
Sebastian remained seated in the room, his mind was running wild with thoughts.

He still felt like he was missing something, like the missing piece was found yet.

He groaned and rubbed his forehead tiredly.

"My head hurts." He pouted

The door creaked open and Isabella poked her head in.

"I'm.. I'm off to work." She said, her eyes looking anywhere but his.

"Have fun." Sebastian waved at her without looking up

Isabella closed the door and stepped back with a puzzled look.

"Is something wrong with him?" She mumbled but then shook her head. "I should just go to work, I'm already late as it is." She muttered and wore her jacket which was lying by the couch, took her bag and the went out.


On her way out Isabella did her usual routine. Greeting all the neighbors who were out doing chores or something else.

"Hey Isa."

"Oh Isa, you're looking fresh today."

"I plan on stopping by the restaurant this evening so serve me first."

"No me first."

"You do realize your wife is standing right behind you right."

Isabella laughed as she waved at them.

"Have a great day." She smiled at them and made her way to the Ma'am Mitch's house.

In the morning, she had gotten a call from Ma'am Mitch who told her to come over to her house because her granddaughter wanted to see her.

Barbie was Ma'am Mitch's granddaughter and she seemed to like Isabella alot.

Barbie studies in a college at B City so whenever there's a holiday, she comes to the Province to live with her grandma.

Although she was a real brat and a proud princess, she still didn't let it get to her head, and because of that, Isabella had learned to be friends with her.

Isabella stopped at the gate of Ma'am Mitch and knocked. The gateman opened up for her and they exchanged pleasantries before she went in.

Immediately she got in, a loud voice sounded in the house. Isabella clamped her ear shut.

"I told you gran-gran, I'm doing well in my studies." Barbie snapped

"Then what's this I'm hearing from your teacher. D!! D in Maths test." That was Ma'am Mitch's voice

Isabella sighed hopelessly. "These two will never get along" She muttered.

"YOU'RE GROUNDED!!" Ma'am Mitch shouted.

"WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!!" Barbie shouted back.

Isabella looked up when she heard footsteps and she smiled slightly at the huffing figure.

"Grandma issues again." She said

Barbie nodded and sighed. "She's too harsh on me." She pouted

Isabella chuckled.

If anything, Ma'am was being lenient with her. She herself knew the kind of person Barbie can be.

"Come on. I've got some really cool stuff to show you." Barbie grabbed Isabella's hand and dragged her upstairs to the room.

Barbie was older than Isabella with one year and she wanted to be a fashion designer. And unlike Isabella, Barbie had a chubby feature with full hips and curves.

Isabella had a petite figure but it only brought out her curves whenever she wore slim clothes or trousers.

Isabella thought this was awesome. She always admired fashion designers.

They got to Barbie's room and Barbie climbed the bed where some of her clothes were scattered.

"So how've you being Isa. I kinda missed you." Barbie said as she opened her box which was full of clothes.

She arrived here yesterday but still hasn't offloaded her things.

"I'm fine. How's school?" Isabella replied with a smile

"School's boring, except for the hot guys there." Barbie blushed

"You got another boyfriend?" Isabella asked in shock

Barbie gave her a sly grin. "This one's very naughty, just the type I like." She gushed

Isabella: (●__●)

Barbie smiled at her reaction.

"How about you. Any interesting guy you like?"

Isabella choked on her spit, her face red.

"Wh.. what're you talking about?" She stuttered

Barbie laughed. "What's with that anime reaction, gosh I missed your cuteness."

Isabella giggled softly and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Barbie brought out a big bag from the pink wardrobe which stood at the right side of the room. She handed it over to Isabella.

"For you." She said simply

Isabella smiled. This wasn't the first time Barbie had done this for her.

Most times, she would get clothes and some accessories.

At first she didn't want to accept any gift from her but Barbie told her not to think of it as charity but as a gift from a friend. This made Isabella relax around her. Despite Barbie's nasty attitude, she still had a great side.

Isabella unzipped the bag and brought out some clothes; some of which were floral gowns while the others were slim fitted gowns, a pair of gray sneakers and heeled sandals.

Isabella turned green at the sight of it.


Barbie chuckled. "You should try it for a change, besides it's not that high"

Isabella shook her head in disapproval.

"The last time you made me were heels, I sprained my ankle." She retorted

Barbie raised her hands in surrender.

Isabella continued looking through the bag with a smile.

"They're so pretty. " She gushed happily

Barbie opened a cupboard and brought out a phone.

"Here you go." She stretched it towards her

Isabella's eyes widened. "No I can't take that."

"Chillax babe, I got myself a new brand last week." Barbie said and flashed her newly bought iPhone

Isabella hesitated but then a thought crossed her mind and she took the phone.

"Thanks alot Barbie, this us really nice of you." Isabella said softly

Barbie's cheek turned a shade of pink and she looked away shyly.

"Sorry it's a used one." She mumbled

"It's fine. I really appreciate it." She bowed slightly

Barbie sighed heavily but then smiled brightly.


Isabella got home and she opened the door.

"I'm home." She called out

Sebastian came out of the room and leaned on the wall, his hands crossed on his chest.

"Welcome home bunny." He replied with a small smile

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like this book then please write a review and also support me with power stones. Arigato 😇