
Sebastian and Isabella were still in the same position and this time, Isabella had a dark look on her face.

The first two questions were alright for her answer, but hearing the last question, she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces. It was like she was stabbed a thousand times.

"Why would he ask her that?"

The first question was a silly question. He had asked if she had her first kiss.

Isabella was confused and surprised at this.

When he said 'Three questions' with a serious look on his face, she had thought it would be something that made more sense.

"Of course I've had my first kiss." Isabella retorted a reply which was a lie.

Back in high school she didn't have any friends and just the thought of crushing on the school's handsome darling was a no go area because she was damn right sure she was gonna be targeted by obsessed fans.

At the age of eighteen, most girls already had a boyfriend or had thier first kiss, most of them might have had sexual intercourse with their partners but that wasn't the case for Isabella.

Her only motive was to survive this bitter world coated in sugar.

After everything that had happened to her even at a very young age, she had learned to kill every girly desire in her and forget about the fact that 'you only live once'.

Thinking about this, Isabella's eyes turned sad. She didn't get the fact to enjoy her childhood like every other girl.

Isabella was so lost in her thinking world, she forgot that Sebastian was still there.

"You're lying right?" Sebastian's voice brought her back and she flinched.

"Wh.. what'd you mean by that?" Isabella stuttered.

Sebastian didn't say anything but moved to the next question.

"Why aren't you in college? I mean, you can work and also attend classes, so why'd you choose to work alone?" Sebastian asked

Isabella's lips twitched at this.

Of course she wanted to attend college.

Last year, there was a scholarship program and she would have; No, she should have applied for the scholarship but then she didn't.

She didn't know why she decided to back off, but it all pointed to her financial status.

"I..." Isabella bit her lip. "I don't have the money for college right now." She replied

Sebastian frowned slightly but still didn't say anything to that. He moved on to the last question.

"Why do you live alone? Where are you family?"

This question struck Isabella like a lightning bolt.

She never thought he would ask her such a question. She felt like he didn't have the right to ask her that.

"Family?" Isabella scoffed at this.

The light in her eyes disappeared and her face darkened.

Watching her, Sebastian knew he had asked the wrong question. But he wanted to know. He wanted to know why she had that hidden look in her eyes. Why she tried to hide her pain and hardship, why she had nightmares. He wants to know.

He watched the light disappear from her eyes and his hands tightened on her bare waist.

"Family you say." Isabella chuckled dryly.

"Do you know what a bad omen is?" She asked

Sebastian's brow raised.

"Or perhaps you would know what an evil spirit is." She continued.

Sebastian remained silent and just listened to her.

Isabella inhaled a long breath before speaking.

"I come from a very superstitious family. On the day I was born, it was said that my father lost his job and on his way to the hospital, he got into an accident and broke his arm. My elder brother got sick from an unknown disease and my mother..." Isabella's voice shook

Just thinking about it made her breathing increase. She didn't want to relieve that moment again. But while she was in her own misery world, she felt this warm feeling consume her. It was so warm, comforting. Why?

She looked at Sebastian with glassy eyes.

"It's okay, you don't have to say more." Sebastian said softly but Isabella shook her head.

"Why I'm I living alone? Why do I have nightmares at night?" Isabella said and Sebastian's eyes widened slightly.

"She knew."

"I know that you've been taking care of me every night but I couldn't bring myself to thank you because I wanted to avoid this question." Isabella tried to smile

"Bunny I..."

"I didn't grow up like every other kid and like every other person, I've lived a dark and painful life." Isabella muttered as she continued. "I don't even remember what my childhood life was like."

A tear slipped down her cheek and she cleaned it immediately.

"So I ran away from home and decided to start a new life here." Isabella concluded

She looked at Sebastian with a small forced smile.

"So that's that." She said

Sebastian remained silent as he stared at her. He knew she didn't say it all. He knew she was holding back. But with the little she had said, he felt that she really lived a painful life.

So why does she smile all the time? Why does she act all carefree and angelic? Why?

Isabella cleaned the flowing tears from her cheek with a chuckle.

"Ohh...why I'm I crying?" She mumbled

Sebastian pulled her closer and her face landed on his shoulder. She gasped and tried to pull away.

"Sebastian, what're you doing?" She asked

"Just stay still and enjoy this free hug." Sebastian snapped

"I never asked for a hug." Isabella shouted

"Shut up and be still. You should be glad that I'm giving you this free hug. Stop being so stubborn." Sebastian replied with a smirk

Isabella calmed down and her arms tightened around him.

"You're so mean even in this moment." Isabella sniffled.

Sebastian chuckled softly but it died down when he felt a wet drop on his shoulder.

"Hey are you crying?" Sebastian asked

"No." Isabella replied with a cracked voice.

She was obviously crying.

"Thank you Sebastian." She mumbled softly

Sebastian felt her body go numb on his shoulder and he broke the hug to look at her.

"She's asleep?" He quizzed

"What a weird girl." He grinned and carried her in a bridal style, going directly into the room.