Encounter a benefactor

"Who do you think you are?" Ning Xin'er had not long graduated from the police academy. Her fiery figure and angelic face often attracted perverts and rascals when solving cases, which infuriated her. Combined with today's heartbreak, she was in such a bad mood that she was ready to explode.

Suddenly, a voice came to Yan Ge's rescue, "Little Ning, the id of this little hero is with me!"

Ning Xin'er turned around and was surprised to find that the speaker was none other than Director Huang Hailong, who was holding a backpack. She immediately stood up in shock.

Accompanying Director Huang was Uncle Liu, who gave Leng Xuan a slight smile, then said to Ning Xin'er, "Officer, has the statement of Hero Leng been recorded?"

Ning Xin'er was already on edge. An old man was talking to her in a questioning tone and even referred to the unbearable kid in front of her as Hero Leng. How could she tolerate that? Pouting her lips, she retorted, "What business is it of yours whether his statement has been recorded or not?"

Uncle Liu was taken aback, thinking, 'Is there someone in this police station who dares to be so rude to me?'

The station chief broke out in a cold sweat and shouted, "Ning Xin'er, what kind of attitude is that? Did you eat gunpowder or something?"

Ning Xin'er jumped at the outburst. Only then did she notice the unique aura of Uncle Liu standing beside Director Huang, who was being so protective of him. Realizing he must be someone with significant influence, she broke out into a cold sweat and became somewhat flustered.

"Mr. Liu, this... haha, Ning Xin'er is just a 'temp worker' and doesn't understand the rules. Please, I beg you not to take it to heart!" stammered the station chief, fearfully apologizing to Uncle Liu.

"Forget about it, I'm old, and it's normal for some of the young ones not to recognize me," said Uncle Liu lightly, his voice chillingly cold.

Director Huang wiped off his sweat and said with a forced smile, "Not at all, Mr. Liu looks very youthful. The child doesn't know better, I'll make sure to discipline her properly."

Hearing this, Ning Xin'er turned pale with fright, knowing that trouble was imminent. She glared at Leng Xuan with resentment. He, in turn, looked back at her with a sympathetic gaze, which made her even more furious. 'You just wait, you rascal. Don't you dare cross my path again or I'll make sure you regret it!' she thought bitterly.

Uncle Liu glanced at Leng Xuan and said to the station chief, "If the statement is ready, then Mr. Leng should be free to go, right, Director Huang?"

Director Huang quickly nodded, "Of course, of course. Ahem, Ning Xin'er, is the statement almost ready? If so, let Mr. Leng leave."

Though seething with rage, Ning Xin'er dared not say another word and replied, "Yes, he can go."

Outside the police station, Uncle Liu extended his hand and said warmly, "Hello, Mr. Leng. My surname is Liu, and I would very much like to speak with you!"

Leng Xuan also reached out and shook hands with Uncle Liu. He had realized that Uncle Liu had helped him and responded, "Just call me Leng Xuan. I'm not accustomed to being called 'Mr.'"

Uncle Liu laughed heartily, "I knew you were a man of spirit. Let's find a place to sit down and have a chat."

Leng Xuan nodded and agreed with a simple "okay." Uncle Liu walked straight to a limited edition luxury Mercedes Benz, opened the door, and gestured for him to get inside, "Please, get in the car!"

Leng Xuan, feeling somewhat out of place, touched his nose and thought, 'Who would've thought this old man was actually so wealthy.'