Chapter 50: Teasing Me?


Xiao Yanli's previous impression of Jiang Muwan had been one of disdain, thinking she had audaciously decided to come back and clean up Jiang Lin?

Had he not considered just what level Jiang Lin was on?

But now, he found himself plunged into deep suspicion.

Jiang Muwan had planted someone by Jiang Wei's side, so it wasn't impossible she had done the same with others.

And if this person had harbored thoughts of revenge from the start, how terrifying could that be?

"Jiang Muwan, this woman, her methods are too sophisticated," so Xiao Yanli had to mutter to himself at this moment.

"Is it also possible that we can't find out anything about her in the Capital because it's all been planned in advance?"

At this point, Xiao Yanli and Gu Jiangnian were sitting together discussing Jiang Muwan, a far cry from discussing girls in their dorm rooms during their college days.