
"Won the award of the most handsome man of the year."

"Finished from college when he was just twenty years old."

"Worked in his dad's company as a Deputy manager."

Isabella was amazed as she scrolled through her phone.

She didn't know much, so she had decided to do a little research on him.

"His like a legend." She muttered as she continued to scroll through.

She came across a picture of him and a lady. The lady had her lips on his cheek and the caption read 'Mi amour'.

Isabella stared at the picture for long. He looked happy, satisfied. She scrolled past the picture and shut her phone.

"Is that his girlfriend?" She muttered.

Well it's not a surprise that he has one, given his legacy.

She sighed and gulped down the glass of water beside her. Her phoned buzzed and she unlocked it.

It was notification. She tapped it.

"Today, the Chairman of Orbit has decided to hold a press conference to answer the impending questions of the public." The reporter said

Isabella immediately left the kitchen.

"Sebastian." She called

Sebastian came out of the room with a frown.

"What is it? I'm trying to get some sleep." He said grumpily.

Isabella showed him the live video.

"It's your Dad right?"

Sebastian took the phone from her and sat on the couch. Isabella also did the same and they both watched in silence.

"Chairman, tell us why you hid the fact that Sebastian Harper is dead?" A reporter asked

"Sebastian is my son, and if I decide to conduct his funeral secretly I don't see anything wrong with it." Harper replied.

"Do you think that your son had any enemies?" Another reporter asked

"Business is like politics. And Orbit is on the leading establishment in the whole of B City, we're bound of have enemies." Harper answered

He had come well prepared this, he knew that this was going to happen. He had to be strong.

"Chairman, about a month ago you had passed down Orbit to your son Sebastian, but now that his dead, what becomes of Orbit?"

There was silence around the conference room

Sebastian tensed as he heard this.

He watched as Harper inhaled before answering.

"Orbit was built by me and with the help of my family. Sebastian..." His voice faltered a bit. "Sebastian was supposed to take over as my son, but now....

Lucas didn't like this, from where he stood, he could see that the Chairman was holding it together.

"So what you're saying now is, there's someone else who would take over the company now that Sebastian is no more." A reporter chided in

Lucas silently cursed the reporter.

But Harper nodded. "Someone else will take over Orbit. But it will be someone worthy?"

"Like a match. May the best man win?" A reporter added

Harper nodded with a forced smile and then stood up.

"I've answered your questions. That is the end of today's Conference meeting. Thank you all for coming." He bowed slightly and then walked out.

The reporters rushed to him but the guards standing by blocked them.

Eventually, Harper got to the car and he entered with Lucas. The car drove off.

Sebastian dropped the phone on the table.

"Someone else?" He mumbled

Isabella studied him. "Are you okay?" She asked softly

Sebastian didn't look at her. He was busy putting pieces together.

"Maybe it's another family member who would take over." Isabella mumbled as she took her phone

Sebastian's head turned to her swiftly.

"What'd you just say?" He demanded

Isabella blinked. "That it might be another family member who would..."

Sebastian sprang up.

He had been receiving death threats and calls since the day he started working in the company as a Deputy manager. Whoever it was knew everything.

Most times, the Harper's didn't announce anything to the public until they unanimously agree to it.

Just like when he was to start working in Orbit. Nobody knew about this except for his family.

Second was when he was to be made CEO of Orbit. That information wasn't announced to the public but then he received a death threat too.

Whoever it was must have some inside information and that's why he always gets wind of the things happening on the inside.

His trip to X province.

Sebastian faced Isabella and cupped her face making her lips puker.

"You are a genius bunny." He said and pecked her forehead before heading to the room

Isabella stood confused at what had just happened. Her cheeks slowly turned pink and she giggled.

Sebastian got to the room and took out his book where he wrote most of his findings.


He wrote it down in capital letters.

Now he has to find out who this insider is.