Show off one's skills

Everyone in the bank was stunned, petrified!

"Boom," a loud noise erupted!

The entire bank was shocked, turned to stone!

'What background does this kid come from? His shooting is like that of a god.'

'Such bravery and wits, truly remarkable!'

'Appearances are deceiving, and the sea's depth immeasurable!'


This was how the people in their hearts assessed the young man.

Coolly, the youth's gaze swept over the two armed robbers and with utmost disdain, he said, "If you don't want to die, then put your guns down obediently!"

The two robbers were already too shocked to speak, and upon hearing the young man's awesome words, completely disregarding them, they started to shake uncontrollably.

"Breaking Waves! Breaking Waves!"

Suddenly, the sound of sirens came from outside. Police officers with megaphones shouted, "Attention robbers inside, you are surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender for lenient treatment."

The two gunmen were about to concede under the heavy pressure of the young man, but hearing the sirens, they panicked. One of the taller one said, "Damn it, the cops are here. It's two against one, let's take this kid on."

"Who said you're two against one, drop your guns!" No one expected that in this moment, a beautiful girl spoke up, her hands holding a gun and pointing it at one of the robbers, hands trembling slightly, her face full of tense fear.

The young man turned to see that the girl who spoke was dressed in a snowflake-patterned dress with a slender figure, pure and pretty, the type of super cute girl that would make anyone's heart flutter.

Then, one of the tall robbers said, "Yo! A beauty, huh. Damn woman, do you even know how to shoot? You look like you've never held a gun before, yet you dare to threaten us, heh heh, I advise you to just put the gun down!" He looked menacingly evil as he spoke, stepping closer to the girl with each word.

"Ah! Don't come any closer, don't come over here!" the girl screamed.

"Bang!" The girl, already extremely nervous, panicked when threatened and accidentally fired a shot. The bullet whizzed past the tall man's head, scaring the soul out of him as he crouched down, dripping with cold sweat.

In that instant, the other robber roared, "Damn it, you actually dare to shoot, asking for death!" The gun barrel swiveled toward the girl.

Seeing this, everyone in the bank couldn't help but let out a soft 'Ah', clearly not wanting to see the girl, as beautiful as a flower, die at the hands of the robbers.

However, at that moment, the young man who looked like a construction worker suddenly dashed towards the girl, embracing her, and in the instant they lunged forward, both the robber and the young man fired, their bullets crossing paths.

The next instant, both the young man and the girl tumbled to the ground, while the robber's right arm was hit, and his gun fell to the floor!

The girl broke out in a cold sweat, her heart leaping to her throat. She looked up to see the construction-worker-like young man on top of her, his hand tightly hooked around her waist, causing her face to flush and her heart to race.

But the young man took no notice of these details, scarcely giving the girl a glance as he hurriedly got up. By then, police officers had rushed in upon hearing the shots and subdued the four robbers!