Chapter 14 Universal Cure

As Fatty Qian eagerly anticipated Shen Feng's early arrival.

Inside the main branch of TH KTV.

Shen Feng changed into a clean white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of simple blue jeans.

These were prepared by someone at the request of Xu Dong, who had noticed the clothes on Shen Feng were tattered last night. As Shen Feng's registered disciple, if he lacked even this bit of thoughtfulness, he could well say that he had lived in vain all these years.

He didn't know Shen Feng's clothing or shoe size, so he simply bought them in every size available.

Of course, he also directly called a hairstylist to come over and give Shen Feng a trim.

Shen Feng didn't refuse Xu Dong's kindness; his hair was indeed too long, and now that he was not in the Immortal Realm, it was better to cut it shorter.

After changing into modern clothing and cutting his hair shorter.

Shen Feng now looked like a fresh young man, the spitting image of a just entered college student.

Without letting Xu Dong and Xu Wenxing follow, Shen Feng left TH KTV on his own, simply saying he would return in the evening.

Xu Dong and Xu Wenxing didn't dare to go against Shen Feng's wishes.

In Shen Feng's hand was the only remaining jade bead and the withered leaf from last night.

The withered Purple Leaf Grass leaf, perhaps because it had been placed with the jade bead overnight, had not continued to shrivel up.

After feeling the leaf, the impure medicinal power was still present in it.

Having attended high school in Wuzhou for three years, Shen Feng wasn't too unfamiliar with the city, and he made his way to The First People's Hospital of Wuzhou City.

He knew his so-called relatives would be at work during the day, with practically no one at home.

Thus, he planned to pay a visit in the evening to see if he could immediately get in touch with his parents.

He had to make a large sum of money in the next few days, and after obtaining his ID card, he would immediately go home to visit his parents.

After thinking it over, he decided that medical treatment should be the easiest way to make money. With his current abilities, there should be no diseases on Earth that could stump him.

Having arrived near The First People's Hospital of Wuzhou City successfully, Shen Feng wondered how to promote his medical skills.

A glint flashed in his eyes, and he unexpectedly saw a familiar face here.

He saw Immortal Master Wu, with his two tufts of small mustache, actually setting up a stall near the hospital.

Life really was full of unexpected meetings!

After losing face in a big way yesterday at Antique City, Immortal Master Wu had no face to stay there any longer.

After some careful thought, Immortal Master Wu decided to take Big Yellow Teeth and Curly Hair and move to various hospitals in Wuzhou.

In his view, anyone who was sick, especially those with ailments that couldn't be cured immediately, would likely want to try their luck and ask him for a fortune telling.

Today was Immortal Master Wu's first time near The First People's Hospital.

Immortal Master Wu was surrounded by a crowd, indicating that there were quite a few people seeking his divination.

Now and then, touching the two tufts of mustache above his lips, Immortal Master Wu put on a sage-like demeanor and said to an old lady in front of him, "Your illness didn't arise out of nowhere; the feng shui of your ancestral grave is not good! If you want to recover completely, you must relocate your family's ancestral grave to a land with good feng shui."

The anxious-looking old lady asked, "Immortal Master, besides moving the ancestral grave, are there any other solutions? I don't look wealthy, and finding a plot with good feng shui would cost a lot."

Immortal Master Wu nodded his head and pretended to ponder for a while, "There is another way. Seeing as you are so sincere, I happen to have a Spirit Talisman right here, personally consecrated by me. As long as you keep it on you at all times, you should be able to get through this surgery safely."

Immortal Master Wu took out a yellow piece of talisman paper with a haphazard pattern drawn on it, which was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Each Spirit Talisman that I have consecrated is the result of my painstaking efforts. Out of fate with you, let's say five thousand. You give this five thousand to me, and afterwards, I'll donate it to needy people. People should do more good deeds, otherwise..."

But before he could finish speaking, a somewhat familiar voice entered his ears, "Immortal Master Wu, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Immortal Master Wu's face turned exceedingly ugly upon seeing Shen Feng in the crowd, his entire face completely stiffened. Although Shen Feng had changed his clothes and cut his hair short, even if he turned to ashes, Immortal Master Wu would recognize the boy who infuriated him to the point of vomiting blood.

He kept taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm. His customers were all around him now, having followed him here from Antique City; his reputation couldn't afford to be smashed again.

Moreover, the events that happened yesterday in Antique City were too bizarre, and it wasn't suitable for any conflicts to arise at the moment.

Big Yellow Teeth and Curly Hair tensed up when they saw Shen Feng, the events of the previous day obviously having left a deep impression on them.

Shen Feng had no intention of concerning himself with such a petty figure as Immortal Master Wu anymore; his primary purpose for coming out today was to make money. As long as Immortal Master Wu didn't provoke him, that would be fine.

He saw a piece of chalk next to Immortal Master Wu's foot and walked over to pick it up.

Seeing this, Immortal Master Wu jumped up from his chair like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He certainly didn't want to publicly fart again.

Shen Feng smiled, shook the chalk in his hand, and said, "Immortal Master Wu, I'm borrowing your chalk for a moment."

Under Immortal Master Wu's indecisive gaze, Shen Feng squatted down not far away and wrote "Guaranteed to cure all diseases" with the chalk on the ground.

Then he took a chair and an unopened bottle of mineral water from Immortal Master Wu and said, "Immortal Master Wu, I didn't charge you a consultation fee for treating your illness yesterday, so I'm taking one of your chairs and a bottle of water. You don't mind, do you?"

The muscles at the corner of Immortal Master Wu's eyes twitched, but after all the farting yesterday, his constipation had indeed cleared up, and he no longer suffered from insomnia at night.

As he watched Shen Feng write "Guaranteed to cure all diseases" on the ground, he felt nothing but disdain.

It seemed that Shen Feng was now his colleague? No wonder his trickery yesterday was not too shabby, probably possessing some medical skills, but if he could really cure all diseases, why would he need to set up a street stall?

So, in Immortal Master Wu's eyes, Shen Feng was just a charlatan with a bit of medical knowledge.

"Ahem, ahem!"

Immortal Master Wu pretended to cough twice, "This friend happened to be an acquaintance of mine."

This was his way of diffusing the awkwardness.

The crowd around Immortal Master Wu's stall, upon seeing the words written on the ground by Shen Feng, began to size up the young man.

They quickly showed a look of contempt on their faces; although Immortal Master Wu said he knew this young man, they simply did not believe Shen Feng's claims.

A kid whose whiskers hadn't even fully grown out yet had treated Immortal Master Wu?

And now he was claiming he could cure all diseases?

Immortal Master Wu, at the very least, looked the part with his sage-like demeanor and age, which granted him a bit of credibility with the people around him.

They came to Immortal Master Wu for divination as a stroke of luck.

"Young man, not even the world's top doctors dare to claim they can cure all diseases. Is your medical skill really the best in the world?" an old man challenged.

Shen Feng nodded and said, "Indeed, my medical skill can be considered the best on Earth."

When this honest statement reached the ears of the people around, it became a joke.

"Kid, have you no shame?"

"Young man, better to follow the Righteous Path! Don't get involved in these shady practices. Learn how to be a good person, or you'll suffer in the future."


The people around him continued, each adding their own commentary.

Shen Feng ignored their mockery, calmly sat down on the chair, and took a sip from the bottle of mineral water.