Chapter 36: Scared to Pee

Ouyang Qinglian really wanted to laugh.

Actually, she had already anticipated this situation.

What was their job?

Scientific research.

When a new product is developed, it must undergo stringent quality control testing before it can enter the market.

After all, who would dare to recklessly apply something to their skin without being certain of its side effects?

It was laughable that Lu Yang still thought it was taken for granted that they should test it; he understood nothing.

"Ouyang Qinglian, if they don't use my product and therefore can't prove its miraculous efficacy... then you lose!" Lu Yang stated directly.

Ouyang Qinglian didn't expect Lu Yang to be so shameless and countered with raised eyebrows, "Why should I? It's your own incompetence, don't put the blame on me."

"They are your people, it must be you who are not letting them cooperate! You're just afraid of losing!" Lu Yang said.