IT'S SATURDAY. Isabella had the whole day to herself but she still needed to do something first before she could think of resting.

It was a good thing she had brought some books from the library so Sebastian had something to occupy himself with. And she also got him some strawberries.

What a sweet kid. Sebastian had thought as he licked his lip.

After their talk Isabella had gone out to do whatever she wanted and Sebastian was alone in the house. But from time to time he would glance at the wall clock to keep track of time.

'No pain no gain' He read and chuckled.

It made him remember the time he had to do that meager job of offloading boxes.

Yes he was brought up in a wealthy family but that didn't mean he was a spoilt brat all he time.

That day, after the day's work he was given his payment and also strawberries.

Maybe because he did a good job on his first day or the supervisor really bought his lie about him having a scar and skin reaction so he pitied him.

Either way, he was paid and also given strawberries. That was enough for him.

The time finally struck twelve and he stood up. He was going back to that house since the Madam had already made him a temporary worker there.

He didn't have a problem with that, as far as he got strawberries everyday and was also paid then 'No pain no gain'.

He didn't plan to let the girl shoulder all his stuff expenses, he was more responsible. He knew that she was trying her best and he was going to find out more about her. Not that he's forgotten about that.

As usual, he wore his cap and scarf before heading out. He knew it was risky to be walking out like this so he tried to be discreet as possible.

He finally got to the house and he was welcomed by the same man who had supervised them the previous day.

"Norman." The man called at him.

Yupe, it's exactly what you're thinking. But he had to do it to avoid any bit of suspicion.

Sebastian bowed slightly. "Good day to you Sir."

The man smiled at him. "I'm glad you could make it, come with me." He said

Sebastian nodded and followed him behind, leading him into the big compound.

Sebastian didn't take any interest in the beautiful background of the house. It was obvious the owner was a hot shot but he's seen this kinds of things lots of times. Even better.

The finally stopped at a field and the man pointed at a group of young men who were carrying logs of wood.

Sebastian tried to look unfazed but he was literally grumbling inside.

He sighed

"I'm sure you can take it. You seem fit." The man sized him up

Sebastian so wanted to say that out loud but he kept his mouth shut.

"Go on and join them." The man said and turned to leave but Sebastian stopped him.

"Do I still get strawberries like last time?" He asked

The man looked surprised but he answered. "Uhh... Yes. I can have that arranged for you." He said

Sebastian nodded and went towards the field to join the group who were carrying woods.

The man stood to watch.

Without much effort, he lifted three woods and carried them to the back of the truck which was parked on the side.

The man smiled. "What a guy." He mumbled and went the other way


HOURS passed by but Sebastian and the others were still working. They had taken a break not so long ago and after getting back thier strength, they went back to work.

A car stopped and the door opened. Nelson came down from the car and ran over to the other side to open the door, Isabella also stepped out with a smile.

She was holding a box tightly and she smiled at Nelson as she conversed with him.

Sebastian who had dropped the last batch of woods in the truck stopped to take a breather and that's when he saw them.

He watched them in silence as they just talked.

Isabella turned to his direction and thier eyes met, he turned away immediately.

"I told you, I would give it to grandma myself. You didn't have to bother coming here." Nelson said

They were already getting close to Sebastian, so he could here what they were saying.

"Your grandma wanted me to deliver this myself, she would throw a fit if I don't do it." Isabella said

Nelson rolled his eyes jealously. "You have time for my grandma but not me."

Sebastian scoffed. "What the heck!!"

Nelson saw him and squinted. He had seen this same person before the other day. But he only remembered because of the scarf.

Isabella didn't seem to notice because she was busy checking the box to see if everything was intact.

"Let me get this to grandma, I have to get home quickly." She said and walked past Sebastian

Sebastian so wanted to pull her back and scold her but he restrained himself.

"You're the temporary worker grandma was talking about." Nelson's voice made him turn.

Sebastian simply nodded.

Nelson smiled politely. "I'm Nelson, the Madam's grandson." He said

Sebastian wanted to walk away from this kid. Why the hell was he introducing himself?

"Norman." He said and bowed slightly attempting to leave but bumped into Isabella.

Isabella gasped as she was about to fall but Sebastian caught her quickly, holding her waist tightly.

Nelson who was rushing to help her stopped in his tracks.

Isabella's eyes locked with Sebastian's and her brow twitched.


Sebastian: "...."