Chapter 39 Are You Worried About Her Safety?

He didn't know why, but he had inexplicably felt panic just because he missed two calls.

She probably had her phone on silent and didn't hear his calls, and with a retired military bodyguard driver by Ye Wanwan's side, her safety was ensured.

Yet Shen Yi still felt an uncontrollable panic in his heart, as if he was about to lose Ye Wanwan the very next second.

Unable to find Ye Wanwan, he called her driver to confirm her whereabouts and her safety.

However, the panic at the bottom of Shen Yi's heart didn't dissipate. The thought that dominated his mind was that he must see Ye Wanwan immediately!

If he didn't, he would surely regret it!

So he came, and it wasn't until he saw Ye Wanwan drinking with her best friend at the bar that Shen Yi's heart finally settled down.

But Shen Yi was still somewhat at a loss; he had never experienced such uncontrollable emotions before, and he didn't even know why he was so panicked.

Worried about Ye Wanwan?

But she was clearly not in danger.