One day's time

"Boss, that... that kid..." Huang Xiaojun's lackey was scolded until his face turned crimson, stammering. He'd wanted to say 'that kid is simply inhuman, way too fierce,' but didn't want the boss to look down on him, so he explained, "It's because we saw Brother Hao getting hurt, right? If by any chance it led to a manslaughter or something, that would be bad. So we carried Brother Hao to the hospital first. Want me to call a few more guys to go to Class 3-2 and teach that kid a lesson?"

Huang Xiaojun's expression turned fierce; he wasn't a fool either. Having fought Leng Xuan before, he couldn't gauge Leng Xuan's abilities himself. Straight away, he said, "Shit! Do you think I haven't lost enough face? Get out of here. I need to think this over. Fuck, if I don't get my face back, I, Huang Xiaojun, might as well not bother hanging around here anymore."

"Yes, Boss." His lackey quickly scampered back to his own class.