With her heart still pounding, Mia scrambled to her feet, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. Her eyes narrowed as she walked toward the idling limousine, its black sheen reflecting her disheveled form like a mirror. Without hesitation, she pounded her fist against the driver's window, her anger spilling out in a torrent of words.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" she yelled, her voice a shrill crescendo of frustration. "You could've killed me!" Mia said drawing attention

"What's all this racket?" Jonathan demanded in a cold voice "I'm running late. Take care of it and let's go."

The driver nodded, whining down the window, and thrust a fistful of bills into Mia's face. "Here, take this, for the damages"

Mia's eyes narrowed in fury. "what I'm I, a money-grubber, I don't need your money! I need an apology!" Mia yelled

Jonathan's voice, sharp and controlled, carried from inside the limousine. "Why haven't we left yet? What's the holdup Tyga?", in a swift move Mia threw a pineapple at the person in control of the wheels

The driver, not expecting that action flinched as the pineapple made contact, the spiky exterior scraping his face and causing him to yelp in pain. "Are you out of your mind?" he cried.

Mia's voice was ice cold. "I warned you. Now apologize, or this will only get worse."

Jonathan, finally losing his patience steps out of the limousine, murmurs began to spread through the gathered onlookers. "Isn't that Jonathan Blacksmith?" some of them whispered, pulling out their phones to snap pictures.

Jonathan, his expression hard and unyielding, moved towards the Mia, "We've already given you what you want," he growled, his voice tight with frustration. "What more could a peasant like you possibly want?"

Mia, whose anger's now white-hot,"Peasant?" Mia hissed,"Do you see these groceries scattered on the ground? These are the fruits and vegetables that I worked hard to buy for the restaurant that I work for, only to have them thrown aside because of your driver's carelessness! And now you insult me, the person who was almost killed by your arrogance."

"And I already settled you," Jonathan snapped, his voice laced with annoyance. "Just pick up the cash and leave. You've already wasted enough of my...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Mia's hand shot up, and the resounding crack of her palm against his cheek echoed through the street. The crowd gasped, some people chuckling under their breaths at the unexpected turn of events, while others mumbled.

"Don't you ever call me a peasant again! You almost ended my life and you expect me to just accept your cash and walk away? I will not be silenced!"

The gathered crowd continued to whisper amongst themselves, some clearly impressed by Mia's fiery spirit.

"Now here's what I want, you are gonna go into that grocery store and get me all of the groceries that got destroyed ...or else," Mia demanded, her voice low and threatening. "And you will buy these groceries with your own money, not with some cheap bribe thrown out of your car window. Do you understand?"

Jonathan, his face reddening with anger and embarrassment, glared at the feisty lady in front of him, never in his life have he been disrespected like this, turned to Montez his bodyguard and growled, "Clean up this mess and buy those groceries. Do not return until it's done."

Montez who was surprised with the order given to him by his boss nodded, surveying the scene with a practiced eye. "Yes, sir."

As Jonathan stormed back to the limousine, seething in silence, Montez and Mia picked their way through the scattered produce and entered the store.

Seated in the back of the limousine, Jonathan's jaw clenched with rage. "Find out everything you can about that woman," he ordered his personal assistant, who sat opposite him, typing away on his tablet

"Yes, sir," the PA replied, already dialing numbers on his cell phone. "I'll have the information as soon as possible."

Jonathan closed his eyes, seething.

The limousine idled at the curb, the sun gleaming off its polished black surface. Inside, Jonathan paced back and forth like a caged panther, his eyes fixed on the store entrance.

Finally, Montez and Mia emerged from the store, with Montez carrying several paper bags filled with produce.

"Good," Jonathan said,"Let's go."

"Woah, woah, woah hold up, you don't expect me to carry all of this, stop a cab for me then were Even" Mia said

Jonathan's jaw tensed, his patience wearing thin. "What, now you want a taxi?" he scoffed. "Very well," he said, nodding to Montez who immediately hailed a cab.

"Is there anything else, or can I finally go about my business?" Jonathan said, his words dripping with disdain.

Mia shook her head, turning to Montez, with a smug grin, gave Montez a quick wink and turned back to Jonathan. "Oh, I think we're done here," she said, stepping into the taxi. "But I sure hope I won't see your cowardly face again Until then, Mr. Blacksmith... take care."

The cab door slammed shut, and with a flash of brake lights, it pulled away into the city traffic. Jonathan watched it disappear, his expression stormy.

As Jonathan watched the taxi vanish into the distance, Montez spoke up from the passenger's's seat. "what should I do to her, boss?"

Jonathan shook his head, his mood dark and brooding. "No. Let her go. She'll get what's coming to her." As the limo begins to move.

He settled back into his seat, his mind already turning to other matters. But there was something about Mia that intrigued him...


Mia darted through the back entrance of the restaurant, her hands full with the bags of produce. She felt eyes on her, but didn't pause to acknowledge the curious glances of her coworkers.

"Mia, are you alright?" Katherine called out.

"Just peachy," Mia shot back as she deposited the groceries on a counter, "but you won't believe the day I've had."

"Yea always causing trouble that's clearly who you are," Amanda shot back, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder."Trouble follows you wherever you go."

Mia, already seething from the day's events, turned to Amanda, her knife still in hand. "And what would you know about trouble?" she retorted, a dangerous glint in her eye.

, sensing the tension, intervened. "Whoa there, Mia," he said, his voice a gentle warning. "Just breathe, okay? just leave her alone Amanda. She's been through a lot."

"Oh, and how would you know?" Mia shot back.

Before Amanda could reply, Katherine, Mia's best friend, spoke up. "Did you not know, you're all over the net gurl"

"Such an attention bitch," Amanda huffed, crossing her arms. "Always looking for a reason to be the center of attention."

Mia bristled at Amanda's words. "What, like you're not the same way?" she shot back, her frustration bubbling over. "Always flirting with the patrons for tips."

Amanda opened her mouth to retort, but Katherine stepped in between them. "Alright, ladies, that's enough.,

Just as the tension in the kitchen reached its peak, a young man burst through the door, his expression urgent. "Hey, Mia," he panted, out of breath. "Boss wants to see you in his office right away."

Mia's stomach dropped. The last thing she wanted was more drama, but her boss rarely called anyone into his office. She wiped her hands on her apron and took a deep breath. "Thanks, Roberto. I'll be right there."

"Hmm I wonder what the boss want from you" amanda said mockingly, Mia only glared at her before leaving the kitchen.