Campus Belle Appears

Sitting in Uncle Liu's limited edition Mercedes-Benz, Leng Xuan watched the endless campus buildings beyond the surrounding walls and truly felt a sense of awe.

Undoubtedly, that must be Longteng High School.

Because Uncle Liu's car was too eye-catching, they didn't stop at the school's front gate but rather braked at a more secluded corner.

"Mr. Leng, let's wait here for a while, Miss will be getting out of school soon."

"Alright," Leng Xuan responded.

Before long, the sound of the school bell ringing echoed from afar, a familiar sound, like a siren's call, transporting Leng Xuan back to the past, to the countless moments he had spent in school. An unconscious, worn smile appeared on his lips.

Gradually, his thoughts shifted, and he began to think of the rest bell in the Dark Sword Organization's training, the familiar smiles, and...

And those indifferent eyes and that pale face.

"Why, why did my brother die, he died, it was you... you caused it..." The heart-wrenching voice seemed to still linger in his ears, causing Leng Xuan's heart to suddenly ache.

That was his first love, and he hadn't expected such a tragic end!

Now, he deeply recalled those happy times.

But, was the woman who once loved him now looking out the window from afar, silently watching while missing the person who was missing her?

No, she wouldn't.

She hated him, probably wanted to kill him, and even if she thought about him, it was most likely to ponder how to torture herself to ease the pain in her heart, right?

His thoughts in disarray, Leng Xuan unconsciously took out a cigarette, lit it, and started puffing vigorously. His eyes glistened with unshed tears.

Smelling the smoke, Uncle Liu was taken aback and his mouth twitched slightly, as if wanting to say something, yet he ultimately held back. However, he purposefully rolled down the car window, hinting to Leng Xuan that smoking was not allowed in the car, but Leng Xuan, lost in his memories, did not notice.

Suddenly, Uncle Liu said, "Miss is coming."

That's when Leng Xuan snapped back to reality. He fought back his sadness and looked in the direction Uncle Liu was pointing. Not far away, he saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a tall figure and short yellow curly hair walking towards them.

The girl was very beautiful, the kind of breathtaking beauty that could be unforgettable with just one glance.

Seeing an extra person in the car, the girl's beautiful brows furrowed slightly and she quickened her pace. Reaching the car, she first glared coldly at Leng Xuan and then asked, "Uncle Liu, who is he?" Her tone was filled with displeasure!

Uncle Liu appeared quite embarrassed, coughed a few times, and said, "Miss, get in the car and we'll talk."

"First, ask him to get out; I don't like the smell of smoke!" the girl said while pinching her nose.

Uncle Liu looked at Leng Xuan with difficulty. If it were not for Old Master's instructions not to be rude to Leng Xuan, he would have already reminded him that smoking was not permitted in the car!

With a faint smile, Leng Xuan opened the car door, got out, tossed the cigarette butt and stamped it out. Then he turned to Ling Xuejiu and extended his hand, saying, "Hello, Miss Ling, I've been sent by Old Master Ling to be responsible for your safety. My name is Leng Xuan!"

"A bodyguard?" Ling Xuejiu looked disdainfully at Leng Xuan, dressed like a common laborer, and mocked, "You?" thinking 'Grandfather must be getting senile to hire some bumpkin to be my bodyguard, hmph! I will never accept this.'