Chapter 12 She Must Eat Today!


Buying counterfeit goods was already unfortunate, but finding out that the "store does not exist" when searching for after-sales service was even more disheartening.

Qu Tong's thoughts: [Beep beep beep beep ****]


She learned the most important lesson in interstellar survival quite cheaply, this wasn't a loss at all.

It took Qu Tong an entire day to digest the lesson learned from this purchase.

With only one vial of nutrient solution left, she couldn't rely on just fruits.

Luckily, she had also bought a pot for making soup, which would have to do for now.

Today, she must have real food!

After yesterday's experience, her account had gained a dozen or so more followers.

Not many, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

After all, she had only started livestreaming for about ten minutes and had prepared herself to treat it as a record of her life if no one watched.

Qu Tong greeted her viewers as usual, then began to prepare the ingredients.

With no prior livestreaming experience, she could only improvise.

To avoid repeating yesterday's mistakes, Qu Tong tested the pot with hot water first to ensure it was safe before adding water again to cook rice.

While cleaning mushrooms, Qu Tong glanced at her livestream.

Hey, there were actually more than twenty people online and a few had left comments.

[Miss Exploded Pot, good morning.]

[Miss Exploded Pot, how did you deal with the after-sales service yesterday?]

[Is the host going to cook today? What are you planning to make? Be careful, haha.]

[My mom says some people just don't have the cooking gene and are suited to be kept men.]

[Is the host going to perform any special tricks today? If not, I'm leaving.]

[Without saying much else, I must admit the host's persistent spirit is commendable. Keep it up!]

[Is this chicken meat purified? If it's wild, the meat is usually bitter and incredibly hard to swallow.]

[Why bother? Isn't it fine just drinking nutrient solution?]

"Yesterday was an accident," Qu Tong was helpless about the incident and didn't want to dwell on it to avoid getting more annoyed.

She replied while preparing the ingredients: "Today, I plan to make chicken soup. I'm sure all these ingredients are edible and guarantee they'll taste good, so you all don't need to worry."

[The host's voice is so soft and sweet, unmistakably that of a cute girl.]

But most comments were still unfriendly.

[Hahaha, still tastes good? You're so adorable, host.]

[Doesn't the host have any common sense? Eating contaminated food can cause spiritual power outbreaks, you know.]

[Maybe the host can't afford nutrient solutions, and that's why they have to eat this gross and harmful food.]

[Host, you'd be better off finding a job and earning money for two vials of nutrient solution instead of wasting time.]

[Waste of time, I'm out of here.]

Qu Tong casually glanced at the comments, unbothered by the ridicule from the netizens, and continued making her soup.

She didn't bother explaining that the meat she had was uncontaminated, even though some skilled chefs were able to enhance the flavor and reduce the contamination levels of the meat through their own methods.

Chicken fir mushrooms were perfect for making soup, and when combined with chicken, the taste was absolutely fragrant and fresh. Qu Tong was very much looking forward to it.

After blanching the chicken, she put it into the stew pot along with ginger slices and the pre-torn chicken fir mushrooms. No other seasonings were necessary to make it deliciously fragrant.

While the chicken stewed, Qu Tong took out some small tomatoes from her space ring, ready to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Usually, the small tomatoes were eaten as fruit snacks, while larger tomatoes were used for cooking. She hadn't had seeds or seedlings before, and the seeds she had just bought couldn't be matured in public, so she had to make do. The taste wouldn't be too different anyway.


The live streaming room lost most of its audience due to skepticism about the safety of polluted food and Qu Tong's lack of interaction. Before long, only a pitiful three viewers remained, and even the number of followers had dropped by more than half.

Perhaps the backstage data monitoring noticed that her live streaming room couldn't retain viewers, no more were directed to her stream afterwards.

The three people who were idly hanging out in Qu Tong's live streaming room became instantly unsettled when they saw Qu Tong present a small tomato.

Awakened by My Own Handsomeness: [Girl! Is that an energy plant?]

Luoluo Bufang: [Right? Right? It looks even fresher than those sold by the Agricultural Institute, it must be delicious.]

Forever in Love with His Highness: [Miss, are you selling that energy fruit? I'm willing to pay for it.]

Luoluo Bufang: [I want to buy one too, I want to buy one too!]

Awakened by My Own Handsomeness: [Girl! No, don't add it to the eggs, that's to be eaten raw, eaten raw!]

Forever in Love with His Highness: [Aooo! What are you doing, host?!!]

Luoluo Bufang: [Host, look at me, I'm begging for a product link!]

Awakened by My Own Handsomeness: [Same here! Will pay a handsome price!]

Awakened by My Own Handsomeness: [Ptui! My hand slipped, I mean a hefty amount to purchase!]

After Qu Tong finished stir-frying the tomato and egg dish, she noticed the lamenting trio in her live streaming room.

Seeing the barrage of comments at the top of the screen, Qu Tong was a bit startled, then smilingly said, "These little tomatoes can also be used for cooking, and they taste pretty good. Here, I'll share the taste with you."

With that said, Qu Tong found the taste-sharing setting and turned it on.

Instantly, a tangy and sweet flavor was transmitted through the streaming sphere to the neural interfaces of the three viewers, instantly whetting their appetites.

Just as the chicken soup was nearly ready, Qu Tong lifted the lid and stirred in a bit of table salt.

A rich umami flavor immediately filled the air.

[Ahhh! This taste! It's incredible!]

[So the host has such good cooking skills when she doesn't mess up!]

[It smells so good, I want to eat it!]

[How did the host manage to make the food smell so good, shocking!]

Qu Tong didn't talk while cooking, and now she had some time to spare. Looking at the dismal count of three fans in the live streaming room, she decided to give out a little benefit.

"This is just a common home cooking method of the Blue Star Era, nothing fancy."

"This is my lunch, not for sale, honey. You can buy the ingredients and make it according to my method yourself."

"However, I do have a lot of these little tomatoes, which I grew myself. Since it's rare that you've stayed, I can send you a little reward. Message me your address later."

[Aow! It's like manna from heaven, love you, host!]

[Sister is beautiful and kind-hearted, muah!]

[Haha, those who left in the middle of the show just to watch the excitement must be kicking themselves now.]

[Host, I have sent my address with the hand speed of my twenty years of singleness [Heart/JPG]]

Qu Tong switched to the backstage view and saw three messages, each of which she reciprocated by following back and said, "I've received your addresses. The rewards will be sent out in a bit. I'm broke as a host, so please pay the delivery fees COD, don't reject them, okay? I'm going to eat now. That's it for today, bye-bye."

After finishing her words, the live streaming room screen went dark with a few late comments floating above:

[This is energy fruit, I'd be out of my mind to reject it.]

[The host is too cute. How can she be poor with so many energy fruits?]

[Will the host be streaming tomorrow?]

[I'll come back tomorrow to keep an eye on the host.]

[Me too, me too.]

Qu Tong, having turned off the live stream, thought about the viewers' approval of the food she had made. Considering she had made quite a lot, she decided to send some to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager to curry favor, after all, they had given her an entire planet.