Author's note: Please guys, I would really like to know your opinion on this book. Is it to your liking? If yes, then please leave honest reviews and comments.

I'm new to this so your guidance is needed. Arigato 😇


Soon Isabella came out fully dressed in dried clothes and she was holding a blanket.

She walked to the couch and placed it there still ignoring Sebastian's presence.

"Hey, listen to me". Sebastian called


"Hey I'm talking to you". He snapped this time.


Isabella finished arranging the blanket, she turned and began walking towards the kitchen to get a cup of water.

Sebastian grabbed her arm forcefully and made her face him.

Isabella's angry eyes met with his.

"Listen to me". He said lowly this time.

Isabella threw his hand off and gave him a glare.

"Don't. Touch. Me". She said and went into the kitchen.

Sebastian bit his lip.

Soon Isabella came back and sat on the couch, she covered herself with the blanket and laid on the couch. She closed her eyes

Sebastian squatted. "Can you listen to me "

Isabella opened her eyes and looked at him, both eyes met and remained on each other.

"Meanie". Isabella pushed her lips in a pout

Sebastian blinked as he watched Isabella close his eyes.

"Why you..."

Isabella opened her eyes again. "Go away, I don't wanna talk to you". She said with finality in her voice.

She adjusted the blanket on her shoulder and closed her eyes.

Sebastian sighed and stood up, he took one last look at the sleeping girl and walked to the room.

Isabella opened her eyes, she looked around for a while before her lids grew heavy and she finally fell asleep.


"Graceful moon which shins bright and lights up the dark night. Please Grant my wish as I pray..."

Isabella gasped as though she was being drawn out of water which she was drowning.

Another nightmare. Sweats embedded her face and she gulped hardly.

She's been having these nightmares ever since she was sixteen. Now it's become worse.

It was already morning.

Her head throbbed painfully as she stood up slowly and made her way to the kitchen.

She jolted when she heard the clanking of a fallen pot followed by a splash.

Startled and scared she grabbed the small stool which was nearby and made her way to the kitchen.

Another clanking sound and she gasped.

She raised the stool to hit whoever was coming out of the kitchen.

"Whoa, what the heck.." Sebastian dodged.

The stool flew past him and crashed on the ground.

Isabella was breathing heavily, her hand went to her chest and she grasped it breathlessly.

Sebastian caught her before she fell.

"Hey, easy there". He said looking down at her.

Isabella swallowed and then calmed her self down by doing a breathing exercise.

"Are you okay now?" Sebastian asked

Isabella didn't answer but she moved away from him.

"What...what happened here?" She asked looking around the disheveled kitchen.

Sebastian scratched his head as he said nervously.

"I was trying to make breakfast". He muttered

Isabella turned to him with a surprised look. Her eyes caught the burnt bruise on his arm and she rushed to him.

"Did you hurt yourself?" She grabbed his arm, looking at it worriedly.

Sebastian was stunned. "Uhh..yeah. It's not a big deal". He said

Isabella looked up at him.

Yeah, he's way more taller than her. It made her feel small.

She realized she was holding his hand and she moved back, cleared her throat nervously and looked back.

"I'll... I'll make breakfast myself. You don't need to do it". She said and started arranging the kitchen.

Sebastian bit his lip as he watched her. "Do you need any help?" He asked but Isabella shook her head.

Sebastian studied her for a while, remembering what happened last night.


Sebastian had come to get a glass of water because he was thirsty.

On his way to the kitchen, he met Isabella in a disturbed state.

She was moving on the couch with discomfort, sweats were all over her face.

"No...no...no please help, help". She mumbled sleepily.

Sebastian stopped on his track to look at her.

"She's having a nightmare". He thought

"Please... please stop, stop, stop". She cried repeatedly.

Sebastian didn't know what to do so he just crouched down and held her hand.

"Jeez... So small". He muttered staring at her pink small hands.

He patted it reassuringly.

"I can't believe I'm babysitting". He mumbled.

Soon Isabella calmed down and he stood up, his hold lingering on her hand for a while before he slowly placed it on her stomach.


Sebastian sighed. It was now or never. He moved closer to her.


Isabella turned. "What?" She asked rather Coldly

Sebastian frowned. "Look here kid, you shouldn't talk that way to me". He said

Isabella scoffed, she threw the napkin on the table near by and faced Sebastian, hands on her waist.

"Uh-oh". Sebastian mumbled

"You don't have the right to talk to me that way too. You're the one who's always mean and cold towards me". Isabella said

"Fair point". Sebastian nodded

"And you never talked to me, you look at me like I'm your enemy, you even called me a stripper". Isabella continued.

"Again. That's very stupid and harsh". Sebastian said.

He talked like he wasn't the one who said it or did all those things.

"You're being very annoying right now". Isabella turned her back to him. "Go away, I don't wanna see your ugly face". She said

Sebastian raised a brow.

"Me? Ugly? What are you saying. I won the award of the most handsome man in..."

He stopped talking when Isabella turned back to him with a glare, which made her look harshly cute.

"Is that the point?" She raised her voice

Sebastian shook his head silently.

"The point is..". She sniffed, trying to hold back the tears coming.

"The point is, you hurt me. And said...and said very mean things to me. You..you jerk". She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She cleaned it immediately.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I really am. Believe me". Sebastian said.

"My guardian angel didn't raise me to be that kind of person. That side was the..". Sebastian looked at the ceiling for inspiration.

"...was my depressed side?" It came out like a question.

Isabella just stared at him

"I'm really sorry for what I said. I took it out on you when I shouldn't have. Please forgive me". He bowed his head.