Sebastian remembers something

SEBASTIAN sat on the side of the bed as he stared at the sleeping face of Isabella.

There were traces of tears on her cheek and he reached out to clean it off.

Her rosy cheek felt so soft in his hands and he just continued caressing it.

"Guess I'm not immune to cute things." He muttered with a small smile

He must admit, living with her for the past month has brought out a side he didn't know exist.

He wasn't the curious type. But there was something about this girl that made him want to know more, he couldn't figure it out but it felt like he had to know. He was hungry for more.

Sebastian sighed and withdrew his hand from her cheek before standing up. He looked at her for a while before leaving the room.


The light glowed on both souls that laid on the bed.

Their upper body was naked and the duvet covered the lower parts.

"So he sent you to X Province instead?" Clarissa looked at him.

Marcelo had his arm around her while his fingers absentmindedly drew patterns on her bare arm. Clarissa on the other hand, had her body pressed on his chest.

"Yes. I leave tomorrow." Marcelo replied

"When will you be back?" Clarissa asked with a pout

"Missing me already?" Marcelo looked down at her with a smirk.

"Tch. Don't get ahead of yourself Marcelo." Clarissa pushed his head and stood up from the bed.

Marcelo licked his lip lustfully as he stared at her naked body.

It was perfect, everything down to her curves. Even her long sexy legs. Any man would die for this.

'No wonder that bastard Sebastian always cherished her.'

Marcelo also came down from the bed and hugged her behind, his hands slowly groping her round fleshy breasts.

Clarissa smirked when she felt his hard member poking her butt.

"How about a farewell gift before my departure tommorow, hmm?" Marcelo spoke in her ear

"I have a shoot later today. I need my legs." Clarissa replied, trying to suppress a moan.

"Awwn, don't be like that." Marcelo slipped a finger down her legs and teased her already wet clit.

When Clarissa couldn't take it anymore, she turned and pushed him on the bed before getting on top him.

"Let's go cowboy." She grinned sexily and Marcelo immediately grabbed her hips as they both engaged in another steamy sex.


Isabella stirred in her sleep, snuggling closer to whatever she was holding as the familiar scent of lavender invaded her nostrils.

She smiled sleepily. "Cake."

But then her eyes snapped open in shock.


She turned to see Sebastian beside her, holding a book. His gaze was solely focused on it.

While she was still taking in the fact that she had woken up beside Sebastian again, she felt warm hands tighten on her waist and she was pulled closer.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red, completely red.

"You're awake?" Sebastian turned to her, his dark eyes staring deeply at her.

Isabella: "....." *Dumbfounded*

Sebastian smirked seeing her reaction.

How he loves that look on her face.

"Se....Se... Sebastian..." Her voice shook.

She had this deja Vu feeling.

Why does she always find herself in his arms? Why? Why!!!!!

"Uh... I..." Isabella tried to move away from him but Sebastian only pulled her closer.

"Come on bunny, stop being so shy. You should be use to this by now." Sebastian said with an innocent look.

Isabella knew he was enjoying this.

"Well does he have any idea that her heart was about to BURST!!" Isabella screamed inwardly.

"Sebastian... C..can you let go of me?" She spoke softly

Sebastian's eyes darkened when he heard this.

"Why?" He asked with a raised brow

Isabella was yet again shocked. "Why, did he just ask why?"

She bit her lip. Her usual method when she's always nervous.

"Stop bitting your lip bunny. You should know you're the hands of a very..." Sebastian leaned forward. "A very naughty boy." He smirked darkly

Isabella suddenly found it hard to breath.

'What the heck was he doing with her?'

She hard a funny look on her face that it made Sebastian burst into laughter making the poor Isabella more confused.

Isabella: (●__●)

"Damn you're so cute bunny." Sebastian laughed. "WOW, you're becoming more entertaining for me."

Isabella puffed her cheek in anger.

"Stop calling me cute, you make me look like a five year old." She argued

Sebastian stopped laughing and looked at her face, but then he burst into another round of laughter.

"Fuck..." He laughed loudly

Isabella became even more angry and she growled lowly.

"You're so mean. jerk." She growled and forcefully pulled away from him.

She hurriedly for down from the bed and rushed out of the room, her cheeks red in embarrassment and a hint of shyness.

Sebastian covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing any further.

"This is the type of fun I'm talking about. She's so easy to tease." He chuckled and looked at his hands which he used in holding her when she was asleep.

"Ahh I was starting to enjoy it." He muttered and licked his lips sexily.

"I should go for more." He came down from the bed in an attempt to go after Isabella but then he groaned as a migraine hit his head. His hand grabbed his head and he fell back on the bed.

"Shit... Not this again." He mumbled but then his widened as he saw some flashes in his head.

"There was someone else that day." He muttered and stood up, forgetting the pain in his head.

"Why did he forget that?" He thought

Back when the Chairman had called him and Lucas to his office and also Marcelo to make it know that Sebastian would be made CEO of Orbit.

He remembers now. He remembered seeing someone by the window. He only saw the figure but didn't see the person's face.

That's right. That information wasn't released to the public but then he was already getting death threats and it intensified.

Sebastian sat down on the bed with a cold look on his perfect face.

"That's one small step for me". He muttered