Chapter 15 Fixed price 700,000

Immortal Master Wu was also setting up his street stall here.

"Why don't they say Immortal Master Wu is a swindler? Isn't he just using the name of a deity to deceive?"

In Huaxia Country, most people believe in a deity, holding the attitude that it's better to believe in its existence than to deny it.

Therefore, such frauds as Immortal Master Wu always have their way.

Another reason was that Shen Feng was simply too young. If he had been a middle-aged man in his forties, or an old man past fifty, and then dressed in simple, traditional clothes, perhaps some people would have believed his words.

After hearing the discussions around him, Immortal Master Wu couldn't help but smile, thinking to himself, "Fools would seek treatment from such a green youth. He doesn't even know how to present himself; how does he expect to deceive anyone? What an amateur."

Immortal Master Wu stopped paying attention to Shen Feng and continued to tell fortunes for the interested people around, occasionally glancing sideways at him.

Seeing that Shen Feng just sat there with nobody approaching him made his mood quite cheerful.

As the morning was about to pass, people continuously surrounded Immortal Master Wu's stall, while no one stopped at Shen Feng's.

As Shen Feng slowly furrowed his brows, suddenly a Hummer stopped nearby.

A girl of about sixteen jumped down from the passenger side, wearing a blue dress with a slightly chubby face, perfectly proportioned features, an air of pleasant vivacity about her, and although young, her chest was quite developed.

After glancing at Immortal Master Wu's stall, the girl walked straight up to Shen Feng's spot, her beautiful eyes filled with hope, "Big brother, can you really cure any disease?"

Shen Feng nodded and said, "There's not a disease in this world that I cannot cure."

The girl's face lit up with a smile, "Big brother, please save my grandfather; he's very kind to me, I don't want him to leave me."

It seemed this girl was the naive and obedient type.

Just then,

The driver's side door of the Hummer also opened, and a striking woman stepped out, dressed in professional attire, with an age around twenty-five, her smart short hair adding a touch of valiancy to her.

This type of woman is usually not someone the average man can handle.

"Linyi, don't waste your time here. Let's hurry and see grandfather for the last time. These street vendors are all swindlers, they have no real skills," the striking woman came to the girl's side.

The girl, called Linyi, full name Zheng Linyi, showed sadness in her watery eyes, "Wanqing sis, I don't want grandpa to leave us, he has been the kindest to me since I was young. I don't think this big brother looks like a swindler. It's that weird uncle with the small mustache over there who looks like one."

Immortal Master Wu felt annoyed; he was hit by a stray bullet even while lying down!

Con artists like Immortal Master Wu mostly tricked elderly men and women.

Of course, sometimes young people might try their luck out of curiosity, like Su Jingyu, a high school classmate of Shen Feng who consulted him purely out of boredom.

Zheng Wanqing's beautiful eyes stared at Shen Feng, eyeing the seemingly young guy and questioned, "Can you really cure any disease? Don't think my sister is easy to deceive; there is still time to admit if you're a fraud."

Shen Feng indifferently said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you, but if you miss this chance, your so-called grandfather might soon be meeting King Yama."

Zheng Linyi puffed up her cheeks, speaking anxiously, "Wanqing sis, this big brother said he could save grandpa, and grandpa is nearly gone. This is our last hope, let's let the big brother try."

Zheng Wanqing's brows tightly furrowed, and after pondering for a few seconds, she responded coldly, "Let's go, you better have some real skill."

Shen Feng didn't bother getting up from his chair. He picked up a bottle of mineral water from beside him and unscrewed the cap.

When he had left the TH KTV Headquarters, he had with him the last jade bead and a withered Purple Leaf Grass leaf.

He asked, "What illness does your grandfather have?"

Zheng Wanqing saw Shen Feng had not followed her order, and a flicker of anger appeared in her beautiful eyes. In her view, what skill could a street vendor possibly have? She had only suggested Shen Feng accompany them to the hospital because of her sister's earnest wish.

Before Zheng Wanqing could become angry, Zheng Linyi quickly said, "Big brother, my grandfather's heart is failing, and the doctor said he won't survive the day."

Shen Feng nodded, now understanding the situation.

He stuffed the leaf of Purple Leaf Grass into a bottle of mineral water, naturally wrapping the jade bead within the leaf, so no one else saw the bead.

The Spiritual Energy within the jade bead, combined with the impure medicinal power of the Purple Leaf Grass leaf, would certainly save Zheng Linyi's grandfather.

The Purple Leaf Grass contained certain medicinal properties aimed specifically at the heart, and with the assistance of the Spiritual Energy from the bead, there would undoubtedly be no mishaps.

After inserting the leaf wrapped around the jade bead into the bottle, Shen Feng immediately started running the Emperor King Jue.

He used the Emperor King Jue to stimulate the Spiritual Energy within the bead so that it, in turn, would activate the medicinal power of the Purple Leaf Grass leaf.

It didn't take long.

The entire Purple Leaf Grass leaf dissolved completely and the mineral water turned a rich purple, while the bead that had been wrapped in the leaf also turned to powder.

From start to finish, Zheng Linyi and Zheng Wanqing had not seen the jade bead wrapped in the Purple Leaf Grass leaf.

"Give this bottle of medicine to your grandfather to drink, I guarantee he will recover," Shen Feng said indifferently.

After pondering for a moment, he continued, "Considering you seem very filial, a flat rate of seven hundred thousand, you can take this bottle of medicine right away."

Immortal Master Wu, who was sitting next to his stall, almost fell off his chair when he heard Shen Feng's words.

A bottle of used mineral water with a strange leaf that turned the water purple, and Shen Feng was actually trying to sell it for seven hundred thousand?

Forget curing diseases, it was still unknown whether it might kill someone instead!

Immortal Master Wu now truly doubted whether this young man was in his right mind. No sane person would ever do such a thing.

Seven hundred thousand for a bottle of used mineral water?

Could there really be such idiots in this world?

Immortal Master Wu could almost see the scene of Shen Feng being scolded by the two beautiful women, one tall and one petite.

People gathered around Immortal Master Wu's stall shook their heads, to them, Shen Feng seemed completely money-crazed. Just a common bottle of mineral water and he was asking for seven hundred thousand? Some had seen that the bottle had been taken from Immortal Master Wu and was just ordinary mineral water.

As expected.

The moment Zheng Wanqing saw Shen Feng's actions and heard his words, her pretty face grew darker. Did he really think she could be easily fleeced?

Seven hundred thousand for a used bottle of mineral water? For a bottle that contained some unknown substance no less?

Zheng Wanqing was no such fool.