Chapter 3 I'm Not Silly Girl

"Son of a bitch, daring to smash my car, you're dead meat..." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, his face grotesquely fierce, he couldn't help but turn back and scold, "Hey, Silly Girl, what in the world were you spacing out for just now? Why didn't you shoot back at him? Did you want to wait until he turned us into a beehive?"

"Don't call me Silly Girl, I... I... I was too scared to let go, I'm feeling a bit... a bit queasy," Huimin's face was deathly pale, her stomach turning inside out with dizziness, her head spinning, never imagining her life's proud demeanor ruined in front of this stinking fellow.

"My goodness, I can't believe you, give me the gun; I'll take him out for you," Chen Feng said fiercely.

"What! Give you the gun? No way, don't even think about it, just slow down a bit, and I'll aim at him," Huimin flatly refused his request, what a joke, handing her service pistol to a guy who wasn't even a cop, she must be out of her mind.

Just then, the guy in front turned and fired two shots, bullets whizzing towards them, Chen Feng's bike swayed like a snake, veering sharply to the left, almost parallel to the ground, scaring Huimin into yelling and tightly hugging Chen Feng, practically hanging on to him. Forget shooting back, not falling off the bike was impressive enough.

"I'll be damned, you think you can mess with me when I'm nice? You're really treating me like a sick cat when I don't show my claws!" Chen Feng couldn't enjoy the thrill from the little girl behind him, his own hair standing on end, spotting a small mound ahead, he simply throttled to the max, released the clutch, with a roar, the motorcycle took off into the air over the mound.

"Ah!!! What... what are you doing? No... don't do it..." Huimin's scream had not subsided when she let out another even louder shriek, but her cries were somewhat evocative.

Chen Feng's motorcycle carried him and Huimin and soared into the air, wheels kicking up a sprinkle of yellow dust, which fell with a pitter-patter, Chen Feng only heard a "boom" and his bike crashed directly onto the body of the felon's car, sending up a spatter of sparks like stars.

The lightweight bike of the robber stood no chance against Chen Feng's heavy machine, the enormous force sending the robber and his bike flying several meters away. Lying on the ground now, the robber, once lively and kicking, could hardly move, his face covered in blood.

After bringing his motorcycle to a stop, seeing that the robber still desperately struggled on the ground, attempting to pick up a handgun for a counterattack, Chen Feng simply jumped off the bike, dashed forward, and stepped hard on the robber's fingers, grinding back and forth, causing him to howl in agony, tears and snot flowing, and with his other foot, Chen Feng kicked the robber mercilessly, cursing furiously while kicking, "Son of a bitch, I told you to ruin my bike, I told you to ruin my bike, can you afford it, huh?"

Huimin was a little slow to react but saw the scene unfolding before her; startled, she forgot the awkwardness between them a moment ago and rushed forward, forcibly restraining Chen Feng to prevent further violence against the robber until he stepped back a few paces. Then she handcuffed the robber on the ground; had she not intervened in time, the poor guy might have already been kicked to death by Chen Feng.

After handling the robber, Huimin didn't bother with Chen Feng anymore and immediately notified her colleagues with the walkie-talkie to take over. Before long, she saw several police cars with their sirens blaring, speeding toward them from the direction of the highway,

"Huimin, are you alright? Are you hurt? Why did you chase the robber alone? That's so dangerous. If anything happened to you, how could I explain it to your uncle? No, no, after I get back, I'll have my father arrange a desk job for you," a man in his thirties got out of the police car and rushed over to Huimin, not even bothering with the criminal, and asked with concern.

"Deng Chao, capturing criminals is my job, and I love it, I don't need you to make decisions for me; I can handle my own affairs without interference from strangers," Huimin said coldly, seemingly indifferent to the man's concern.

"Huimin, what are you saying? How can I be a stranger? I'm just worried about you. Don't you know how I feel about you..." The man got excited and grabbed her hand, intending to be romantic, but Huimin pulled away and stepped back to avoid him.

"Hey, Silly Girl, I've done everything you asked me to; I can leave now, right?" Chen Feng suddenly interjected, interrupting their conversation at a most inopportune moment, unclear whether it was unintentional or deliberate.

Chen Feng's call "Silly Girl" didn't anger Huimin but annoyed the other man. Glancing at Chen Feng, his expression turned stern, and he spoke down to Chen Feng, "Who are you? Who do you call Silly Girl? Is that any way to address someone?"

"What are you doing here? Do you know we're working a case? Civilians are not allowed to stay here. Leave immediately, or I'll have you detained."

