Isabella remained sitted on the floor, shivering slightly from the cold.

Her lips remained parted in shock but she just stared ahead blankly.

'It didn't make sense, nor of it does.'

'Why her?'

Isabella rose to her knees and began crawling around the living room aimlessly.

"The news says he's dead, so how come he's here. In her house?!"

As Isabella thought about this, she continued crawling around the room.

Sebastian stood watching her from a distance with a weird look on his face.

"What is she doing?" He muttered.

Isabella suddenly stood up, raising her fist in the air with a determined look.

"I must keep my distance at all cost". She said to herself and nodded.

"Yes. Respect is the key". She said again and looked around.

Sebastian immediately hid behind the door.

Isabella shuddered again and looked down at her wet clothes. She sighed deeply.

"I should change from this". She mumbled and entered the bathroom.

Sebastian came out from his hiding spot and chuckled softly.

"This should be interesting".


It was already late in the night but it was still raining heavily outside.

Thunder clapped greatly and Isabella changed her position on the couch she was sleeping on.

She pulled the duvet closer to her neck, trying to warm herself up because of the cold.

"Please... No.... please let me out." She mumbled sleepily

"Someone....help.. help me."

It was obvious she's having a nightmare again and it usually gets worse whenever it rains.

As much as she tried to shake it off. As much as she tried to shake of the painful feeling she had, it still kept coming back.

Tears slipped out of her tightly closed eyes.

Sebastian came out of the room, itching his disheveled hair that fell over his eyes. He still looked sleepy but he had to get a glass of water.

Back home, there was always a jug of water beside him every time but now it was different.

He attempted to walk past the sleeping Isabella but then her soft cries stopped him on his tracks. He turned to her.

"No.... please.... Isabella held onto the duvet tightly as she tried to wake up from her horrifying dream.

Her chest rose and fell from breathing heavily.

Sebastian just stood watching her with a blank look.

Thunder rumbled loudly above the sky but Sebastian just stood watching her struggle.

Few seconds later Isabella calmed down and her heavy breathing lowered, more tears slipped from her eyes and she finally relaxed.

Sebastian looked away immediately and went into the kitchen to get the glass of water.

Minutes later, he came back and started heading to the room but then he stopped to look at her.

From her position, he was sure she's not comfortable sleeping on the couch.

A thought crosses Sebastian's mind and he shook it off.

He was used to living a comfortable and carefree life were he had a whole king size bed to himself.

He gave Isabella a side eyed and scoffed.

"I can't believe this. She would have to make do with the couch." He grumbled and went into the room without looking back.


Usually, after a long nightmare and heavy rainfall she would still feel cold whenever she wakes up. Even if she's dressed fully to the neck, the coldness would still be there.

But now...

Isabella snuggled closer to her warm pillow that seemed to be moving. She didn't care if that was odd, she just wanted to enjoy this warmth.

The smell of lavender invaded her nostrils and she smiled in her sleep.

This feeling. She didn't want it to end just yet. It made her think of pastries.

"More pancakes please." She muttered drowsily

The sun shone right through the curtains making her open her eyes slowly.

She held onto her warm pillow tightly as she squinted to regain her blurry sight.

When she did, her eyes widened like the size of the moon because lying next to her; holding a book which he read attentively was none other than Sebastian himself.

Isabella hadn't recovered from that shock when she also realized that she wasn't on the bed but on him instead and she was holding onto his waist very tightly.

"Pillow.... where's the pillow?" Isabella thought as her eyes darted around nervously.

Of course there was no pillow. She's laying on the warm beating chest of Sebastian freakin Harper!!

Memories of last night's discovery flooded her mind and her eyes widened even more.

"Se... Sir.... I... Ahhhhh"

She screamed as she fell from the bed.

Sebastian finally turned to her, his eyes blankly stared directly at her.

Isabella couldn't tell if he angry or not.

"You snore like a pig." Sebastian finally broke the silence and turned back to reading the book in his hands.

Isabella sprang up in defense.

"I don't snore, I never snore. I was told that I sleep like an angel." She argued loudly and immediately covered her mouth.

'What is she doing?'

Sebastian just stared at her.

Of course she didn't snore, he just wanted to tease her.

Isabella thought of something and she immediately crossed her arms over her chest.

'Did he try to take advantage of her?'

As if he read her mind, Sebastian said.

"Don't worry, you're not my type." He muttered.

'Yeah right you jerk'. She cursed him inwardly as she secretly made faces at him.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and got off the bed, without saying anything, he walked out of the room.

Isabella tried to process what had just happened.

"Why did she wake up in the bed and with him!!?"


Sebastian sat on the couch, his gaze on the book he was holding but his mind wasn't.

Last night when he had found Isabella in that state, he couldn't just leave her like that.

Yeah, he carried her to the room and made her sleep on the bed but then what. Was he supposed to sleep on the couch like it was done in the movies?

That's bullshit and also, the bed was big enough for two people.

Isabella came out and he looked at her, thinking about what had happened last night.

'Why does she keep having nightmares? Why is she alone and why did she have that look of sadness and longing in her eyes?'

He wanted to know.