Living with the Innocent Bunny <2>

HOURS LATER, Isabella sat on the couch, her gaze solely focused on the phone in her hand as she scrolled through it.

She was trying to find any other information regarding Sebastian but they were all the same.

It seems like they all thought he's dead. She saw the video of the helicopter which crashed at the coast side and she decided to watch it.

"Too bad." She mumbled and scrolled past and that was when she came across his personal account.

She hesitated as she stared at the phone.

"It's not like I'm stalking him right?" She muttered to herself.

Of course it wasn't stalking, she was just looking for information and trying to know more about the man who is currently living with her.

With that thought in mind, she clicked on his profile and began to go through it.

Most of it were side pictures of his face, some were pictures of the night sky with stars twinkling on it. The rest were all about his love life.

Isabella was too engrossed in her findings that she didn't notice Sebastian who was behind her.

"I see you're stalking me now." His voice brought her out of her trance and she jolted up.

"Sebastian...." She called nervously and hid the phone behind her.

Sebastian raised a brow at her.

"Why are you suddenly being so nervous, eh bunny?" He asked teasingly

"Nervous?" Isabella scoffed as she put up a composed demeanor. "I'm not nervous and I'm definitely not stalking you." She defended

Sebastian chuckled and made himself comfortable on the couch.

"Is that so?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Yes." Isabella answered simply

Sebastian studied her for a while. His dark orbs seemingly piercing into her soul. Isabella became nervous under his scrutinizing gaze.

Sebastian slowly smiled. Revealing a very innocent childish look.

Isabella was confused as to how he could suddenly switch faces just like that. She had to keep her guard up.

"I'm hungry bunny." Sebastian said, blinking his dark eyes cutely.

It made Isabella remember the first time he had said that to her. She shivered slightly when she remembered the outcome.

She didn't need to be told twice, she quickly rushed into the kitchen after assuring Sebastian that she would be quick in making lunch for him.

Sebastian giggled as he watched her scramble into the kitchen.

"This is gonna be fun." He singsong as he tapped his fingers on the couch.

Soon enough, he stood up and leisurely made his way to the kitchen with his hands in his trouser pockets.

He leaned on the door and watched Isabella who struggled to pick up the can of salt he had deliberately placed at the top counter.

He knew she couldn't stand up to that height and that was why he placed it there.

With a sly grin, Sebastian folded his arms on his chest and watched amusingly.

"I don't remember keeping this up there." Isabella mumbled angrily as she stood on tip toes

"Need some help shorty?" Sebastian asked

Isabella turned to him with a slight frown, giving him a sharp look with her brown eyes.

Sebastian's eyes glinted when he saw this.

"I can handle this myself." Isabella replied stubbornly.

Sebastian purred. "Tch tch. Too bad." He shook his head

Isabella tried not to make any ridiculous face at him so she just turned back to the counter and tried to reach for the salt unsuccessfully.

Seeing her struggle, Sebastian decided to help. As the knight in shining armor, he knew it was the right thing to do for a maiden.

Sebastian chuckled softly with that ridiculous thought on his head and he slowly made his way to Isabella who seemed to be unaware of how close he was.

"Just say please and I'll gladly help."

Isabella suddenly felt his breath on her neck, startled by the closeness, she lost her footing but Sebastian was quick to her hold her by the waist.

Her back slammed on his chest as he circled his hands on her tummy.

Isabella's face turned red at this.

Sebastian's eyes glinted with amusement and he effortlessly reached out for the can of salt which he placed on the table.

For a minute, Isabella's mind went blank.

She couldn't think. It was as though her brain had gone numb and stopped functioning.

She felt his hand tighten around her and she shuddered, taking in a long gulp of breath.

"What the hell was happening? Why was she suddenly breathless?"

Before she could react, she felt her self being spun around and she came face to face with the culprit himself.

His face was just inches apart from her's and she could see the taunting smile on his lips.

"Are you okay bunny?" He asked

'OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY!!' Isabella wanted to scream but she found herself nodding instead.

Sebastian's lip lifted into a teasing grin.

"That's good then." He muttered and before Isabella could think again, she felt her legs being lifted up from the ground.

Her hands instinctively circled around Sebastian's neck and she released a gasps.

Sebastian placed her on the wooden table and stood between her legs.

Isabella's eyes remained widened in disbelief.

Their faces were just inches away and she could clearly feel his hot breath fanning on her face.

"Shall we begin?" Sebastian asked after a long silence, his hands still resting on her waist and his head cocked to the side as he awaited her reply.