Living with the Innocent Bunny

Sebastian remained in his room for long and Isabella was beginning to worry about him.

Was he thinking too much, did he need help?? These questions swirled in her head.

For some reasons, she wanted to know more, she wanted to help him in anyway she could which was strange.

Isabella had always bee the reserved type. She didn't want to concern herself with other people's matter and mostly didn't want to get involved. But here she was thinking about helping a man who she just met a month ago.

Isabella sighed and knocked her head slightly.

"Snap out Isa." She scoled herself mentally

She bit her lip as she looked at the closed door. She shook her head immediately.

"I'll just go check on him. Yes that's right, I need to know if he's okay or not." She spoke convincingly to herself.

She walked to the door and knocked on it hesitantly.

"Come in if you have something good to give me." Sebastian's voice rang from the inside.

Isabella raised her leg as if she was about to kick the door.

She opened the door and poked her head in.

"Hey." She tried to sound casual

Sebastian didn't look up from the book he was writing on.

"What?" He asked

"Do you know that a frog can jump higher than an Eiffel tower?" Isabella asked in the most innocent tone.

She looked like she was trying to figure out the answers herself.

This time, Sebastian raised his head to glare at her.

"Yeah I'll just go." Isabella closed the door immediately at the sight of his menacing glare.

Sebastian focused back on the book but Isabella opened the door again.

"What has an eye but doesn't see?" She asked, looking like a third grade teacher.

Sebastian sat up to look at her properly, maintaining the frown on his face.

"What're you doing?" He asked

Isabella shrugged innocently. "It's a harmless question."

"Go away buzz." He waved dismissively.

Isabella pouted as she went out.

For a few minutes, there was silence and Sebastian was able to focus on what he was doing. But then the door opened and Isabella stepped in.

Sebastian groaned, he was clearly annoyed by what this girl was doing.

"For fuck sake, I'm trying to focus here." He snapped at her.

"Do you know that the Earth is flat?"

"No it's not." Sebastian answered in impulse. "Did you sit at the back of class when the teacher was in class?"

"Aha, I've got your attention now." Isabella grinned triumphantly.

Sebastian picked the pillow and threw it at her. Isabella ran out of the room.

Sebastian scoffed. "What the hell is wrong with her?"

He sighed and looked at the book. He had written a whole lot of things but he felt that a part of his memory wasn't functioning.

He was forgetting something, something very crucial. He groaned and rubbed his aching forehead.

Maybe some part of his memories was still blur because of the accident. He sighed and laid in the bed.

"I wonder what's happening." He mumbled and his lids grew heavy and he succumb to sleep.

Minutes later Isabella slowly opened the door and peeked in. Her eyes glinted when she saw that he was sleeping. She quietly and cautiously tip toed towards the bed and squatted down to get a clear view of his face.

"He looks even more better when he's asleep and not ranting." She muttered

"Handsome meanie." She puckered her lips and her eyes twitched.


Isabella stood up abruptly, her face red with embarrassment. It was now she realized that she had called him handsome more than once.

What's wrong with her these days.

"As if, I've seen better. He's not handso...." The rest words trailed off when she looked at his sleeping form.

The ways his black hair fell over his face, covering a part of his eyes. His pink thin lips and his full brows that was stretched peacefully and wasn't creasing. The way his manly hands gripped the pillow gently.

Isabella flinched again. 'MANLY! HANDS?!

Suddenly the room became hot and she grabbed her face, her cheeks pink with blush.

"I should get outta here. Yes." She nodded her head urgently and left the room quickly.

Sebastian slowly opened his eyes and his lip lifted into an amused smirk

He wasn't fully asleep and he heard every thing she had said. It almost made him laugh but he restrained himself.

He sat up on the bed and stared at the door with a glint in his eyes.

A thought came to him and he grinned evily.

He was gonna exact his plan on her. Many naughty thoughts flooded his head and his grin widened.

"Damn this was gonna be fun." He needed to relieve his stress and she was the perfect target.

He can't wait to see the fierce cute look on her face.

With that thought in mind, he laid back on the bed and shut his eyes.