Chapter 2 Lenient Treatment

Sima Huimin searched him thoroughly and found neither the so-called weapons nor the jewels, but she still didn't give up. This guy gave her the feeling of a dangerous leopard, definitely no good person. She made Chen Feng turn around and scolded him harshly, "Speak, where did you hide the jewels? Do you have any accomplices waiting to meet you? Spit it out and aim for leniency."

"Tch! 'Confess and you'll be shown leniency, resist and you'll be locked up for good.' Don't think that I don't know about your little tricks..." Chen Feng muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes at her.

"What did you say? Louder!" Sima Huimin, seeing this guy mumbling, expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Officer, what I said was, I'm no jewel thief, you've got the wrong person. I can buy plenty of jewels with just a car wheel cap, why would I ever need to rob some lousy jewelry store? And if I did, I'd rob a bank, not a jewelry store, don't you think?" Chen Feng said boldly, puffing out his chest.

"Hmph! Not willing to talk, are you? Fine, I'll take you back to the police station, and we'll have plenty of time for you to spill the beans." Sima Huimin snorted coldly, took out a pair of handcuffs from her pocket, and with a click, cuffed one of his hands, the other cuff securing to her own hand.

Upon hearing that this fiery girl actually wanted to take him back to the station, Chen Feng immediately felt uneasy. If she took him to the station, how was he going to go on his blind date? It was an absolute command from the old man; if he stood someone up today, he'd get killed when he got back!

"Hehehe... hang on a minute, officer, you have no right to detain me, don't try to scare me with that police stuff. I'm more familiar with it than you are. Believe it or not, I'll complain about you to your superiors, stew you like mushrooms, come on, let me go, I've got things to handle later, no time to play with you. If you really fancy me, that's a different matter, I can give you my number, but as for SM, no need, I don't swing that way." Chen Feng looked at the handcuffs on his hand, having started seriously but quickly degenerating into vulgarity.

"Shut your mouth! Believe it or not, I'll blow your mouth away with a bullet, and you'll never speak again. The more I look at you, the more displeasing you become, daring even to threaten a police officer, you really are audacious to the extreme."

Chen Feng, with a headache, looked at this hot-tempered girl who was almost too much for him to handle. He was thinking about whether to take her down unexpectedly and then go to his blind date, when Sima Huimin's shoulder radio suddenly crackled to life.

"Attention all units, the identity of the suspect in the jewelry store robbery has been confirmed. The suspect is named Zhou Bin, male, of the Hann Ethnic Group, 43 years old, wearing a white trench coat, riding a Falcon brand motorcycle. He has just broken through a barricade and is fleeing toward the outskirts on the Binhai Highway, armed and dangerous. Officers in the vicinity, please provide backup..."

"Look at that, did you hear? Forty-three years old, that's an uncle, not a fresh and pure young hunk like me. White trench coat? My leather jacket is black, European, limited edition. Don't tell me you're colorblind." Chen Feng bragged a bit, smugly looking at her.

"Less nonsense! Even if we don't catch the suspect, I'll still take you in. I don't believe you're so clean. Just looking at you, I know you're no good person. You better pray you haven't done anything wrong, otherwise you'll see," Sima Huimin ranted on, completely fed up.

"I killed a dumb pig the day before yesterday, and the day before that, I killed an unreasonable pig..."

"Hey... Are you cursing me? Who's being unreasonable? Who are you calling a pig!" Sima Huimin trembled with anger!

"Whoever responds, that's who I'm talking about." Chen Feng blinked innocently.

"Vroom, vroom, vroom..."

At that moment, a rapid series of motorcycle sounds suddenly reached their ears. Chen Feng took a surreptitious glance and spotted a figure in white, with a hat on, zooming away through a side path next to them.

Chen Feng glanced at her and smirked devilishly, "Hey, Officer Girl, your suspect is on that path over there. If you chase now at a speed of 110 miles an hour, you should be able to intercept him at the fork up ahead."

Sima Huimin followed the direction Chen Feng pointed in and truly saw someone who matched the suspect's description speeding away. This guy was smart; he hadn't chosen the main road, but opted for a side path less than one meter wide to make his escape.

