First Step

Isabella set down the bag she carried and stretched tiredly.

Sebastian came around and peered into the bag curiously.

"What's in there?" He asked

"Girls stuff." Isabella replied and brought out a polythene bag.

Knowing her, Sebastian knew what was in it.

"Strawberries for me?" He grinned and Isabella nodded as she went into the kitchen.

Minutes later, she came back and gave him the bowl of strawberries. Sebastian gladly accepted it and it didn't take much time before he started eating.

A one minute silence followed and it was only interuptted by the sounds Sebastian made while eating.

"Oh right." Isabella reached into her bag and pulled out the phone Barbie had given her. She passed it to Sebastian who glanced at it weirdly.

"What's this?" He asked

Isabella raised a brow, "Are you blind?" She asked back

Sebastian chuckled at her feisty remark and then turned his gaze back to the phone he was holding. It gave him an idea but then he didn't know if he should do it or not.

"I bought a new SIM and registered it in my name to avoid suspicious and I also inputted my phone number." Isabella's voice drowned his train of thoughts and he gave her a small smile.

He searched through the phone and saw that she had saved her name is 'Isabella'.

Sebastian pouted, "Plain." He mumbled

"What's plain?" Isabella asked but Sebastian ignored her and went ahead to change the name.

Before Isabella could get a glimpse, he shut the phone and passed her an innocent grin making her eyes narrow in suspicion.

"Don't fret. It's all for a good cause." Sebastian said, still savouring the strawberries that was already making Isabella salivate.

"Want some?" Sebastian stretched the bowl to her and Isabella's eyes lit up.



Isabella's smile died down and she killed him a million times in her head.

"Mean jerk." She huffed and stood up grudgingly.

"You mean handsome." Sebastian corrected slyly.

"Who lied to you?" Isabella peered across her shoulder and gave him a confused look. Like he was kid who got tricked.

Sebastian chuckled yet again. This girl was making him want to use words on her.

Isabella was about to go into the room when Sebastian called her back.

"What again?" Isabella glanced at him

Sebastian patted the space on the couch, signalling for her to have a sit and she obliged.

"You need to do something for me." He said in an ordering manner.

Isabella squinted, "Excuse me?"

"Don't start bunny."

"Magic word please or you can kiss your request goodbye." Isabella folded her arms under her bosom and waited patiently.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Sebastian frowned slightly

Isabella shrugged but didn't say anything.

"Tch." Sebastian clicked his tongue. "Please." He said

Isabella nodded with a smile. "Now what can I do for you?" She asked

Sebastian glanced at the phone which was on his lap and his jaw clenched.

Maybe this was the right decision. He didn't know, but he wouldn't find any crucial clue if he doesn't do this.

Isabella patiently waited as she accessed his posture. He seemed to be in deep thoughts and also looked kinda pale. Was he sick?

She slowly reached out and placed her palm on his forehead and her eyes widened when she felt his burning temperature.

"You're having a fever." She gasped loudly

Sebastian turned to her with a small smile.

"I'm fine bunny." He muttered

Isabella gritted her teeth at his stubbornness. This would only make her worry.

"I'll get you some meds." She said and stood up quickly but stopped when she felt Sebastian's hold on her hand. She turned back to look at him.

Her face was clearly filled with worry and concern and it somehow made him cringe. He wasn't used to being looked at like that.

With a sigh he said, "I'm going to be fine. It's just a slight headache." He said

"I could clearly feel the heat when I touched your forehead. It burned my palm." Isabella raised her pink palm and Sebastian raised a brow.

"Now I know you're exaggerating." He said


"I'm fine really." Sebastian assured

Isabella stood conflicted and just stared at the stubborn man seated before her. With a sigh, she sat down close to him and felt his temperature again.

"Are you sure?" She asked softly

Unwillingly, Sebastian's eyes moved to her full pink lips and he grunted before pulling away from her touch.

"I'm fine." He grumbled a reply

Isabella bit her lip to stop any further nagging.

"So what now?" She asked

Sebastian hesitated for a while and typed a number on his newly acquired phone. Isabella watched curiously until he finished.

"Here's what I want you to do for me." He said and Isabella listened patiently as he explained his plan to her, her eyes glowing with anticipation and surprise at the same time.

"So, can you do it?" Sebastian asked after he explained everything to her.

Isabella puffed her chest up authoritatively and said with confidence that scared Sebastian, "Leave it to me."

"You're making me want to rethink it." Sebastian said

Isabella smiled prettily at him. She didn't get to do these kinds of things, it was exciting and it only fueled her excitement that she was playing a crucial role to Sebastian's plans.

"Trust me, I won't fail you." She said

Sebastian peered into her eyes, searching to see any signs of hesitation. Satisfied, he pressed the dial button on the phone and passed it to Isabella and they both waited.


LUCAS WAS BUSY arranging the last documents that needed to be cleared when his phone rang and he took it out.

His brow creased at the unfamiliar number but he swiped the green button and placed the phone on his ear.


"Lucas Anderson." The ladylike voice boomed through the phone speaker.