Chapter 1: Blind Date Back Home

"What the hell is that old coot planning, dragging me across half the world, chasing me to come back for a blind date? Has he gone mad? Do I, Chen Feng, look like someone in need of a woman?" Chen Feng muttered to himself. He complained incessantly, but when faced with the old man's demands, he never dared to disobey.

"Forget it, it's just a blind date. I've been through gunfire and bullets, what's there to be afraid of a blind date? If she turns out to be a monster, I'll just make a run for it and disappear. You can't blame me for that, old man." Chen Feng donned his leather jacket, put on a pair of sunglasses, mounted his newly purchased Harley motorcycle, twisted the throttle, and took off with imposing swagger.

The bike quickly left his residence, passed through a tree-shaded path, got onto the 3rd Binhai Highway, and headed straight for the blind date. With wind and power at his back, Chen Feng's speed increased from the initial hundred yards to rapidly hitting a hundred and fifty, his mount roared loudly, drawing the gazing attention of many passing drivers.

The reason Chen Feng chose to ride a motorcycle wasn't to show off, but because he hated traffic jams. The city was overrun with cars, and a jam could last half a day. He wouldn't be the little fish stuck in a sardine can. Besides, how could a car be as convenient as a motorcycle? Even in the worst citywide gridlock, he wasn't afraid of having nowhere to go.

After overtaking countless cars along the way, Chen Feng soon caught up with a red convertible Ferrari ahead. When he saw that the driver was actually a beautiful girl, his interest piqued. He twisted the throttle a few times and began to drive alongside the red Ferrari, sneakily scanning the beauty in the car with his peripheral vision.

"What are you looking at, you perv?" The girl driving the Ferrari clearly noticed his lecherous gaze and reached out to tighten her clothes a bit.

"Hey, beauty, how can you start calling names? If you don't look at me, how would you know I'm looking at you? But never mind, I'm always generous. Meeting is fate, after all. How about... we find a place to have some tea and chat about life?" Chen Feng steered the motorcycle with one hand and actually started to fiddle with the Ferrari's door, riding side by side, showing off his impressive driving skills.

The girl in the Ferrari had never encountered someone as shameless as Chen Feng. Just as she was about to swear back loudly, she suddenly had an idea upon seeing his motorbike, "Hey, handsome, if you want to hit on me, it depends on whether you've got the skills. But... if you can catch up with me, I'll give you a chance to take me out for dinner, how about that?"

"Really? Alright then, it's a deal, but no reneging if you lose, okay?" Chen Feng perked up instantly, completely dispelling the gloominess of being forced into the blind date.

"It's a deal, liar is a puppy." Tang Ning threw him a flirtatious look, and while he was distracted, her foot in high heels suddenly slammed on the throttle. The Ferrari roared and shot forward like an arrow released from its bow, instantly pulling away from Chen Feng.

"Damn sly fox! You're too cunning, driving a Ferrari and still cheating in a race, don't run... big brother is coming after you." Chen Feng didn't care about the distance she had put between them, he twisted the throttle, the Harley motorcycle roared, and he chased after the tail of the Ferrari.

On the side of Binhai Highway, a girl in a police uniform was on her mobile phone talking to someone: "Alright, alright, cousin, stop nagging. I'm on my way to meet you, don't worry. If that guy even dares to touch a finger on you, I'll break his freaking... "

Before Sima Huimin could finish her complaint to her cousin, the communicator on her shoulder crackled to life: "Attention all units... Attention all units, we just received a report of a robbery at Zhu Liufu Jewelry. The suspect has stolen a motorcycle from a civilian and is fleeing towards Binhai Highway. All officers nearby are ordered to intercept immediately..."

Binhai Highway... isn't that where I am right now? Hearing the urgent call, Sima Huimin could no longer care about complaining to her cousin. She abruptly hung up the phone and was about to head to her car to search for the robber along the highway. That's when she saw a man in a black leather jacket, riding a Harley motorcycle, rumbling in her direction.

