Longteng High School

The old master, who had sized up countless individuals, immediately sensed that the youth before him was a person of great determination and valor. More precious was the righteous and forthright energy between his brows, exactly the one he had been looking to find. He nodded slightly and said, "Young brother, please take a seat!"

Although Leng Xuan was quite young, he had met quite a few important figures. However, those people paled in comparison to Elder Ling before him; he suddenly realized that Elder Ling was no ordinary individual. It wasn't just wisdom and social experience but also a kind of imperial aura that commanded respect and admiration.

After a word of thanks, Leng Xuan took a seat without hesitation, because he knew that characters like Elder Ling did not fancy platitudes.

Indeed, the first thing Elder Ling said was, "Your name is Leng Xuan, right? Haha, indeed a youthful hero. You're young enough to be my grandson; why don't you just call me old master directly, no need to use any formal address like 'sir'."

Leng Xuan responded with a slight smile, "Yes!"

Then, the old master casually inquired about Leng Xuan's past. However, Leng Xuan spoke generally and avoided specific details, never mentioning anything about Dark Sword, because everything there was a secret — a classified secret. Even though he was no longer a part of the organization, he would never divulge a word of it.

This very discretion made Elder Ling appreciate him even more, considering him a particularly trustworthy person. On the contrary, had Leng Xuan casually revealed his past organization's secrets, Elder Ling would have had to give it further thought!

"You're quite good, and I'm very pleased!" said Elder Ling with a smile. "Uncle Liu must've already told you about the bodyguard position for my granddaughter, Ling Xuejiu. Are you satisfied with the arrangements regarding remuneration?"

"Very satisfied." Leng Xuan asked straightforwardly, "When do I start working?"

"Haha, if you're willing, you can start tomorrow," replied the old master with a soft smile. "My precious granddaughter may have a bit of a temper, and I hope you can be patient with her!"

Leng Xuan gave a faint smile. In his view, it was rare for daughters of the wealthy not to have a bad temper. Having agreed to the job, how could he not be prepared? He said, "Don't worry, old master. I understand."

With a hum, the old master said, "Xue'er has been spoiled from a young age. We can only blame the family business for being too busy; her parents have to handle the Ling Clan's business overseas most of the time, leaving her without much discipline. Sigh, as a grandfather, I actually feel quite ashamed." Seemingly feeling that it was inappropriate to share so much with an outsider, he continued with a wry smile, "You must be hungry too? I'll have Old Liu take you to meet Xue'er at school, and then you can have dinner together, get to know each other a bit."

"Yes, old master!"

Elder Ling nodded, then spoke privately with Uncle Liu to arrange Leng Xuan's accommodation after dinner and make a phone call to the school to ensure that the principal would help with Leng Xuan's admission procedure for the next day. As Uncle Liu was leaving, the old master gave him a serious reminder, "Old Liu, that young man is no ordinary person. Make sure to treat him well, understand?" Uncle Liu had always been obedient to the old master's words, and although he didn't quite understand why the old master valued Leng Xuan so much, he still nodded in agreement.


Longteng High-Level Senior High School!

This was the best private school in Baiyun City. One-third of the students had connections that had granted them entry, whether they were children of government officials or wealthy backgrounds. In terms of teaching resources or campus environment, the school could be considered top-notch nationally.