"Mia, is that...?" Katherine's voice trailed off as she followed the path of Mia's gaze, her eyes falling on the imposing figure of Jonathan Blacksmith. "shit Mia, just go to him" she whispered

"Why?" Mia's voice was defiant.

"just go to him and apologize," Katherine whispered with concern in her eyes

Mia, her eyes still locked on Jonathan Blacksmith, shook her head in disbelief. "So what, I'm just supposed to walk over there, then apologize"

"who knows, he might let this whole shenanigan slide"

" yunno we're talking about Blacksmith, he doesn't like to be kept waiting, boss might not like that if he hears about it" Katy added in a whispery tone

"fine," Mia then faced the guard, "I'm only agreeing to this for one reason.

The guard nodded, his expression unreadable, as he lead the way.

Mia steeled herself as she approached Jonathan Blacksmith's table. The music and chatter of the club seemed to fade into the background as she focused on the task at hand. She was determined to get through this with her head held high.

"thought I hoped for us to never cross path again." Mia said, her voice steady.

Jonathan Blacksmith's eyes narrowed, but his voice remained calm. "things don't work that way, princess-"

Mia's jaw clenched. "the name's Emilia not princess." she said, while the men around Jonathan chuckled at Mia's tone

Damien, Jonathan best friend asked, "she's the one isn't she" Jonathan only ignored then sipped

"I want something from you," Jonathan said, his voice holding no emotion

Jonathan Blacksmith's words hung in the air like a guillotine, heavy with unspoken implications. Emilia's heart began to race, her palms turning sweaty. What could he possibly want from her?

Her mind raced with possibilities, each one darker and more terrifying than the last. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to remain calm. "look if it's bout what happened earlier today, then I'm sorry, I apologize, can I go now" she finally said making Jonathan chuckle

"I don't need your apologize princess, the deed is already done" Jonathan said, "I want you for the night" dropping the bomb.

Emilia's face twisted in shock and disgust. "For the night?" She choked on the words, struggling to process what he was implying. "what I'm I, a slut"

Blacksmith only shrugged in response. "You should be flattered," he drawled. "Not everyone gets the opportunity to spend time with me-"

Emilia snapped, her anger boiling over. With a force that surprised even herself, she slapped Jonathan Blacksmith across the face, causing a shocked silence to descend. The sound of the slap reverberated through the air like a thunderclap.

"You pompous pig," Emilia spat, her voice shaking with rage. "I'm not some piece of meat to be bought and sold. I'm a human being with dignity and self-respect. You can take your 'opportunity' and shove it where the sun don't shine." saying that, the men guarding Jonathan, grabbed her with full force, "Get your hands off me," she struggled, "let me go", she yelled.

"let her go," Jonathan said, shocking the men around him, including the guards

"bo- boss-" one of the guards said in a low tone

"let her go," Jonathan yelled in a low yet destructive voice, hesitantly, the guards released her making Damien scoffs

"just like that, what's wrong with you man," Damien said clearly annoyed by Jonathan's action.

"if you wish to get laid tonight, there're lot of bitches out there, like you said 'will be dying to spend time with you', oh there's one" Mia said pointing at a lady behind Jonathan, trying so hard to get his attention, "she sure do look like one, a wide-holed bitch"

"what did you just call me" Lorena snapped, Lorena rose from her seat, glaring daggers at Emilia. "You listen here, you little tramp-"

"Sit down Lorena," Jonathan said

"what, why, you heard what she said bout me, you're just gonna sit there and watch her insult me-"

"Do not make me repeat myself, Lorena."

"wow," Damien scoffs, not believing his friend.

Emilia straightened her spine, refusing to let her fear show. She took a step towards Jonathan, looking him in the eye, "I may not be as powerful as you are, but if you ever try to pull a stunt like this again, I swear I'll make you regret it." Ending her words with a smirk on her face, before walking away not without earning a deadly glare from Lorena.

For a split second, Jonathan looked taken aback, his lips parting in surprise. But he recovered quickly, giving out a cold smile as he watch her walk away.

"you amaze me, yunno" Damien said, "bro, what the fuck was that, you let her go after hitting you not once but twice"

"Not including the disrespect" Lorena butt in earning a glare from Jonathan.

"She'll get what's coming to her, she won't know what hits her" Jonathan said, taking a sip from his drink while looking towards Mia's direction, with an unreadable expression.


Back at her post, Mia couldn't escape the questioning eyes of Katy and Katherine. "Well?" Katy asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Spill. What happened?"

Mia took a deep breath, letting the adrenaline from her confrontation with Blacksmith slowly drain away. "I stood up to him."

"You did what?" Katherine asked, disbelief coloring her tone.

"What, I tried to be nice by apologizing but the asshole asked for a night, how pathetic," Mia said, as the anger she was trying to die out, rekindle

"A night?!" Katy sputtered.

"And, what did you say to that-"

"Oh I hit him, right in his fucking face-"

"YOU DID WHAT!!?" They both yelled in her face

"sheesh, you guys, I came to work not to gossip" mia said

"you slapped him, again-" Katherine shockingly said

"He was being a dick, what was I supposed to do," Mia queried, "Smile at him like some Disney princess then say 'take me my prince, do whatever you wanna do with me, I'm all yours for the night" Mia said dramatically, "oh please." she ended with a sarcastic tone

"How, just how do u keep up with her, Katherine" Katy said.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Katy, gossiping and gisting, when you should be attending to customer, hmph, pathetic" Mia said before moving away from them "hello, what should I mix up for you" she said to the customer in front of her, leaving Katy and Katherine shocked

"ooukay, what just happened-"

"Did she just-" Katy said utterly shocked.