"Robber!" Sima Huimin's eyes lit up. She hadn't expected to spot the figure of the robber so soon after hearing about the crime—a stroke of great luck!

Without a second thought, she immediately drew her gun, leapt into the middle of the highway, and as the motorcycle drew closer, she raised her gun with both hands, aiming at the rider, and shouted loudly, "Star Sea Police, please stop your vehicle immediately."

Just as Chen Feng was about to overtake the red Ferrari, pleased with himself and wondering whether he should go on a blind date or have a chat about life with the lady of voluptuous charm, he saw a woman suddenly jump out from the side of the road, pointing a gun at him and yelling loudly.

Chen Feng's pupils shrank in an instant; his body instinctively swayed to one side of the motorcycle to dodge the gun aimed at him. He was about to throttle up and speed past her, ready to knock her down when he realized that he was no longer in the Middle East but in Hua Country.

Chen Feng quickly slammed on the brakes to the hilt. His Harley motorcycle screeched to a halt, the wheels ceasing to turn, yet due to inertia, the bike still slid forward a considerable distance before stopping, the tires creating an awful burnt rubber stench as they ground against the road.

"You crazy bitch, have you lost your mind? Do you have any idea what you just did?" Chen Feng planted his feet firmly to stabilize the wobbly motorcycle, breaking out in a cold sweat before he managed to recover. He looked up at the gun-wielding woman and cursed fiercely at her.

"I'm Officer Sima Huimin from Star Sea Police. You're suspected of robbing Zhu Liufu Jewelry Store. You're under arrest. Now get off the bike, put your hands on your head, and stand by the road for a check. If you try anything funny, I'll shoot you," snapped Sima Huimin, infuriated by his insult. She had never seen a robber with such a brazen attitude upon encountering the police.

"You're the crazy one, accusing me of jewelry robbery; your whole family's in on it. Do I look like a robber to you? Have you ever seen a robber as elegant and imposing as me?" Chen Feng, rolling his eyes, protested to the young police officer, completely ignoring the gun in her hand.

"I'll say it again, I'm Officer Sima Huimin from Star Sea Police, and you're suspected of robbing Zhu Liufu Jewelry Store..." Sima Huimin frowned tightly, wishing she could silence this noisy fool with a bullet.

"Suspected my ass, do you know how much this bike under me is worth? Have you ever seen a robber who drives such a luxury bike to rob a jewelry store instead of hitting a bank?" Chen Feng was nearly driven mad by this woman; despite looking small, his bike was priced like the latest model Precious Horse, and with that kind of money, who would bother robbing a measly jewelry store?

"I said... get off the bike, did you hear me?" Sima Huimin aimed her gun at his head, flicked off the safety, and enunciated each word with gritted teeth.

"Fine, fine, fine, just don't get excited, I'm getting off," said Chen Feng, worn out by the stubborn policewoman. He reluctantly got off his ride and approached her, stopping less than a meter away before saying, "Officer, do you know what I hate the most? What I hate the most is having a gun pointed at my head. If this were the Middle East..."

Chen Feng stopped mid-sentence; his notorious temper getting the best of him again. He was no longer in the Middle East; he was in Hua Country, no longer the infamous King of Mercenaries who would give both the underworld and the law enforcement headaches at the mere mention of his name.

"Put your hands up, clasp them behind your head, turn around, and don't move. I'm going to search you," Sima Huimin, ignoring the babbling man, pushed him from behind without any courtesy.

Chen Feng had no choice but to comply with the young lady, even if he could easily take her down in an instant and leave her powerless. It didn't matter that she had a handgun pointed at him, or even if she had an AK47 instead, he wouldn't be intimidated. But he was in his home country now, not in the Middle East. He had to keep a low profile, a very low profile, lest his former enemies found out he was currently in Hua Country without his team by his side and decided to team up and come after him.