Chapter 6 Reborn

"Wanwan, you should rest early then, if there's nothing else, we'll be leaving first," Xun Lehan stood at the bedroom door, looking somewhat flustered.

"Mm," Ye Wanwan was still in a daze, simply nodding her head.

She had too many things she couldn't figure out and now just wanted to be alone to calm down!

Xun Lehan's brow was furrowed, wanting to say something to explain the unexpected incident that happened today.

But in the end, she said nothing, reasoning that after all, it was Ye Wanwan who had accidentally fallen into the pool, and everything was fine now, so this matter should be considered over, right?

Xun Lehan gritted her teeth, concluding that no matter how one looked at it, today's events were an accident, and as the host, she had done all she could.

After watching Xun Lehan and Zhang Xiaowei leave, Ye Wanwan quickly closed her room door.

Ye Wanwan's heart was beating violently, trying to process all the unbelievable things that were happening.

She knew that when she had first awoken, it was at the Xun Family home, in Xun Lehan's bedroom.

Ye Wanwan quickly reviewed in her mind that today was Xun Lehan's birthday, and she was attending Xun Lehan's birthday party. She had fainted because she accidentally fell into the pool and had been choked by the water.

In fact, she had not attended Xun Lehan's birthday party purely for the event itself. She and Xun Lehan's group of girlfriends never really got along. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have gone at all.

The reason she went today was because of a woman—Yin Xin, who was rumored to be involved with Shen Yi last week.

Shen Yi was her lover, and of course, she could not tolerate someone deliberately trying to get close to him.

Moreover, as the only daughter of the Ye Family, she had been pampered since childhood, leading to her extremely strong possessiveness.

Anything she considered hers was off-limits to others!

So, upon learning that the little internet celebrity from tier eighteen was also at Xun Lehan's birthday party, she headed over alone, ready to confront the issue.

After all, Xun Lehan had specifically sent her an invitation. Wasn't it just to have her come over and make a scene, so they could watch the drama unfold?

Since Xun Lehan herself wasn't worried about her party being ruined, Ye Wanwan naturally wouldn't fret about it.

And so, she went to Xun Lehan's birthday party.


Such events had also occurred in her memory, but there had been no instance of her falling into the pool, and it wasn't an accident that she fell into the pool—she clearly remembered someone pushing her from behind.

Ye Wanwan couldn't fathom how everything suddenly changed.

But her mind was filled with far too many memories, so vivid that she clearly understood that these were not dreams—they were her lived experiences!

At the moment, Ye Wanwan looked around at the familiar yet strange bedroom—this was the marital room she shared with Shen Yi, to be precise, as it had been when they first got married.

In fact, there were many details she couldn't remember, but she did remember that when they first got married, the bedroom had a dark-colored sofa, which she had stained with snack oil, prompting her to choose a set of light-colored sofas later on—that was the color she liked.

There was also the fourth year of her marriage to Shen Yi when they had a big fight, and in her anger, she smashed their wedding photo that hung on the bedroom wall to pieces.

After that, the wall was left bare, but now, their wedding photo was hanging there.