SHE would never forget this pair of dark piercing eyes. And since they were close, she could smell his familiar scent of lavender.

Yupe. It's him.

Nelson came forward when he saw that Sebastian wasn't letting go of her.

"Isabella, are you alright?" He asked

Sebastian steadied her on her feet and Isabella smiled slightly before nodding.


Nelson turned to Sebastian and was about to say something.

"Hey Norman." The supervisor Mr. Gabriel called

Isabella frowned. "Norman?" She quizzed.

Mr. Gabriel got to him and handed him a small bag. Sebastian peered inside and his eyes lit when he saw the strawberries.

"The strawberries you asked for." Mr. Gabriel said

"Strawberries?" Nelson frowned

"Additional payment Sir." Mr. Gabriel chipped in

"Didn't you buy some strawberries on your way back?" Nelson turned to Isa

"Yeah, but I think he doesn't need it." Isabella muttered

Sebastian gave her a look. While Isabella secretly stuck her tongue at him.

"Oh right, Nelson your grandma wants to see you." Isabella said

Nelson grumbled. He knew his grandma wants to pester him again.

"See you later Isa." He turned and waved at her

Isabella waved back and then turned to Mr. Gabriel and Norman.

"I should get going." She turned to Sebastian. "I hope we meet again, Norman." She said

Sebastian could clearly hear the sarcasm that laced through her voice. He chuckled softly.

Isabella turned and left also.

"Well Norman. See you tomorrow." Mr. Gabriel patted him on the back and also left, going back to inspect the other workers.

Sebastian licked his lip and also turned to leave.


On getting home, he met Isabella coming out of the kitchen holding a spatula.

"Hey Kid." He waved at her lazily.

"Hello Norman. Did you enjoy your outing?" Isabella spoke.

Sebastian sat on the couch and removed his cover, he groaned.

"Don't even start." He said

Isabella walked to him with a worried look. Forgetting the fact that she was about to scold him.

"Are you okay?" She asked

Sebastian shook his head as he stood up.

"I'm going to take a bath. Prepare my strawberries before I come back." He said and walked to the bathroom.

Isabella threw her fist in the air.

"That mean, arrogant jerk." She cussed.

She went back to the kitchen and poured the strawberries in a bowl, also adding the ones she had bought to it. Then she washed and placed them in a new bowl.

"I think I should have a taste." She muttered and took one which she put in her mouth slowly.

"Hmmm so sweet." She moaned in delight and took another one.

"Wow... I should have gotten more." She said and licked her lip.

She carried the bowl and went back to the living room were she placed the bowl on the table. She then sat on the couch.

Not being able to resist the sweetness, she took another strawberry and ate.

Minutes passed by and Isabella was busy eating the strawberries.

This time Sebastian had come out of the bathroom and was staring at her with murder in his eyes.

"HEY!!" He yelled and Isabella who was reaching out for another one flinched in shock.

"What the heck? You almost finished it." Sebastian fumed as he picked up the bowl.

"Sorry, it was so delicious I couldn't resist." Isabella licked her lip

Sebastian eyed her. "Greedy bunny." He spat

"I'm not greedy, just one please." Isabella said, advancing towards him

"No." Sebastian said

"Pleeaasse." Isabella switched to her puppy mode, blinking her eyes in the most cutest ways.

Sebastian's hand froze halfway to his mouth as he stared at Isabella who was busy blinking cutely.

His eyes twitched as he stared at her.

Seeing that he was distracted, Isabella took that chance and leaned forward to take the strawberry in his hand with her mouth.

Sebastian frowned as her lips brushed his hand.

Isabella smiled triumphantly as she chewed on the strawberry, she got up and went to the kitchen.

Sebastian looked at his hand and then back at Isabella who had disappeared into the kitchen.

He gritted his teeth. "That little vixen." He growled lowly

• B CITY •

ORBIT was currently packed full with the many reporters that swarmed around like bees.

Harper had decided to hold a conference meeting were he would answer the public's questions.

Lucas looked at him. "Are you sure about this Sir?" He asked

Harper nodded and adjusted his well straightened out suit.

The door opened and they both stepped in.

The light from the camera increased as he walked to the Chairman chair and sat down.

The conference began.