Chapter 1

**song** and **echos**

"Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you".

"It's my princess birthday today, oh it's going to be splendid".

"you know what's special mom" little Mia said

"what sweetie" mom said

"my baby brother is here to celebrate with me" little Mia said happily

"where is she, where is she" dad said playfully as little Mia giggles "oh why can't I see her"

"I'm here daddy" little Mia said and in just that second Mia was tossed up in the air by her father

"Happy birthday sweetheart, my love and everything.."

"thought I was your only love" mom said

"mommy's jealous" Mia giggles

" oh come on sweetie you own my heart" he says as he kissed her cheek



The memories was a lovely one until

BOOM, explosion the house was on fire, with little Mia and her Butler outside the big house. Mia who could not believe her eyes dashed towards the direction, with tears clouded in her little hazel eyes

"No, mom" Mia said as she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her

"everything's going to be fine" her mother's voice echos repeatedly

"No, mommy, dad don't leave me" was all she says before passing out

"Mia, Mia,"



Got up from the bed shockingly and tired,

"Same old dream" Mia said as she stops her alarm which has been beeping non stop, lays back on the bed before shutting her eyes as her phone rings, groans as she hesitantly picks it up


"Hello, good morning, how's the princess doing" Katherine said sarcastically

Mia who didn't check the caller turned her phone to check, "do I have to remind you again for the fifth time that you have a job to go to, let me guess, still in bed" Katherine said

"No, no, no I'm not I'm actually on my way right now boss not in yet right, please say no" Mia said as she dashed to her little bathroom to brush up and shower

"if Mr baldhead was here do you think I'd be talking with you, like seriously it's 8:54, 8:54 Emilia" Katherine said

"I know, I know, I promise it would never happen aga.." spits out and washed her mouth

"Again, that's what you always say, now look where we at, you deserve spanking real one and are you brushing, wait you're still at home aren't you Emi.."

"erm, I can barely hear you Trina, bout to cross the road, I'll be there in no time just stall for me, thanks love" Mia said as she hangs up the call as she steps into the shower

**few minutes**

Mia is seen walking out of her apartment while fixing her short wavy darkish red hair

"Good morning milia" her neighbor greeted

"Good morning sir" Mia said in a hurry as she got into the elevator still fixing herself. As soon as she got to the last floor she dashed into the cab that was in front of her then heads towards her work place.

**Blacksmith's penthouse**

Jonathan's feet pounded rhythmically on the treadmill as he pushed himself through his morning workout. Sweat glistened on his skin, and his breath came in short, sharp bursts. His assistant, Brandon, hovered nearby, consulting the schedule on his tablet.

"Sir, you have a meeting with the technical team at 11 a.m., followed by a conference call with the investors," he said, struggling to keep up with Jonathan's relentless pace. Jonathan's feet slowed as he brought his workout to a stop. He stepped off the treadmill, grabbing a towel from Brandon to wipe away the beads of sweat that clung to his skin. Ignoring Brandon's attempts to go over the day's schedule, Jonathan strode over to the small refrigerator in the corner of the gym and pulled out a protein-packed smoothie.

Jonathan retired to the luxurious bathroom of his penthouse, where he allowed the invigorating spray of the shower to wash away the lingering remnants of his grueling workout. Emerging from the shower, he donned his finely tailored suit, the material sliding smoothly over his lean, muscular frame. With a crisp suit encasing his muscular frame, Jonathan exuded an air of cool professionalism as he emerged from his penthouse. Without breaking stride, he gave a curt nod to his assistant. "Let's go, Brandon," he stated, his voice imbued with icy confidence.

Brandon hastened to keep pace with his employer, "But sir, your schedule for the day—"

Jonathan cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand, his steely gaze fixed on the sleek vehicle awaiting him. "In the car, Brandon.

**fiesta flavors**

Mia dashed in through the backdoor

" damn Mia what chased you" Edwin teased her

"oh shut up, is boss in" Mia said

" oh you're in luck, he's not in 9:25 seriously Mia, you even hanged up on me," Katherine said

"fine I am sorry okay, I'm here now" Mia said as she searched for what to do

"The groceries, you didn't buy them yesterday Emilia, still wondering why boss's still keeping a lazy bitch like you, oh well you knows what goes in between you two" Amanda said sarcastically, clearly from her voice you could tell that she doesn't like Mia, Mia who's trying so hard to not make any rash action just smirked then walked towards her slowly

"Why don't you ask the boss your self bitch" Mia whispers "Maybe that way you'd find out"

"The groceries, now" amanda responded not shaken by Mia's action

Mia glared at her before backing out, being that Amanda's a senior worker, no one wish to disrespect her, well except for Mia.

Mia took the list of what the restaurant need then sets off, knowing she needs to be back before 10:30 , she took a cab then heads to the groceries store.


Exiting the grocery store, Mia's arms were heavy with bags full of ingredients for the restaurant. As she made her way down the sidewalk, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the bustling city traffic. When the light turned green, she carefully stepped into the crosswalk, her arms still laden with groceries. Without warning, a gleaming black limousine screeched around the corner and barreled towards her, its driver seemingly unaware of the pedestrians in the crosswalks. In a split second, Mia felt her entire world spin out of control. Dropping her bags, she lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding being struck by the oncoming limousine. As it screeched to a halt, she stumbled, landing on her hands and knees amidst the scattered groceries. Her heart raced as she looked up, expecting to see the limo continue on its way, but it remained stationary.