The Chairman's decision

FOR A WHILE, a deafening silence descended the whole kitchen.

If it was possible, the only that would be heard was Isabella's heart that seemed be hungry for freedom. The stupid heart was beating so hard on her chest and she feared it might pop out.

Her eyes remained on Sebastian's who seemed to be watching her with interest.

"Was he enjoying this?"

Isabella didn't like how she had reacted to his touch earlier, she didn't like that smug look on his face. But then, she couldn't bring herself to say anything.

"Three questions." Sebastian's voice interrupted her train of thoughts.

"I get to ask you three questions just like you did to me. And you must answer them all." He said

Isabella was still confused. She didn't know if it was the effect of his closeness or the fact that she didn't understand his question well.

"Wh.. what're you... what're you talking about?" She stuttered, trying to regain her composure.

She couldn't let herself melt just at how close he was. That was stupid.

"You are going to answer any three question I ask you." Sebastian said again.

Isabella bit her lip nervously as she tried to look anywhere but his eyes.

"So..." Sebastian prompted. "Are you game?" He asked

Isabella finally found a little strength and she straightened her head up.

"And why should I do that?" She asked, trying to sound brave

Sebastian smirked at this. "Reluctant I see. I don't mind it going the hard way though." He said

Isabella frowned at this but her eyes suddenly grew big and her body trembled when she felt his hands on her bare skin.

Sebastian had slowly slipped his hands inside her shirt and they were holding tightly onto her waist while both of his thumbs caressed the side of her stomach.

"Ahh what're you doing?" Isabella tried to move.

"It's no use bunny. You wanted it the hard way right?"

Isabella saw that he was clearly enjoying this and it made her mad. But she couldn't stop her resolve from crumbling under his touch.

No man had ever touched her this way before. It felt weird and strange to her, like she was going to melt any moment but also, she could also feel the warmth in his fingers.

It was like they urge her to relax. She didn't want to feel so free and relaxed just like that.

"I'm waiting." Sebastian said, his hands slowly caressing the sides of her stomach.

Isabella closed her eyes. "Fine I'll answer whatever question you want." She said finally

Sebastian smiled triumphantly.

"Can..can you please let go of me." Isabella said lowly

Sebastian shook his head. "Not until after you answer all three questions." He said

Isabella resisted the urge to smack him in the face. She didn't even realize that she still had her arms around his neck.

"Question number one." Sebastian started.


BACK IN B CITY at the Harper's Villa.

Harper was seated in his study and he just stared out the window blankly.

For the past few days, he had been attending to matters concerning Orbit and it was piling up with every second.

There was a knock on the door and he sat up before answering. "Come in."

The door opened and Lucas stepped in with Marcelo.

"We're here like you requested Chairman." Lucas said

Earlier today, Harper had contacted the both of them to meet him at in his study so they could have a discussion.

Marcelo had a neutral look on his face but he was bubbling with excitement and anticipation on the inside.

If he was correct, Harper might have called them here to decide on who would oversee the works concerning Orbit.

Knowing Harper very well, he was sure he would choose family.

Harper cleared his throat and he spoke.

"Both of you have a seat." He gestured for them to sit and the duo complied.

"I'm sure you both know why you're here. I wouldn't beat around the bush." Harper started.

"Is this about Orbit Chairman?" Lucas asked and Harper nodded.

"I've called you both here to decide on who would help oversee any matters concerning Orbit. We have just little time left and we already lost three investors. We can't afford to lose more." Harper explained

"What do you have in mind Uncle?" Marcelo asked

There was a moment of silence as both men waited to here the final response of the Chairman.

"You Marcelo..." Harper pointed at Marcelo who sat up expectantly.

"Yes Uncle." He replied readily.

"You shall go to X province and make sure the construction site and production doesn't fall a step behind." Harper said

Marcelo couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

"X Province?" He asked

"Yes. That site is going to be a very big help to us here and we must make sure it doesn't fall behind." Harper explained.

Marcelo tried to look and sound casual.

"But what about Orbit?" He asked cautiously

All these while, Lucas had kept quiet and just listened.

"I will continue to oversee Orbit." Harper gave a simple reply

"But Uncle.." Marcelo sat forward. "You will need someone to be by your side and help you with the company." He said

"That's why I've called Lucas here today." Harper turned his gaze to Lucas who seemed a bit surprised.

"Lucas has been with the company much longer and if I remember correctly, he and Sebastian trained together." Harper said and looked at Lucas. "Isn't that right?" He asked

"Yes Chairman." Lucas replied

Marcelo secretly clenched his fist tightly.

"After everything. After everything, he still didn't have a chance. He still had to fight for what was rightfully his"

He turned his gaze to Lucas and his eyes secretly darkened in rage.

'Damn you lucas.' He cursed inwardly