Sebastian couldn't blink nor move. He just laid there, staring at the supposed angel before.

'I can't die now, I still have lots of things to do'. He thought inwardly.

Isabella's face turned worried. "Are you okay? Do you still fell pains?." She asked but Sebastian remained numb

Isabella bit her lip as she bashed her lashed, not knowing what to do.

Sebastian coughed. "W..wa..water." He's voice came out lowly.

Isabella leaned in to hear what he's saying.

"Water". He said again and Isabella stood up to get a cup of water.

She probed his head forward a little and held the cup to his lip as he drank slowly.

Sebastian coughed as his dried parched throat got wet with the water.

Isabella immediately withdrew her hand and placed the cup of water on the table, she gently placed his head back on the pillow.

"Are you okay now"? She asked softly but Sebastian remained mute.

His eyes darted around the room but he wasn't looking, he was trying to process what had happened to him but the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

He winced and turned his gaze to Isabella. "Wh..where I'm I?" He asked

"B Province. Isabella answered

Sebastian blinked repeatedly, his brain working secretly.

Isabella stood up and got the plate of food which was on the stool, she came back and sat on the bed.

With a smile she said, "you should eat something, you've been unconscious for three days now".

Sebastian's head throb even harder when she said that.

"Three days? Three fucking days'!. He thought inwardly

His gaze moved to the plate of food Isabella held and he scrunched his face in disgust.

Isabella's smile faded as she saw the look on his face.

"You don't like it?" She asked.

Without saying anything, Sebastian turned to his side, his back facing her.

Isabella was confused. She went to the other and squatted.

"Aren't you hungry? You should eat". She said but Sebastian's eyes remained closed.

He was trying to think and that poorly made food wasn't going into his tummy at all.

Isabella tapped him gently and his eyes snapped open as they glared at her angrily.

"Can... (Cough) can you please back off. I'm trying to think here". He said hoarsely.

If it wasn't for his parched throat, his voice would have come out as a yell.

Isabella stood up sadly and walked to the door where she stopped as gave him one last look before going out.

Isabella thought for a while as she stood in the living room.

"Should I get him some snacks instead?" She thought.

Finally she took out some cash from her purse and headed out.

Just as the door opened and closed, Sebastian groaned in pain as he slowly sat up, his hand went to his forehead and he felt the bandage that was tied around his head. He looked at the food on the table as his stomach churned badly, he averted his gaze.

Memories of what happened came pouring in.

The copter just exploded like that? How? Why?

The more he thought about it the more his head hurt. He was angry and hurt.

Is it that people just wanted to see him suffer and they were pushing his buttons. What's wrong with...

The door opened, disrupting his thoughts and Isabella came in with a polythene bag in her hand.

Sebastian frowned as he stared at her. "Of all places, he had to crash land in a kids house'. He thought inwardly.

Isabella stretched the polythene bag to him and said.

"I figured you didn't like the food so I got you some snacks instead".

Sebastian's fist clenched and so did his jaw. It took every cell in him not to explode with anger.

He has been holding it in for long now, not just for the three days he was unconscious but for years now. And he needed to let out his anger.

"Get out". He said with strain.

Isabella blinked. "Huh?"

"I said get out. Fuck off and leave me alone"! He shouted this time and Isabella staggered back in fear.

The look in his eyes.

Without saying anything she left the room hurriedly leaving Sebastian who was breathing heavily, his eyes bloodshot red.

BACK in the living room, Isabella was busy pacing about, her thumb finger in between her lips.

She wasn't the type to judge but it was time to think logically. Yes she's kind hearted and then again...

She sat on the couch, biting her lip nervously.

She shouldn't judge someone without really knowing about them first.

She wasn't the type to think wild but that look in his eyes. Those scary eyes, it reminded her of someone, someone who instilled a great amount of fear in her heart.


Harper stared at the paper in his hands, his hands shook as his eyes darted around the paper.

Due to his connections the autopsy test was done quickly and now he was staring at the result which he was holding.

Marcelo, Daphne and Lucas stood behind him as they watched with a darkened face.

Lucas had told them about the result.

Harper's eyes moved down and it landed on the result's conclusion.