Chapter 13: Building Rapport

The packaging boxes are all custom-designed to preserve food fresh.

A comprehensive logistics network has been established between the planets, divided into regular courier and teleportation. Choosing teleportation usually takes only about ten or fifteen minutes to deliver, but the logistics fee has increased many times over.

On the contact list, I found the current address of the Empress Dowager and, with a complicated expression, chose cash on delivery.

After thinking it over, feeling somewhat embarrassed, I still called the Empress Dowager.

Once the communication connected, the Empress Dowager's kind voice immediately came through, "Is that you, Tongtong? How are you doing on Star 1757?"

"You don't need to worry, Empress Dowager, I'm doing quite well."

"Tongtong, don't be so distant. You should call me Mother now. By the way, is there something you need from your Father Emperor or me?"

Qu Tong felt a bit awkward with this title and hesitantly changed it, "Mother, I've made some food and sent it to you. It should arrive soon, but... the delivery is cash on delivery."

However, the Empress laughed it off graciously, "Tongtong, it's the thought that counts. I will have the maid pick it up later—the Imperial Palace has a special teleport point, and there's no charge. Don't worry about this; there are teleport points in many places throughout the Empire, even at Yuting's Skywolf Legion."

"Has Prince Yuting returned to Abel Star?" Qu Tong caught the implication in the Empress's words and asked casually.

Abel Star is the main military base that Si Yuting guards on the Eastern Border.

"Yes, he just got back. Tongtong, you should get in touch with Yuting more often. He's like his father, a bit clueless. You have to take the initiative, or else you might be wronged."

Listening to the other side of the handset, Qu Tong could hear the Emperor's disgruntled muttering and said with a bit of amusement, "I understand, Empress. I've also prepared food for the Prince, but I don't have the teleportation address for that side."

"Wait up, I'll send you the teleportation code for the Skywolf Legion headquarters right away."

Although Qu Tong didn't have much affection for her husband, having relied on his influence, she needed to make her presence felt.

After a pleasant chat with the Empress, Qu Tong hung up and sent a package to Si Yuting as well. Although she could contact him directly from the communication list, she hesitated and didn't open it; instead, she placed a note inside the food box to test his reaction first.

After shipping out the small tomatoes she had promised to three fans, Qu Tong finally began to eat her previously insulated lunch.

Snow-white rice, sweet and sour stir-fried tomato and eggs, and deliciously savory chicken soup dotted with yellow fat. It would have been perfect with some goji berries or green onion, but unfortunately, she hadn't found any.

But this was already the best meal Qu Tong had had since arriving; she ate with utmost satisfaction.

Food is the most important thing for the people; a little nutrient solution could never replace such a pleasure.

After the meal, Qu Tong took out an apple seed she had bought and threw it into the soil.

Activating her special ability, the seed rapidly took root and sprouted, growing as tall as the surrounding trees in a matter of breaths, then flowering and bearing fruit.

Qu Tong picked the ripe fruits and placed them into her spatial ring, biting into the last one herself.

After resting for a while, she continued deeper into the forest.

She had tried the emotional stabilizer, and coincidentally, the compound was very similar to the one her chief doctor in her previous life had taught her to make.

As long as she found enough herbs, she should be able to concoct something with the same effect.


Imperial Palace

Emperor Si Chen was dealing with official business, with the Empress beside him on a couch, also working on her light computer, and occasionally chatting with the Emperor—an exceptionally harmonious scene.

Suddenly, a maid came in with a meal box; the Empress put aside her light computer and stood up, walking over to the small table.

"Ah Chen, take a break for a moment, and come see what Tong Tong has brought us to eat," the Empress called out to the Emperor seated at the head of the table.

The Emperor did not look up from his official duties, but said in a gentle voice, "You eat, I'm not hungry. I'll rest after I finish up with this work."

A bottle of high-grade nutrient solution could substitute for food for a week under non-strenuous conditions, so there wasn't a frequent need to eat, and he didn't think that the food Qu Tong brought could be better than what was available in the Imperial Palace, of course, meaning no disrespect to Qu Tong's kindness.

The Empress smiled and did not insist, instead, she opened the food box with curiosity.

The food box was neither large nor small, divided into three layers, with the top knob revealing the cutlery compartment, and a plate in the middle.

As soon as she opened the box, Gong Lingyu sensed something amiss, and drawn by the aroma that wafted out, the Empress's eyes lit up.

Lifting the first layer, she saw two white porcelain bowls filled with chicken soup, steaming hot, the soup almost golden in color, exuding a rich and savory aroma that tantalized the taste buds.

Unable to wait, she opened the second layer to find a dish of tomato and scrambled eggs, along with two small bowls of rice.

Although it couldn't compete with the delicacies of the Imperial Palace, just by smelling it, the Empress knew these dishes were no ordinary fare — the palace's own chefs couldn't produce such deliciousness.

Curious about the third course?

However, the Empress was surprised to see two transparent plastic boxes filled with fruit.

Two big, bright red apples that looked juicy and crisp and a box of vibrant Millennium Fruit berries, each one round and full, clearly of great value.

They were in no way inferior to the Energy Fruit exclusively supplied to the Imperial Palace by the agricultural institute.

In her surprise, a warm feeling also rose in her heart.

This child, what an effort.

"Ah Chen, are you sure you don't want any?"

The Empress looked up and caught the Emperor's gaze just as his attractive fox-like eyes curved into crescents, his tone teasing.

As soon as the delicious scent began to spread, the Emperor had already glanced over, unable to resist; his good upbringing kept him composed, merely looking on with curiosity.

Without waiting for the Emperor to speak, the Empress continued, "Our Emperor, so noble and busy with state affairs, should let me savor Tong Tong's thoughts alone. Later, someone better not regret it."

With that said, the Empress didn't stand on ceremony and took a spoon to start drinking one of the chicken soups, sighing with extreme satisfaction after just one sip.

The Emperor: "..."

Smelling the aroma in the air that was so appetizing, the Emperor silently swallowed saliva and put down the affairs in his hands to rise and walk toward the Empress.

When he saw the two boxes of fruit, an expression of surprised admiration couldn't help but appear on his handsome face.

Seeing the Emperor sit opposite her, the Empress shot him a glare.

Pff, so typical!

The Emperor, long accustomed to such reactions, felt no embarrassment as he picked up a Millennium Fruit and popped it into his mouth.

The juice burst in his mouth, sweet yet with a tang, the taste perfectly balanced. The best batch of fruit harvested by the agricultural institute couldn't be better.

"Who would have thought that this young lady from the Qu Family could get such fresh Energy Fruit?"

The Empress, satisfied after swallowing a mouthful of tomato and scrambled eggs, darted a warning look at Si Chen and said, "No matter where she got it from, you'd better nicely accept her intentions. Don't get any cunning ideas. Tong Tong is a daughter-in-law who is neither arrogant nor rash, sweet and clever. I like what I see, so don't you mess this up for me."