It was chaos at the Harper's villa.

As the maids moved about they conversed;

Maid 1: I heard the young master is missing".

Maid 2: Missing? Didn't you see the news?"

Maid 3: Yeah, I saw it too. I hope it's not true "

Harper sat in his study, his hands shaking violently on the desk. A private detective was seated in front of him.

"It's been four days, four days!!" Harper repeated.

"We'll find him Sir, I'll double the... "

Lucas rushed in. His face looked like he wasn't bringing any good news.

Harper stood up. "Any news?" He asked but Lucas shook his head.

"I tried tracking his phone, but I seems like it's off and also..." Lucas hesitated

Harper frowned. "What. What is it?" He asked

Lucas dropped his phone on the table as he played the news. Harper gasped as he watched the video on the phone.

"A helicopter with the logo 'ORBIT' on it was blown up into pieces which fell at the coast guard... "The reporter was saying.

Harper fell back on his chair without being pushed, the blood dried off his face, his mouth wide open but no words came out.

Lucas lowered his head and the detective seem to be lost.

"...a body was found near the crash site and people are wondering who it might be". The reporter continued.

Harper suddenly stood up and began going out but Lucas stopped him.

"You have to calm down Sir, you can't..".

Harper pushed him out of the way and rushed out. Lucas and the detective followed him but before they could get to him, Harper had already drove out.


Any news in B City could spread like wild fire in a desert, especially if that news was about the Harper's. The whole City went into a frenzy, reporters gathered at the crash site trying to get a good scope, Police men and also the Marines were present.

A small boat could be seen at the sea as they all dived into the water in search for anyone.

Harper's car came to a stop and without closing the door he rushed to the site. A police officer held him.

"Chairman, you can't go there". He said.

A car stopped close to Harper's and Lucas alighted from it followed by the detective, they both rushed to the scene.

"Did you, did you find anything? What's happening here? TELL ME THAT'S NOT MY SON!!" He yelled.

Before the officer could reply one of the divers shouted.

"We found something".

Harper rushed in.

The divers came out of the water and dropped the body bag on the floor, Harper staggered.

With each step he took, he hoped that whoever was in there wasn't his son. Silence reigned as he got close to body bag, he knelt down and slowly zipped it revealing a very burnt face.

"Chairman..". Lucas came close to him

Harper's hand shakily got hold of the necklace around the burnt body's neck and he gasped.

Lucas's eyes widened as he saw the necklace. It was the same necklace he had worn the day he left.

"I gave him this on his twentieth birthday. Harper sob. "What is it doing here?"

Harper looked around as he shook his head. He pointed at the head diver.

"Go back in there and search for him, this isn't my son. You better make sure you bring him back alive or I'll sue you all". He shouted.

"I'm sorry Sir, but we've searched everywhere". The head diver said.

Harper staggered back but Lucas caught him.

"Sir, you should take the chairman back home. He's stressed, we'll call you when we have new updates". The police officer said and Lucas nodded.

"Please do". He said and started guiding him to the car.

As soon as they got in the car Lucas faced Harper and said.

"Sir, there's something you should know". He said and Harper looked at him weakly.

Lucas started the car. "Let's talk somewhere else". He said and drove off.


Lucas's car was already packed at a corner, he looked at Harper who just stared ahead blankly.

"Sir". He started but Harper just continued staring ahead.

Lucas sighed. "Sebastian has been receiving death threats for a while now". He said

This time, Harper looked at him like he just dropped from space. His brows creased as he sat up.


Lucas nodded. "It's true Sir"

"Why I'm I hearing this now, why didn't any of you tell me?" He questioned

"Sebastian didn't want you to worry, he said he would handle it himself". Lucas explained

Harper palmed his face in frustration.

"The point is. Lucas continued, "The same person who had been threatening Sebastian could also be the same person who did this".

Harper looked at him confusingly.

Lucas pointed at the necklace in his hands. "You know your son better than me Sir, do you think he would go down without a fight".

A flicker of hope shone on Harper's eyes as listened to what Lucas said.

He looked at the necklace, his brain started to process things.

"So what you're saying is..."

"Let's conduct a secret autopsy and DNA test on the body that was found. I have a feeling that that's not Sebastian". Lucas said.

Harper was slowly regaining his strength back. It all made sense now.

He grasped Lucas's hand in appreciation, his eyes gleaming with renewed hope.

"You're right Lucas, let's do that". He said.

Lucas didn't smile, he only nodded.

"Leave the rest to me Sir, I'll make sure the autopsy is conducted and will give you the results". He said.

Harper sighed in relief. At least, there was still hope.


Isabella came in holding a bag which was full of medicine. Thankfully, the town's nurse wasn't busy as usual so she had brought him to her.

She closed the door and went straight to the room. She placed the bag of medicine on the table which was close and she sat down next to him, her eyes scanning every part of his face.

"How can someone be this handsome?" She muttered.

Slowly, she brought her hand to his face and brushed his hair back.

It felt so soft between her fingers. She giggled softly and stood up before heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

SOON she was done with preparing dinner. She scooped some portion of the food on a plate and headed back to the room.

"I wonder when he's gonna wake up, it's been..."

She stopped when the guy stirred in his sleep, his hands moved and his eyes snapped open.

Isabella gasped and moved close to him, placing the plate of food on a small stool.

She sat on the bed and began to check his temperature by placing her palm on his forehead.

The guy just stared at her. He didn't say anything but he eyes were asking tons of questions.

Isabella smiled as she looked at him. "Good thing your fever has gone down". She said but he remained silent.

At this moment Sebastian wasn't thinking about anything else but he just stared at the girl in front of him.

The way her eyes glowed when she smiled, the way her cheeks rose and also the dimples. Her brown long hair which fell to the side not to mention the fact that she was wearing white.

The only question that clouded his mind was;

"Why the hell is an angel sitting close to him?"