School Beauty appears 2

Leng Xuan withdrew his hand, smiled faintly, and clearly did not take the rudeness of the beautiful heiress before him to heart.

"Miss, this is true," Uncle Liu promptly interjected, "Old Master is very pleased with Mr. Leng, starting from tomorrow, Mr. Leng will enroll in school, and be in the same class as you, and he will be responsible for your safety."

Ling Xuejiu let out a mocking laugh. Her mood had already been terrible enough today; first, she had been harassed all afternoon by the shameless school bully 'Xu Renjie', and just after leaving the school gate, she had seen the 'Prince Charming' 'Wang Shuze' laughing and talking as he walked out with the classic beauty of Grade 12 Class 9 'Luo Shuixi'. Now, her grandfather had sent some country bumpkin to be her bodyguard. She became furious and said coldly, "Uncle Liu, make a call to my grandfather, tell him I don't need any bodyguard!"

Uncle Liu was momentarily stunned, and Leng Xuan also felt a bit embarrassed, thinking to himself, 'They say young mistresses usually have big tempers, seeing is indeed believing.'

"Uncle Liu, what are you standing there for? If you won't call, then I'll do it." Saying this, she took out her phone and dialed Elder Ling's number. As soon as the call connected, Ling Xuejiu immediately switched to a coquettish tone, "Grandpa, what kind of bodyguard did you find for me, is this country kid even worthy?"

"Xue'er, don't be rude!" From the other end of the phone, Elder Ling's stern voice came through, seemingly sensing his granddaughter's unusual mood, he soon softened his tone, speaking gently, "Xue'er, listen to Grandpa, that young man named Leng Xuan is no ordinary person. If even he can't be your bodyguard, there aren't many people in this world who can. Alright, I think he's beside you. You can't be too dismissive of him. That's it, Grandpa has some important matters and can't talk more, goodbye."

Ling Xuejiu was stunned for a moment, "Grandpa, Grandpa..." The line had already been disconnected, helplessly, she stomped her foot in frustration, then turned her gaze and suddenly noticed Wang Shuze in a white outfit, walking out of the school gate with Luo Shuixi, who was wearing a retro qipao, looking very close. She felt a sudden rush of anger, glaring at Leng Xuan and said, "Fine, since Grandpa says you are so special, then I really want to see for myself... Look over there, that guy in the white clothes. Go and compete with him. If you can beat him, you're qualified. Otherwise, get out of my sight immediately!"

Leng Xuan pondered for a moment, didn't say a word, and turned to walk toward Wang Shuze!

"Ze, there's no need for you to see me off anymore, my dad's car is right up ahead, I'm headed home now!" A serene and gentle voice came from the beautiful classic beauty Luo Shuixi.

Enamored by the stunning face before him, Wang Shuze, known as both the foremost of Longteng's Four Great Talents and Most Handsome Boy of Longteng, seemed somewhat reluctant to part, though he still gallantly nodded and smilingly said, "Alright, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!" Luo Shuixi revealed a charming smile with her pearly teeth, waved her delicate white hand gently, and was about to turn around when she suddenly noticed a young man dressed like a construction worker striding toward Wang Shuze with a very cold expression, as if meaning him harm. Her face changed, and her eyes widened as she warned, "Ze, watch out behind you."

Wang Shuze was taken aback, turned around, and suddenly saw a figure darting towards him like an arrow. Before he could react, he took a punch to the chest, felt a great shock through his body, lost his balance, and staggered seven or eight steps backward, almost colliding with Luo Shuixi. Fortunately, she was quick to react and, after letting out a soft cry of alarm, reflexively sidestepped.

Watching the white-clothed young man who staggered yet did not fall, Leng Xuan was slightly surprised. Although he had only used twenty percent of his strength, that small amount would have been enough to floor an ordinary person on a normal day, leaving them bedridden in a hospital for days, unable to stand and walk, but to his surprise, Wang Shuze was still standing.