Chapter 9: The Wife


Chen Feng suddenly got slapped by Lin Xinru. He wanted to lash out, but when he thought of the incident just now, he managed to hold it back.

"I'm telling you, the money isn't given for nothing. If something like this happens again, do you believe that I'll take back all of the money?" Lin Xinru was extremely annoyed and cursed Chen Feng venomously.

"It's not like I wanted to be kissed—it was you who bumped into me…"

Chen Feng put on a pitiful look, and just then, any anger in his heart had dissipated. He was no longer the Caesar the Great who stood high above and struck fear into his enemies. Instead, he had become an ordinary, money-grubbing lunatic.

"'re still talking!"

Lin Xinru stomped her feet in frustration.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop talking. So where am I going to live, dear wife?" Chen Feng said, his mood suddenly lifted when he saw Lin Xinru's cute foot-stomping.

"You… Never mind, call me whatever you like. Just live in the room opposite mine!"

Lin Xinru eventually compromised, letting him call her whatever he wished. With his personality, she figured he wouldn't listen to her anyway. Besides, there were no outsiders here, so there was no fear of others overhearing. She pointed to the room next to hers.

Chen Feng glanced at the room. Clearly, it wasn't in the same league as the one across from it. Just from the doors alone, Lin Xinru's door was made of red sandalwood and inlaid with purple gold, while his was a plain wooden door...

"Dear wife, shouldn't we, now that we are married, live in the same room? After all, some things are better done in one room!"

For once, Chen Feng showed a rare hint of shyness, making Lin Xinru feel like she might cough up blood on the spot.

"Keep dreaming. You'll stay in that room. If you dare step one foot into my room, forget about getting a single cent. Also, I have three rules to lay down. First, no other women can stay here overnight. Second, don't slip up in front of my dad and grandma. Third, don't talk about our business to anyone outside," Lin Xinru said coldly.

"As you command, dear wife," Chen Feng spread his hands in an exaggeratedly nonchalant gesture, though Lin Xinru felt like kicking him hard just to teach him a lesson.

"I'll head back to the company now. If you need anything, you can go directly to Sister Zhang downstairs. She'll help you with anything you need," Lin Xinru said, turning to leave. Every time she saw this guy, she couldn't help but get angry.

"Understood, dear wife," Chen Feng dragged his luggage. Just as he was about to enter his room, he suddenly remembered something and shouted towards Lin Xinru's retreating back, "Oh, right, dear wife, when are you going to cash that check for me? I asked the bank yesterday, and they said it was a post-dated check."

"You'll get your money when you finish the task. Do you think I'd be so stupid as to give you the money now?" Lin Xinru sneered.

"I knew it wasn't easy to earn money…"

Chen Feng muttered, his face looking bitter as he dragged his large suitcase into his room. Although the room wasn't as luxurious as Lin Xinru's across the hall, the interior decor was still not something an average household could afford. The vases and paintings scattered around could fetch enough money to buy a two-bedroom apartment in Star Sea City.

After dropping his luggage in the room, Chen Feng stretched lazily, lay on the bed, and looked at the ceiling. It was hard to believe that in the blink of an eye, he now had a wife. Although it was all just an act, who would have thought that the King of Mercenaries, Caesar the Great, would find himself back in Huaxia with a wife as beautiful as a flower?

After lying down for a while, Chen Feng suddenly stood up and opened his suitcase, which contained a few changes of clothes and a laptop. He took out his laptop, placed it on the table, and turned it on. He then pulled out a seemingly ordinary cell phone, connected it to the computer, and typed a few lines of code on the laptop's keyboard. The screen flickered with data, and soon, an all-English character input window appeared.

Chen Feng expertly entered a very complex code, and the data transmission network connected to the laptop avoided China's security communication protocols, silently entering a private satellite hovering over Europe.

"Boss, is that you?" As soon as the call connected, a pleasantly surprised male voice came through.

"It's me, Stone. How's everyone doing lately?" Chen Feng sat down on the sofa, lit a cigar, took a drag, and comfortably crossed his legs.

"Everyone's fine. Dezi and Hei Zi are having a blast with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Heard they used a rocket launcher to take out a guerilla squad yesterday," Stone replied cheerfully.

"Those two... What are they doing in that messy place?" Chen Feng laughed helplessly as he flicked his cigar, sending clouds of smoke billowing through the room, filling it with its strong scent.

"Here's the thing: a while back, an anti-government militia announced plans to kidnap the daughter of the Ukrainian consul, so the consul approached our client. Since Dezi and Hei Zi were bored, they took the job to go over there and play with those kidnappers," Stone explained.

Chen Feng was out of the loop about recent events since he had returned to Huaxia, but he didn't worry too much. Given the abilities of Dezi and Hei Zi, dealing with untrained kidnappers was a walk in the park. His only concern was that these two were known for their fondness for female company.