Chapter 4 Looking Down on Others

"Look at what you're saying, do you think all of us police officers are bad? Are we really that despicable?" Sima Huimin gave the dark-hearted fellow a disdainful glance.

After dropping Sima Huimin off at the bus stop in front of him, Chen Feng, seeing that he still had some time, headed straight to a high-end clothing store in the city, intending to buy a new piece of clothing. His clothes had gotten dirty during the capture of the robber, and were now dotted with spots of yellow mud.

Chen Feng, covered in mud, walked into the most upscale clothing store in Star Sea City. As soon as he entered, everyone turned to look at him. Some covered their noses, others quickly moved away, as if he reeked of some strange odor. Even the store clerks did the same. Chen Feng ignored them and started picking out clothes he liked.

He walked around and saw a coat that seemed nice. He had seen it recently at the Paris Fashion Week. Just as he reached out to take a closer look, a sales clerk dashed over to stop him, saying, "Sir, this coat costs thirty-eight thousand, and I don't think it suits you."

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, then withdrew his hand. He saw the disdain in the clerk's eyes and said with a smile, "Well then... what kind of clothes do you think would suit me?"

"Sir, the clothes in our store are quite expensive. If you're not buying, you can't just touch them. I suggest you go to the store across the street, there should be something suitable for you there." The clerk didn't believe for a second that this filthy guy could afford these expensive clothes and thought he was just there to cause trouble.

"Wow, so your store has a rule that you can't touch if you're not buying? Who made that rule? Was it you, or your boss? You wouldn't be assuming I have no money and deliberately making things difficult for me, would you?" Chen Feng said sarcastically.

This remark made the clerk's face turn as red as a monkey's bottom. Could it be that this guy really could afford these clothes? But looking at Chen Feng's dirty appearance and the way other customers were avoiding him, it seemed impossible. Her confidence swiftly grew.

"I made that rule, because I think you can't afford it, so what? Country bumpkin, take a good look around, is this really the place for you?" The clerk puffed up her chest and yelled defiantly at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng frowned, not expecting to encounter such condescending staff in a high-end store, which made him very upset, seriously upset, extremely upset. He glanced at the female clerk's chest and disdainfully thought to himself, "Sheesh, she's flat as an airport runway, what's she puffing out? I really don't know where she gets her confidence."

"Fine, you said it. Go call your boss out. I really want to ask him who gave you so much authority, that a mere employee dares to act in place of the owner!" Chen Feng was not the kind of guy to let things slide, especially not when facing such disdainful treatment from staff. He was determined to have his say.

"Humph! Do you think our boss is someone you can just see whenever you want? Get lost. The street market across the way is where you belong, stop acting like some braggart here."

The clerk still looked at Chen Feng with contempt, thinking that he, in his dirty, unbranded clothing, had clearly come here just to create a disturbance. She could not afford to give him a good face.

Chen Feng, instead of getting angry, laughed and then started shouting loudly in the store, "Where's your boss? Boss! Boss, is this how your store abuses its customers? Can you really do good business this way?"

Seeing the troublemaker shouting non-stop, the clerk suddenly felt uneasy. She might not be aware of it, but she knew all too well that the general manager of the headquarters was inspecting the store today. If it weren't for the large store size, the commotion would have been heard by now. Otherwise, she wouldn't be trying to rush this guy out so quickly to make a good impression on the president.

"Have you lost your mind? Security, security, come in and kick this troublemaker out!" In order to avoid drawing the attention of the general manager, the clerk called out to the security guards at the door.

No sooner had she spoken than two security guards appeared, one broad and brawny, the other skinny as a rake, complete opposites. The only thing they shared was their shaky steps and lifeless eyes, looking formidable but useless in practice. Chen Feng felt like laughing when he saw the two standing together and sincerely wanted to ask them, "Excuse me, were you invited by monkeys as a joke?"

But before these two intimidating security guards could act to escort Chen Feng out, a woman sauntered over. As soon as they saw her, they bowed respectfully and greeted her as Mr. Zhao.

This woman appeared to be in her twenties and left a striking impression with her beauty that transcended her age. Her finely groomed light eyebrows and long, twinkling lashes looked like little brushes, so bright they dazzled. Her large, stunningly beautiful eyes were full of life and spirit.