"If you hesitate any longer, you'll need to speed up to 120 miles per hour to catch up, but too bad, your police car won't fit through there. Tsk tsk, have to admit the guy is quite clever! Knows when to abandon the big for the small." Chen Feng gloated at her predicament.

"Shut up, I am now commandeering your motorcycle," Sima Huimin said as she dragged him toward his Harley.

"That won't do; I have important things to deal with later and have no time to go crazy with you," Chen Feng immediately objected.

"I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you," Sima Huimin's eyebrows swept up, and she pointed the gun at his chest as she commanded him with a heroic air, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Fine, fine, fine, you've got me scared, even if you're gonna ride off with my bike, at least unlock these handcuffs!" Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, realizing he had run into a crazy woman for not checking the almanac before leaving the house. Even as the King of Mercenaries, he was out of options, unless he planned to assault a police officer.

"No way, I can't ride a motorcycle, I need you to drive and help me catch the robber ahead," Sima Huimin surprisingly looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I XXX… alright, alright, then unlock these handcuffs for me, and I'll help you out," Chen Feng capitulated immediately upon seeing her watery big eyes, surrendering. It was just a petty robber; he had dealt with such guys by the hundreds, if not thousands, and taking care of this one was child's play.

Once the handcuffs were off, Chen Feng leapt onto the motorcycle, started it up, and seeing Sima Huimin still dazed, he couldn't help but curse, "What are you doing? Do you still want to chase the robber or not?"

"Yes, but… how… how do you sit on this thing?" It turned out Sima Huimin was fretting over the fact that there was scarce space to sit on his motorcycle; once Chen Feng took the driver's seat, there was barely enough room for a palm behind him. If she sat there, she'd be pressed tightly against his body.

"Of course, you sit behind me, hold my waist. If you want to come to the front, I don't mind, but you have to hurry up. That guy has already gotten away without a trace; we don't go after him now, there's no other way," Chen Feng said, amused, not expecting the brash female officer to fuss over such a triviality.

"I'll sit, but you better behave and not think of any funny business, got it?" Sima Huimin gritted her teeth and climbed onto the back seat of Chen Feng's motorcycle.

Their bodies immediately became tightly pressed against each other; it was her first time being so close to a man, and she blushed so hard she involuntarily let out a whimper, "Pervert!"

"What did you say? I can't hear you. Alright, I'm going to speed up now, make sure to hold my waist tight with both hands. If I accidentally fling you off, don't blame me," Chen Feng said, smiling crookedly in a rather lewd manner.

Chen Feng felt the arms around his lower back tighten, realizing she was now fully compliant, and smirked smugly as he twisted the throttle all the way, and the motorcycle shot forward like an arrow, quickly bouncing off the main road through a junction onto a smaller path, leaving the Binhai Highway in pursuit of the robber.

Sima Huimin, on her first motorcycle ride, was almost panic-stricken, gripping Chen Feng's waist for dear life, as though she would be flung off if she loosened her grip. Beyond the tension was an extraordinary thrill, like riding a roller coaster; if it weren't for the pursuit of the robber, she might have closed her eyes and refused to look.

Chen Feng, seeing the frantic escape of the robber ahead, revealed a bloodthirsty smile. Since returning to the country, his predatory instincts had been nearly erased by the mundane days. Today's event ignited the cells of heat within his body anew.

The robber ahead had noticed the luxury motorcycle on his tail, understanding that its speed was far superior to the one he was on. If it kept up, he'd be caught soon. In a moment of determination, he pulled out a gun and began to shoot "bang bang bang..." at the motorcycle behind him.

"Ah! Be careful, don't follow too closely; he's got a gun," Sima Huimin, hearing the gunshots, was startled and warned worryingly.

Far from being scared, Chen Feng was instead excited and bursting with adrenaline. He shouted to Sima Huimin, "Hold on to me!" With that, he swerved the bike, creating an S-shaped pattern on the road, deftly dodging the incoming bullets. However, one stray bullet regrettably hit his headlight, shattering it to pieces.

Chen Feng, lamenting over his new ride now missing an 'ear,' felt an urge to cry, not believing that his beloved bike was damaged on its very first outing. It wasn't about the money; it was a bike he had special-ordered to be shipped from abroad using numerous connections. This model was not sold domestically, and if broken, there'd be no spare parts available for it.