SHE was right. She didn't say it, but he knew what a jerk and an a$$hole he'd been.

Due to the anger he felt, he didn't consider anything else worthy and he took it out on her. Someone who had saved him, who had given him a second chance to live.

Sebastian stood rooted on the spot as he thought of all this.

"Jeez, What I'm I even doing?" He muttered

He looked at the paper in his hands and he cursed himself inwardly as he thought of what he had said.

He sat on the couch and buried his head in his palm.



Isabella was busy overworking herself so hard. She still couldn't forget what had happened earlier and as a result, she made lots of mistakes in her work.

The manager called her to his office. He was a man in his early thirties, gold rimmed glasses, wearing a blue jacket on black jean trouser.

Isabella sat opposite him and he said.

"Isa is everything alright?" He asked

Isabella bit her lip.

"Yes Manager Felix, I'm sorry about earlier". She replied.

The man sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples.

"You should take the night off". He finally said

Isabella sat up. "No, I can't do that." She said desperately.

"It's obvious that you're having an emotional breakdown Isa, I can't let what happened earlier happen again". Manager Felix said.

While she was still in her trance, Isabella had spilled drink on a VIP customer. Not just that, she bumped into a couple who was on their way out and the bottle which was on the tray she was holding fell and broke. Luckily there was no injury.

Isabella sighed as she thought about this. She looked at him.

"You... you're not gonna fire me right?" Her voice cracked

Manager Felix gave her a kind smile, he slowly reached out and patted her head.

"You're my best worker Isa, why would I do that?" He asked and withdrew his hand

Isabella smiled slightly. "Thanks alot manager Felix". She said happily

"Go on. Clear your mind, I'll see you tomorrow". He said as he sat back on his chair.

Isabella stood up and bowed slightly before going out.

On her way out she met the VIP customer who she had spilled drink on.

Mr. Davis, he was known all over the province as he's rich and powerful. He was slightly chubby and big, has a wife but no kids.

Isabella bowed as their eyes met.

"Please forgive me for my behavior earlier". She said

Mr. Davis sighed and waved

his hands dismissively.

"No need for that, you should be glad I'm in a good mood tonight". He huffed and walked past her.

And due his wealth, he always acted pompous and proud. So yeah, it was a good thing he's in a good mood.

Isabella sighed as she finally left the club.

The cool wind hit her face as her hair fluttered back, she looked up and smiled when she saw the moon.

It was a full moon. A full moon means she can make any wish she wants.

When she was a kid, she'd always believed that any wish you made on a full moon would come to pass. At least that's what they told her and since then it stuck with her.

With that in mind Isabella made her way to the sea shore.

As usual, it was empty so she sat on the ground after taking off her shoes. She stared ahead.

"It's beautiful". She mumbled staring at the moonlight reflection which glistened on the sea.

She brought her hands together, clasping them tightly as she closed her eyes to make her wish.

Few seconds later she opened her eyes.

Was it just her or did the moon seem to glow brighter. She chuckled at her own thoughts.

Her phone rang and she brought it out. It had a crack on the screen but still manageable.

"Mrs. Ferdinand?" She muttered and answered the call.

"Miss Bella". Mason's voice echoed

Isabella sighed. She should have known.

"What're you doing with your Mama's phone?" Isabella asked in a scolding manner.

She heard Mason chuckle.

"Lower your voice will you. Mama's asleep". He replied lowly.

"And why are you awake?" Isabella asked

"Oh c'mon. It's still early, I ain't goin to sleep right now". Mason said

"Baby Mason, you better not use that accent on me". Isabella warned

"You sound just like Mama". Mason almost laughed

Isabella chuckled. "Go to bed Mason, I'll see you tomorrow". She said

"Fine". Mason drawled. "Good night Miss Bella". He said

"Good night Mason. Isabella replied softly and he hung up.

Isabella looked at the time and she scoffed. "Still early he said". She shook her head. "That boy".

She stood up and shook the sand off her skirt, took one last look at the moon and then turned to leave.

It began to rain


Sebastian has been waiting for long now and she still hasn't come.

He had been waiting for her to come back. Partly so he could apologise and partly to ease his worries.

Thunder clapped above and he jolted. He rushed to the window and saw it was raining.

"Jeez, where is she?" He muttered

The door opened and Isabella came in very wet.

She immediately closed the door and took off her wet shoe which was soaking wet.

Her hair stuck dangerously to her face and it gave her a different sexy look than her usual cute look.

"You... Where...." He stopped when Isabella shot him a glare.

Sebastian swallowed.

Ignoring him, Isabella made her way to the room where she would change her wet clothes.

Sebastian was startled for a moment but then he sighed and itched his hair.

"I deserved that".