Police beauty is not easy to mess with

Seeing the youth holding a firearm, the two policemen immediately pointed their guns at him and shouted, "Put the gun down now!"

"Be good!"

The youth smiled faintly, casually spun the gun with one finger so the barrel faced downward, then squatted down and slowly placed the gun on the ground.

Just as the two policemen were about to go over and subdue the youth to the ground, an elderly man in a suit approached the leading officer and said, "Captain Gao, remember me?"

Captain Gao's expression changed as he exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Liu… Mr. Liu, what are you doing here…"

Although Uncle Liu was just a steward by Ling Tian's side, he was someone that even the head of Baiyun City's Public Security Bureau wouldn't dare to offend lightly.

With a gentle smile, Uncle Liu said, "I came here to handle some business, by the way, Captain Gao, the incident just now happened like this…" He recounted the entire series of events without omitting a word.

After listening, the policemen all looked at the youth with admiration.

At this moment, people inside the bank also began praising the youth's cleverness and bravery!

To all this, the youth remained indifferent. There was not a hint of pride on his face, which greatly pleased Uncle Liu who had been watching him; Uncle Liu nodded slightly in approval. The girl in the snowflake skirt also couldn't help letting a touch of admiration show in her eyes, feeling that despite the youth's modest attire, there was an extraordinary momentum about him that ordinary people could not possess.

Captain Gao obviously noticed something, and was very polite towards the youth, personally going over to shake his hand and saying, "I am proud to have such a heroic young man like you in Baiyun City, but we have to do things by the book, so I hope you'll come to the station with us to give a statement."

The youth nodded and followed the policemen away!

As the youth left, the beauty's gaze stayed on him unwaveringly, not moving away until he was completely out of sight, leaving her still dazed...


In a distinct room at the police station.

'Ning Xin'er,' known as a police beauty, had just broken up with her boyfriend today and was in a particularly bad mood, thinking that all men in the world were no good.

After having a look at the young hero, whom Captain Gao praised to the skies, she was clearly unconvinced and asked professionally, "What's your name?"

"Leng Xuan!" the youth answered.

"Where are you from?"

Seeing that Ning Xin'er's tone was unfriendly, Leng Xuan became slightly irritated and glanced nonchalantly at her name tag pinned on her ample chest, noting down her name.

Following Leng Xuan's gaze, Ning Xin'er looked down and immediately became furious, thinking, 'So-called young hero, in my opinion, you're just a country pervert!' However, she kept a cold demeanor and asked, "Why don't you answer me, where is your ID card?"

Leng Xuan suddenly remembered that his ID card and money were all in a backpack, but he had forgotten to take the backpack with him when he left due to the incident at the bank.

"It's missing…"