Only those who had really seen such girls would know what is meant by a born beauty, and she was the crème de la crème of beauties, the kind of woman that makes a man's eyes bulge with ardor at first sight, wishing to cling to her. Even though Chen Feng was no stranger to beautiful women, he rarely had the opportunity to witness such a ravishing beauty.

"What's going on here?" The woman walked up and asked outright.

The clerk turned pale at the sight of her. How... how could the general manager come so quickly? This was it, the end for her.

But she didn't dare delay, and immediately told the woman, "General manager, this man is deliberately causing trouble in the store, and I was just about to have the security guards kick him out."

As she spoke, she pointed at Chen Feng, and with his dirty attire, the woman actually believed it to be true.

"Then kick him out, can't you even handle that? If you can't do your job, you might as well not come back!"

When Chen Feng heard this, any good impression he had of the stunning beauty was shattered in an instant. Damn it, they were all birds of a feather; the general manager shared the same arrogance as the clerk.

"Yes, you two, hurry up and kick this person out for me; don't bother Mr. Zhao with this sight!" The shop assistant, bolstered by the woman's words, directly addressed the two security guards.

Two security guards, taking their cue, began to approach Chen Feng to escort him out.

"Hey... You, woman, do you even know how to do business? How have I caused trouble? Did you bother to ask? It's her who thinks I can't afford the clothes. Do I look like someone who can't afford them?"

Chen Feng did not resist much but just shook off the security guards' hands and addressed the woman directly.

Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, the woman scrutinized him from head to toe and finally parted her crimson lips to say, "I think you do!"

'Boom!' Just like that.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt as if he'd been struck by lightning, leaving him stunned. Could this really be happening? Did he actually look that destitute? All because his clothes were a bit dirty—they weren't torn or patched. This was outright contempt; although the leather jacket he wore had no brand, it was designed especially for him by a famous Italian designer, a one-of-a-kind piece that even the wealthy couldn't buy. It's no wonder she didn't recognize it.

"The Italian high-end ready-to-wear brand Frankie Morello, managed by the designing duo Maurizio Modica and Pierfrancesco Gigliotti, may not be as famous as those top Italian fashion brands, but it is still a distinguished guest at every Milan Fashion Week."

Chen Feng suddenly said this to the woman, then pointed to a garment nearby.

The woman, upon hearing this, was immediately captivated by Chen Feng's statement.

The garment Chen Feng had just pointed out was exactly the one he had named, and he had articulated its origins clearly.

"You know about this garment?" the woman inquired.

"What a joke, why else would I be here? Just because my clothes are dirty, I don't have rights? I had intended to buy a piece of clothing here, but now it seems you and your staff lack vision, so forget it. There's no place I can't shop if I have money, right?"

After speaking, Chen Feng headed straight for the exit.

"Wait! Sir, please wait a moment." The woman suddenly spoke up, trying to detain him.

"What now? Is there anything else?"

Chen Feng turned back and asked the woman.

"Sir, I believe there has been some misunderstanding. My name is Zhao Yazhi, and on behalf of the company, I offer you our sincerest apologies," the woman said, and then she addressed the shop assistant, "You don't need to come to work tomorrow. Go settle your accounts with finance and leave."

Upon hearing this, the shop assistant's face turned sour, and she quickly said, "Mr. Zhao, he's clearly spouting nonsense, he must have picked up a magazine somewhere and skimmed it, pretending to be knowledgeable. But in reality, he knows nothing else, he's here just to cause trouble."


Zhao Yazhi turned to look at Chen Feng upon hearing this, waiting for his response; in fact, she had declared the dismissal to provoke this very situation, as between Chen Feng and the shop assistant, she was more inclined to believe her staff.

Seeing the woman's gaze turned towards him, Chen Feng knew he could no longer hold back; it was time to show his true expertise.

"If that's the case, let me say more about this garment! At last year's Milan Fashion Show, Frankie Morello dazzled with its unique charm. Its distinctive style and proactive innovative spirit caught widespread attention. During that period, Frankie Morello's brand value soared to sky-high prices. Thirty thousand yuan? That might have only gotten you a glance. If you had had this clothing back then, such a low price could have had the country confiscate it as counterfeit goods. Do you believe that?"

After Chen Feng finished speaking, Zhao Yazhi nodded her head, then said, "You do know quite a bit, sir. And then?"

Chen Feng was well aware that this alone wasn't enough to prove himself, so he might as well continue speaking; after all, what's a little fashion knowledge to him? In his line of work, one must know a bit of everything.