SEBASTIAN wasn't the type who drank unnecessarily, but Clarissa's betrayal hurt him deeply. The only woman he had ever loved.

Sure enough, ladies would trip over each other just to stay close him but he only had it out for Clarissa. He did everything he could to satisfy her but this is how she repaid him.

He poured himself another glass and the door burst open, Clarissa rushed in.

"Sebastian, babe lemme explain". She said

Sebastian looked at her, his eyes red cause of the crying and drinking. He stood up and walked to her.

"Babe... Wait.. I can explain.."

"It wasn't your first time, was it?" He asked calmly

Clarissa's face turned pale. "It was out of impulse, give me another chance.."

Sebastian scoffed as he ran his hands through his hair roughly.

"Another chance? You played me like a fool, made me look stupid". He raised his voice this time

"Sebastian...". Clarissa was pleading

"And you, you had the fucking guts to tell me I'm cheating?" He continued

Clarissa grasped his hand tightly as she pleaded with him.

"Babe c'mon, you love me right.... Let's.."

Sebastian pushed her off with disgust in his face, he pointed his index finger at her. His voice came out hard.

"I don't want to see your face ever again. I'm calling this engagement off". He said and took of his ring which he threw on the floor.

Clarissa shook her head. "You can't, you can't do that".

"I already did. Sebastian yelled. "So get the fuck outta my face"

Clarissa scoffed. "You can't possibly live without me can you? I was...."

Sebastian grabbed her throat, his hands tightening on her neck.

"Say one more bullshit from your stinking hole and you'll regret it". He said and let go of her.

Clarissa fell on the floor, wrenching and coughing.

Sebastian took one last look at the woman he used to love and he went upstairs, paying a deaf ear to Clarissa's screams.

Clarissa clenched her fist tightly, one hand still around her aching neck.

"This won't happen, You're mine and mine alone". She muttered and stood up shakily. She left the house.


Marcelo was all smiles when he walked into his house. His dad David was seated on a couch, a glass of scotch in his hand. He turned when he heard the door open.

"So, any news?" He asked

[He looked like the kind of person who would sell his birth certificate for a dollar.]

"Yeah. Let's just sit back and watch the drama unfold". Marcelo replied and poured himself a drink.

"You sure this is gonna work?" David asked but Marcelo just sipped his drink as he stared far ahead.

David sighed. "This better work". He muttered under his breath

Marcelo turned to him."So how'd it go with that guy?" He asked

" Ahh thanks for reminding me. I have to go". Marcelo said and left

Minutes later, the door opened and a pair of heels stepped him, clicking aggressively on the floor. It was Clarissa.

Marcelo looked up and his lips curved up.

"We need to talk Marcelo". She said sharply.

"Why yes, let's talk". Marcelo replied.


SEBASTIAN was all ready for his trip to X province. After dressing up, he picked up the bowl of strawberries on the table and headed downstairs.

"Are you sure I shouldn't go with you?" Lucas asked

"I can handle this, and besides. I need you to look after the company in my absence". Sebastian said, his cheek bulged with the strawberry in his mouth.

Despite the cold blank look he had, he still looked extremely cute.

"The Chopper's ready". Lucas said

Sebastian stopped as he remembered something. He looked at Lucas and said.

"You go ahead, I'll follow behind".

"Is something wrong?" Lucas asked

Sebastian shook his head. "I forgot something. Wait for me in the car".

He gave Lucas the bowl if strawberry to hold.

Lucas nodded and made his way to the car.

Sebastian went back into his room and opened his wardrobe, he began looking. He finally saw what he was looking for.

It was the flashdrive his dad had given him. He put it in his pocket before going out.

On his way out, he met Clarissa at the door.

"Sebastian". She called

Sebastian ignored her and went through the other way. Clarissa followed him.

"Babe wait up. Let's talk". She begged

Sebastian stopped and turned to her. "Let this be the last time we'll talk. I don't wanna see your face ever again".

With that said, he turned and left.

Clarissa remained standing looking dejected and miserable.


THE chopper was already at the rooftop when Lucas and Sebastian got there.

"Take care of yourself Sir". Lucas said.

Sebastian nodded. "I will. Call me if there's any problem".

"I will. I've already arranged for your accomodation since you'll be staying there for five days, everything's set". Lucas said

Sebastian chuckled. If efficient was a person, then that's Lucas.

"Thanks. I'll bring back some gifts for you. Maybe a hot chick". Sebastian joked

"I'm into older women". Lucas replied in the same tone.

Sebastian feigned a shocked look.

"Really now, that's okay then. I'll bring the town's finest grandma". He patted Lucas on the shoulder and entered the chopper.

Lucas spread his arm like; "What the heck man?"

Sebastian laughed and waved at him. The chopper started and Lucas stepped Back.

Soon the chopper rose as it soared higher into the air and took off.

Lucas turned and left, failing to notice the figure dressed in black.

The figure came out from its hiding place, staring at the chopper in the air.


Sebastian was still munching the strawberry in the bowl, savouring every taste with his eyes closed. His phone vibrated and he took it out. It was a message from his dad.

💬: Take care son.

Sebastian smiled slightly and kept the phone back in his pocket, he continued eating his strawberries.

He suddenly tensed.

The chopper immediately swirled to the side.

[Maybe because he was more sensitive or something else]

Sebastian felt the hair at the back of his neck stand and he looked back.

The helicopter blew up.