
"Bang" a gunshot!

In Baiyun City, Huacheng District's Street No.9, a certain bank, four men with black stockings over their heads, revealing only their eyes and mouths, burst into the bank with firearms and shouted, "This is a robbery, everyone motherfucking get down on your knees with hands on your head!"

"Ahh..." Screams filled the bank.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A burly man fired three shots upward and roared gruffly, "Shut the fuck up, everyone. If anyone yells again, I'll blast them!"

Instantly, the bank fell silent. No one dared to speak another word, as this was a matter of life and death.

Then, two guys broke the glass windows with special sledgehammers and, with guns pointed at the bank staff, ordered them to fill their own boxes with money.

The burly ruffian and a shorty held the hostages at gunpoint, scanning the crowd. Any slight movement would immediately be met with a heavy-handed response.

Suddenly, the burly ruffian noticed a boy in shabby clothes, looking like a construction worker, who appeared completely unconcerned under his gaze. This irked the ruffian; after all, he was a robber. Didn't the boy take him seriously at all?

"Damn it!" the ruffian cursed loudly, glaring at the boy and snapped, "You, brat, think you're tough, huh? You dare to stare at me? I'll kill you, believe it or not!" As he said this, he aimed to shoot the boy in the thigh, but the boy suddenly sprang up and landed a flying kick on the burly man's gun-wielding wrist.

"Ow..." A pig-slaughter-like howl came from the ruffian as the gun flew out of his hand and, coincidentally, landed in the hands of a beautiful girl, startling her.

"Shit!" The shorty, noticing the commotion, immediately swung his gun around. However, the boy had already anticipated this move while kicking the gun out of the burly man's hand and had included the shorty in his calculation. Just as the shorty pointed his gun at the boy, the boy's hand had already reached out, grabbed the shorty's gun-wielding wrist, and with a harsh twist and a 'snap', dislocated it. The shorty howled, dropping the gun, which the boy snatched up.

A mere flex of the wrist was enough to break someone's wrist—what kind of strength was that?

Among the people crouching on the ground, there was an elderly man in a suit with reading glasses and an extraordinary aura, who gave the boy a second glance, a thought flashed in his mind, "Good skills. Wasn't the Old Master just worried about not finding a satisfactory bodyguard lately?"

The Old Master he thought of was named Ling Tian, the reclusive chairman of the world-fortune-500 Ling Corporation.

The bodyguard Ling Tian was looking for was not for himself, but his granddaughter, Ling Xuejiu. Her safety had always been his biggest concern.

Back to the matter at hand, after the boy had broken the shorty's wrist, the other two robbers hurrying the bank staff to load the money heard the scream and turned around. One of them cursed 'motherfucker' and with a 'bang' fired a bullet from the dark barrel, aiming at the boy.

"Young man, be careful!" The boy's sudden warning came from the elderly man in the suit behind him, "Uncle Liu", the steward by Ling Tian's side.

The boy could have avoided the bullet, but the old man's shout made him realize that if he did, the bullet aimed at him would surely hit someone behind him.

With that thought, the boy clenched his teeth hard, and with a 'bang', a bullet was fired!

Time seemed to freeze in that instant!

(Highly recommended new book: Return of the Supreme Demon, favor and recommend it)