SEVEN Years ago when Sebastian was still in college he was known as the silent killer. Yes he's smart, a die for handsome hottie and always topped his class. But people knew best not to cross boundaries because of how crazy he can get.

A day to the graduation, a jealous guy had insulted Sebastian, calling him a motherless freak who thought everyone else was above him.

People had gasped in shock, murmurs rented the air as they all stared at the bold boy.

Sebastian himself didn't say anything, but his eyes did. They bored into his very soul and they guy felt a cold sweat run down his chin.

The next day which was the graduation, all his family's secret and also he's was shown on the big screen and also the fact that the guy was caught cheating in the exams.

All eyes turned to Sebastian who just sat and let the drama unfold, but there was a maniac glint in his eyes, a glint of satisfaction.

The next semester, the guy didn't show up and it was know that him and his family had left the country.

That was Sebastian when you push his buttons. But it was only the tip of the iceberg.

Now his sitting on a chair, his legs crossed as he stared coldly at the supposed fiancee of he's.

"Babe...babe lemme explain.."

Sebastian frowned. "Explain what? I said continue." He said calmly.

[A calm before the storm]

The guy picked up his clothes in an attempt to run but Sebastian's cold voice stopped.

"Take another step and I'll cut of your dick and make sure you never walk again". He said, his eyes not leaving Clarissa.

The guy fell again and gulped fearfully.

Silence reigned for about three minutes.

Sebastian continued staring at Clarissa and she was unable to meet his gaze.

He stood up and without saying anything, he walked out of the room, out of the hotel and out her life.

Clarissa slumped on the floor. "I'm screwed."


"Don't babe me. You motherfucker, I thought you locked the door". Clarissa seethed. "Now look what's happened. I haven't even begun my plan."

"Didn't you say you were only using him to sponsor your ambitions to become a model. That's how you got signed in..."

Clarissa gave him a hard slap and his face turned to the side.

"Stop talking bastard". She growled.

She ran her fingers through her hair as she paced the room back and forth.


SEBASTIAN'S car pulled up at the garage but he didn't come down. He just sat there, his hands tightened around the wheels and his jaws clenched.

It all made sense now. That night she came home with a hickey on her neck, the time he had called her but when she answered what he heard were soft moans before the call was disconnected, why she always smelt different most of the times unlike her usual smell of lavender.

Everything was now coming back to him. He chuckled painfully before alighting from the car. He went in.


Mr. Harper was in his study when the door open and Daphne came in. She's the second lady and also Harper's second wife.

Despite everything she had, Daphne still wanted to be recognized as the first lady.

[Like come on, the First Lady is dead already]

Harper looked up. "Daphne." He called. "What're you doing here?"

"There's something I'll like go discuss with you". Daphne said and sat on the chair close to him

Harper tried not to roll his eyes. "Please don't tell me this is about Sebastian again."

"Think about it. A bachelor taking over the company?" Daphne shook her head

"He needs to get married. "

"He has Clarissa, I'm sure they're making plans to build their lives together". Harper raised his hands in a dismissal demonstration.

"You have to press him further so that the public won't see him as incomplete". Daphne pressed further.

Harper groaned and pressed his temples. "He's twenty-five..."

"He's old enough". Daphne cut in.

Harper gave her a look.

"Sebastian will get married when he wants to Woman. And besides, he's doing great at work. As I've heard, the production and distribution rating has increased drastically". Harper said with a hint of proudness

Daphne secretly rolled her eyes.

[If that's possible]

"Still, it would be more efficient and the public will see him as a potential man. Think about it honey". Daphne said and stood up to peck his cheek before walking out.

Harper stared at her as she left, her words lingering in the air, he sighed and got his phone.

"Son. Come to the Villa, we need to talk". He said and hung up.

THE Harper Villa was more not less than a castle. It was so vast and beautiful. It made you think of those big castles you see in historical movies.

The flower garden stretched out, blooming with various types of flowers and plants, at the front was a fountain which flowed endlessly.

In another part of the Villa stood a big peach tree, and also the big oval shaped swimming pool.

The designs were endless.

Sebastian's car drove in and he alighted from it, threw his keys to one of the guards standing there and walked in.

The maids who moved about stood still, their heads bowed as they greeted in unison.

"Welcome back young master".

Sebastian Ignored them which wasn't like him but at this moment, he didn't have time baseless things.

He got to his father's study and knocked on the door.

"Come in". Harper said and Sebastian opened the door.

"You called".

Harper looked to meet his gaze. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Why'd you ask"? Sebastian asked back

"Are. You. Alright"? Harper asked slowly this time

Sebastian released a breath he didn't know he was holding. His clenched jaw loosened a bit and his tensed shoulder relaxed a bit.

He exhaled. "I'm fine dad, just pissed. And please don't ask any further". He said

Harper studied him for a while before nodding.

"Okay. Have a sit". He gestured.

Sebastian sat down and he began.

"Are you planning to get married?" Harper shot directly.

[Seriously, not even a foreplay]

Sebastian scoffed. "Did Daphne talk you into this?"

"But son, I think she has a point though". Harper tried to explain to him but Sebastian stood up.

"No thanks Dad and besides I'm doing fine with the company". He said

" But Sebastian..."

"I don't want to get married father, not now". Sebastian cut in with finality in his voice.

The thought of seeing Clarissa in bed with another man flashed in his head and he clenched his fist in anger.

"Fine. Harper said. "I knew wouldn't agree anyway".

"Then why'd you call me here?"

"Twas worth a shot". Harper shrugged.

Sebastian almost, almost smiled.

"Take care old man. Let me know when you wanna have a drink". Sebastian said walked to the door

"The new site that will be built in X province. Will you be going to check it out.?" Harper asked and Sebastian stopped.

"Yeah. Tommorow". He replied

Harper frowned. "Wasn't it supposed to be the day after?"

"Why wait?" Sebastian shrugged and left the study.

"Yupe. There's something wrong with him". Harper muttered and got his phone to make a call.

"Yes Jake. I need you to do something for me". He said.