Chapter 5 Finally Awake

Ye Wanwan felt like she had been in a very long dream where she lived as the person she hated the most, and in that dream...

she died.

There were soft sounds by her ears. She wanted to open her eyes, but she felt terribly tired and lacked even the strength to open them.

But the sounds next to her ear became clearer and louder, as if a quarrel was about to start. Ye Wanwan couldn't help frowning and tried to open her eyes with difficulty.

The moment she opened her eyes, the glaring light made her uncomfortable, and she subconsciously raised her arm to block the blinding brightness.

She had barely moved when a sharp pain shot through her, and with a hiss, Ye Wanwan gasped in a breath of cold air.

The arguing voices by her ear suddenly stopped, and someone ran to the bedside, asking with concern, "Wanwan, are you awake?"

Ye Wanwan couldn't see the person clearly, nor was the voice by her ear very distinct.

"Wanwan, how are you feeling? Is there still any discomfort?" The girl asked anxiously, but Ye Wanwan was slow to respond and did not answer, which made the girl even more anxious. "Forget it, let's hurry and get the doctor to take a look."

Soon, a doctor rushed over and checked Ye Wanwan's basic vital signs.

"Miss, don't worry. Miss Ye is already out of danger. It's just some superficial injuries on her arm; they will heal in a few days."

The girl let out a long sigh of relief, "Thank goodness there's nothing wrong."

After saying that, the girl sat down by the bed, her face full of guilt as she spoke, "Wanwan, I'm really sorry about today."

When Ye Wanwan saw what the girl looked like, she seemed a bit lost. She didn't recognize the person before her.

But then she was frozen stiff, looking like a fool, just staring dumbfoundedly at the person in front of her.

"Wanwan, what's wrong?" The girl, seeing the way Ye Wanwan looked, couldn't help but start to worry again. Didn't the doctor say everything was okay?

Why was Ye Wanwan looking at her with such eyes? She couldn't have become stupid, could she?

Ye Wanwan's voice was hoarse, and she couldn't help but call out, "Xun Lehan."

"Yes, what is it?" Xun Lehan watched her intently, waiting for Ye Wanwan to speak.

However, after calling her name, Ye Wanwan reverted to her foolish manner, just staring at her, prompting Xun Lehan to frown with impatience.

"Wanwan..." Xun Lehan was close to crying. Hadn't the doctor said there was nothing wrong? This didn't look like there was nothing wrong at all!

Ye Wanwan's brow was furrowed tightly; her mind was a mess, and she couldn't figure out what the situation was at all.

Before Ye Wanwan could understand what was going on, another girl standing beside spoke up, "Ye Wanwan, you finally woke up. You nearly scared us to death!"

Ye Wanwan turned at the sound and furrowed her brow even tighter. This person seemed familiar too.

Looking around the room, Ye Wanwan quickly realized this wasn't Bihai Bay Villa. If she were still alive, she should be at home or in a hospital, and this place was neither her home nor a hospital.

And these two people in front of her, who were supposed to be dead...

A wave of panic surged up from deep within Ye Wanwan. What on earth was going on?

She was in a strange place, and she had seen two people who had died over ten years ago!

Was she dreaming? Or had she also died, and that's why she was seeing Zhang Xiaowei and Xun Lehan, who had died in accidents?

For the moment, Ye Wanwan could not make any sense of the situation at all.