ISABELLA was making breakfast as quickly and quietly as she can. She didn't want to offend the man in her house.

She began to wonder why she was suddenly feeling this way. The fact that she didn't want to get on his bad side or do something stupid. Was it because he was a renowned Billionaire who everyone thinks is dead but he's right in her house, sitting on her couch and reading 'How to keep the mind Sharp'.

She bit her lip; like she does every time she's nervous.

He had that usual blank look on and she couldn't tell if he was angry at what happened earlier. He just told her to make him food cause he was hungry.

"Jeez, I'm going nuts." She roughed her hair in frustration.

After stirring the soup for a while, she brought down the pot and turned off the gas cooker. She took out a plate from the racks and scooped some in it.

Sebastian looked up from the book in his hand when he smelt the nice aroma from the plate of food Isabella had placed on the table before him.

His stomach rumbled in hunger and swallowed.

Isabella stepped back after setting the table for him to have his meal.

"Your meal is ready Sir." She said and immediately cussed herself.

'What the heck? I'm not his Butler'

Sebastian didn't seem to register her words, he was busy filling himself up.

Isabella just stood and watched with many thoughts running through her head.

She wondered what had happened to him. It was obvious that he got into an accident but she wanted to know more.

Sebastian coughed and she immediately passed him the glass of water.

"Sorry Sir." She said softly.

Sebastian gave her a look while drinking the water. He finished it and placed the glass on the table.


This was the kind of thing Isabella didn't like. Yeah she used to live alone before he came into her life but she still hated silence, especially an awkward one like this.

Sebastian finally looked at her and said.

"Sit down."

Isabella hesitated. she said in her head.

Sebastian crossed his hand and rested his back on the couch with a playful smirk on his face.

"Sit down now, or sit down ten seconds later, minus your shirt." He said

Isabella's cheek turned red and her eyes bulged. She immediately gripped her shirt in her hand and went over to sit near him.

Sebastian looked at her. "Three questions." He said

Isabella turned to him with a raised brow.

"You get to ask me just three questions and I'll answer. You deserve that much." He said

Isabella's eyes lit up. Three questions wasn't enough but she should use this chance to get some information.

She shifted closer to him, exhibiting her cute behavior.

Isabella wanted to ask but then shook it off.

It's obvious he had a accident so it would be a waste of question.

"Why aren't you trying to contact your family, tell them you're safe?" She asked

Sebastian looked at her. "Because I have something to do first." He replied

Isabella frowned.. but she asked her other question.

"Do you plan to stay here for long?"

Sebastian chuckled. "You're already kicking me out?"

Isabella pouted. "I didn't say that, don't use my words against me."

Sebastian shook his head.

The last question. She had to think about this one carefully or she might never get a chance to know more about him.

"Do I get to ask another question after this?" She asked

"Nope." Sebastian stood. "Questions over."

Isabella's eyes widened in realisation and she rushed to him.

"Wait." She called after him.."that's not fair."

"I said three questions." Sebastian said

Isabella held his hand making him stop. She withdrew her hand immediately.

"One last question please." She said softly.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said

Isabella looked down. "What... what'd you plan to do with me?" She asked

Sebastian studied her for awhile in silence. When Isabella didn't hear anything from him, she looked up and met his piercing gaze.

He suddenly smirked and took a step forward. Isabella moved back.

"Depends kid bunny, what should I do with you?" He asked lowly

Isabella's eyes darted around, looking anywhere but his face.

"Um... I" She didn't know what to say.

Sebastian held her shirt and pulled her closer. Isabella gasped in shock.

"Sebas.... Sebastian." She called softly.

Sebastian suddenly laughed, his deep voice ringing out richly.

Isabella just stared at him in surprise.

Sebastian stopped laughing and let go of her shirt slowly. He gave her a small smile.

"Don't worry bunny, I don't plan on involving you in anything." He said

Isabella looked away, trying to hide her already red face.

Sebastian ruffled her hair. "Just continue to make me food, buy me lots of strawberries and...." He paused

Isabella looked at him.

" me Sebastian." He finished.

Despite everything, Isabella found herself smiling, her dimples going deeper.

"Yes Sebastian." She replied happily