Chapter 37 You Lost Oh


Ah ah!

Ah ah ah!

As one cry of astonishment followed another, Lu Yang's face blossomed with an incredibly confident smile.

Ouyang Qinglian's heart skipped a beat, as if her entire being was irresistibly plunging into a boundless demonic abyss.

"Is there any damage? Don't worry, I will compensate you," Ouyang Qinglian still held onto a sliver of fantasy, or perhaps hope.

She had never hoped so much for the products developed in her laboratory to have side effects!

"Director, look at my hand, my god, smooth, delicate and white. Comparing it, I can't even bear to look at my other parts!"

"Director, look at my arm, how is this possible? All the rough patches on my skin are gone, what kind of miraculous product is this!"

"Director, I am a miracle! A true miracle! This effect is a hundred times, no, several hundred times more effective than the Empress products!"

