang Ye.

She was not one to be trifled with!

She recognized the leading police officer; he was Yang Jiaxiong's cousin, Liu Dayong, who wielded no small amount of power.

"Are you Tang Ye?" Liu Dayong asked with a grim face, grunting coldly at Tang Ye.

He was here because of the incident where Yang Jiaxiong had been beaten. He had seen Yang Jiaxiong, who was in a miserable state, with plenty of broken bones in his body, and he feared it would take half a year to recover. He had assumed that someone bold enough to harm his cousin must be someone of status. But after investigating, he found that Tang Ye's identity and status were blank. Apart from knowing from Yang Changpeng that curing Wang Ai Ren's illness might earn the Wang family's gratitude, there was nothing else.

To him, such a youngster was not worth considering.

Earning the Wang family's favor was one thing, obtaining their protection was another. There are many ways to show gratitude, such as giving money. But protection meant directly taking under one's wing. Such matters could be complex; Yanjing wasn't home to just one major family, and the Wang family would not go to great lengths over a newbie in Yanjing like him.

Liu Dayong knew well the influence of familial interests among the great clans, thus he was confident he could easily handle Tang Ye. With such clear evidence of assault by Tang Ye, even if the Wang family intervened, they had no righteous ground. If one tries to take the meat of the lamb and ends up stirring trouble upon oneself, the Wang family surely would not do such a thing.

Moreover, Wang Ai Ren's medical condition might not have been resolved yet, and many things could be manipulated behind the scenes.

"I am Tang Ye. Is there something you need from me, Deputy Chief Liu?" Tang Ye, informed of Liu Dayong's identity by Lin Yourong, was not flustered when facing him.

Liu Dayong was impatient, waving his hand and saying, "Nothing much, just asking you to come to the police station. The charge of intentional injury – you can't escape it, can you?"

"Intentional injury? Are you talking about Yang Jiaxiong? That was self-defense," Tang Ye retorted coldly.

Liu Dayong narrowed his eyes, sniggered contemptuously, and huffed, "Self-defense? You still have to come with me to the police station!"

"I won't go. If I did, wouldn't that be the same as admitting that I really broke the law? If you want to arrest me, you need an arrest warrant, right?" Tang Ye argued defiantly.

Liu Dayong was taken aback, not expecting Tang Ye to be such a thorn, quite knowledgeable. Yet could he, having been in Yanjing for so many years, really fear Tang Ye?

"So you're resisting police enforcement?" he scoffed coldly. "I now officially announce that you have committed the crime of obstruction of justice, and I am going to arrest you!"

"You..." Tang Ye was furious, as this was blatant bullying!

He was caught in a dilemma. If he resisted, the accusation would indeed stand. But if he went to the police station, who knew what misfortune might happen? He didn't want Lin Yourong to worry.

Seeing Tang Ye at a loss, Liu Dayong sneered with cold disdain, utterly scornful of Tang Ye. A youngster trying to compete with him?