Paper Ball 1

Class 3, Grade 12!

The last class of the day was underway, and the math teacher was lecturing. Leng Xuan's cellphone suddenly received a message, the ringtone quite loud. Although others didn't pay much attention, Li Mengjie felt something odd, glanced back, and saw Leng Xuan checking the message, an unwitting tender smile on his face.

Perhaps it was a woman's sixth sense kicking in, so Li Mengjie's heart skipped a beat, thinking, 'Who sent him that message, and why is he smiling like that? Could it be Xiao Yun?'

As this thought crossed her mind, her face flushed, and she thought to herself, 'What's wrong with me, why am I so concerned about his affairs? Could I actually fall for this bumpkin? Impossible, that would never happen…'