"Pfft, who I am is none of your damn business. It's not like I'm blocking your way," Chen Feng retorted as he looked at the man, his gaze carrying a hint of playful provocation. He simply couldn't stand the guy.

"His name is Chen Feng. He's with me, and it was thanks to his help that we were able to catch the robber just now," Sima Huimin hurriedly explained as she saw Deng Chao's expression growing uglier by the second.

"Huimin, how can we involve a stranger in police operations? What if he's a bad guy? Hey, Qiangzai, come here. You take this gentleman away from here. Don't let him hinder our police work," Deng Chao tried to restrain his anger and managed a forced smile at Chen Feng.

"Haha... Mr. Policeman, you're really quite a hypocrite. Boring. I can leave on my own, no need for your guys to chase me off," Chen Feng was no ordinary person. He didn't dare claim his people-reading skills were the best, but he knew instantly, even if he were to look with his rear-end, that this man was absolutely duplicitous, with a heart and mouth never in agreement—a narrow-minded person who couldn't tolerate dissent. Despite his scholarly appearance, who knew if behind closed doors, he might be no better than those villains at their worst? But this kind of person did have their advantages; at the very least, they tended to climb the ranks and make money quickly.

"Huimin, I've booked a spot at Yun Yaxuan. How about I take you out for dinner later? They can handle the cleanup here. I know you're off duty today, and you even took a leave from the station."

This Mr. Police Officer Deng had evidently more pressing matters to attend to and couldn't care less about Chen Feng, the small fry. Out of nowhere, he produced a carefully wrapped bouquet of red roses and presented it to Sima Huimin, almost making Chen Feng stumble in disbelief.

What the heck, this guy really had some nerve, hitting on a girl right in the middle of a case. He was indeed a role model for our generation. Just that... didn't he realize that wooing a girl sometimes required strategy? Not every girl fell for this approach, especially not Silly Girl, who clearly wasn't buying it.

The two were clearly not on the same level. Chen Feng couldn't have cared less about him. He straddled his motorcycle, about to drive away, when he saw Sima Huimin looking utterly annoyed by Officer Deng's romance and enthusiasm. Feeling somewhat sympathetic, Chen Feng pulled up beside her and asked with a smile, "Hey, Silly Girl, there's room for one more on my bike. You wanna hop on?"

Chen Feng's words took both Sima Huimin and Deng Chao by surprise. She saw Chen Feng winking slyly at her, then she turned to glance at Deng Chao, who was pestering her, and suddenly clenched her teeth and said, "Okay."

Under Deng Chao's gaze, Sima Huimin boldly climbed onto Chen Feng's motorcycle, and what's more, she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. They looked like conjoined twins, and the sight of his crush hugging another man nearly drove Officer Deng to break his own teeth in rage.

"Huimin... you shouldn't do this to me..." Deng Chao's words were cut short as Chen Feng sped away with Sima Huimin, leaving him behind. The bouquet he had intended for Sima Huimin was twisted in his hands, falling to the ground in a rain of red petals, as his expression grew uglier by the second—his pale, sullen face looking like it was about to drip with water.

Once the motorcycle hit the freeway and they were out of Deng Chao's sight, Sima Huimin, as if possessed, quickly released his arm and demanded with a fierce look, "Chen Feng, you better keep what just happened to yourself. If... if you dare to gossip about it, I'll... I'll..."

Sima Huimin originally wanted to threaten to break a certain part of his anatomy, but luckily she promptly changed her threat to, "I'll haul you into the police station."

Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckle, "Hey, Silly Girl, don't you like him? He's a police officer, you know! Quite high-ranking for his age. I bet his family background isn't bad either. That baby face of his looks like it's been filled with hyaluronic acid. Aside from me, guys like him aren't easy to find these days."

Sima Huimin snorted with laughter and gave him a fierce look, scolding, "Stop calling me Silly Girl, got it? I'm not stupid. My name is Sima Huimin. Whether I like him or not is none of your business. Just focus on driving." After thinking for a moment, she added, "Chen Feng, you shouldn't have offended him just now. Deng Chao can be quite petty; I'm worried he might cause trouble for you later."

"Pfft, scared of him? Please. Unless you cops plan on mixing up personal resentments with official duties," Chen Feng wasn't underestimating him; he simply didn't consider him worth the attention.

Back when he was in the Middle East, a local armed group leader, one with great influence, had vowed that Chen Feng wouldn't leave the Middle East alive. And what happened? After hearing that, Chen Feng had just sneered. The next day, people woke up only to discover that the leader, despite being heavily guarded, had been quietly hanged in his own bedroom—and the one who hung him was none other than the underestimated Chen Feng.